It feels Damn good….

Jul 30, 2017
Sioux falls South Dakota
It feels so good to be excited about Cardinal basketball again.Me and my Son have made a day or night out of watching the Cards play. He was too young to understand when we won the championship in 2013 (cough,cough). So now is his first taste of seeing the Cards, even though theses Cards are not the 80, 86, or even the 2013 Cards it still makes me proud to see him get excited to watch the games with his Old Man.I was at the store and someone saw my UofL gear and told me that it felt good to have Louisville basketball back. Coach Kelsey and the team are getting recognized all the way up here in Sioux Falls, SD. I politely smiled at the Man wearing his Vikings jersey and said, “it sure is.”
Know exactly what you mean. It's so great to feel that nervous tension before a big game, or any basketball game, once again. I missed that a lot these last few years.

And of course the excitement during the games when the Cards BOOM another team and go on a big run. Their effort and energy is a joy to watch.
I've bought more new Cards gear this year than I've bought the last 4 years combined.. Awesome to have basketball back !! Thank you PFK..!!
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This team like it always has embodies the City of Louisville. It is scrappy and it will embrace being looked over and undervalued. Not only will it beat you but it will stomp you out by double digits.Just as always we fly under the radar in the regular season and show out in the tournament. I don’t care what any poll or talking head says about this team, come tournament time no one wants to see this team across from them in a bracket.