UofL Softball advances in NCAA Tourney...

You have no evidence Jurich knew about and approved any of that stuff. Just what you wanna believe.

The clowns you now have in charge thought about what they had done, they rang up Jurich BEFORE he filed a lawsuit, and they asked "would you accept $7,000,000 and go away quietly?" Not because they wanted to, but because clown lawyers said they needed to.

And "Vince" hasn't come in and raised $7,000 of new money--because he doesn't have a clue what being an AD means. He just tries to get people like you to like him. Con men can always spot an easy mark--California's full of them which is why you guys live there happily...
You keep being a Tom Jurich fan and not a U of L fan, I’ll continue supporting my Alma mater regardless who’s at the helm. Vince is killing it, and it is getting you so rustled. You probably hate President Bendapudi too. Traitor.
You keep being a Tom Jurich fan and not a U of L fan, I’ll continue supporting my Alma mater regardless who’s at the helm. Vince is killing it, and it is getting you so rustled. You probably hate President Bendapudi too. Traitor.
You're just a gullible, left coast hater. You don't like people so you'll believe anything their replacements will say. You don't even know what these people represent, just what they say--which you believe because you're gullible.

No one gives a guy $7,000,000 by accident plus what Pitino will soon receive. Thank those guys you trust and deserve...
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You're just a gullible, left coast hater. You don't like people so you'll believe anything their replacements will say. You don't even know what these people represent, just what they say--which you believe because you're gullible.

No one gives a guy $7,000,000 by accident plus what Pitino will soon receive. Thank those guys you trust and deserve...
There’s a lot of hate in your heart for the current administration at U of L. Too much love for crooks seeking monetary gain through their own misappropriation of University funds and “standards”. A sad Hoosier you are.
This is after all a U of L message board, not a Tom Jurich fan club, but keep deflecting saying others are “hating”. Fascinating bunch.
There’s a lot of hate in your heart for the current administration at U of L. Too much love for crooks seeking monetary gain through their own misappropriation of University funds and “standards”. A sad Hoosier you are.
I don't hate anyone because no one's worth that much emotion. And if I hated, I'd come live in your State with the other half-wits who live there...
I don't hate anyone because no one's worth that much emotion. And if I hated, I'd come live in your State with the other half-wits who live there...
You’re obviously unhappy with your life and situation considering you’re always talking about “other” people’s lives. Jealousy is tough for the impoverished I suppose.
You’re obviously unhappy with your life and situation considering you’re always talking about “other” people’s lives. Jealousy is tough for the impoverished I suppose.
I'm not the hater in this discussion working for his food and shelter. Unlike you, I can spend all day on a message board without a boss wondering what I'm doing.
“I’m not a hater”

Continues to rag on our current administration. You’re special, Kev.
“I’m not a hater”

Continues to rag on our current administration. You’re special, Kev.
Must really get those hate juices flowing to see people you hate with millions of dollars while you work and pay out the a$$ for a cleaner environment and safer food. Describe that in more detail because I can only imagine it...
Must really get those hate juices flowing to see people you hate with millions of dollars while you work and pay out the a$$ for a cleaner environment and safer food. Describe that in more detail because I can only imagine it...
You’re the one who has the jealous tick. Sorry your life didn’t turn out as expected, so you have to ride others coattails. Must be miserable.
You’re the one who has the jealous tick. Sorry your life didn’t turn out as expected, so you have to ride others coattails. Must be miserable.
I love the life I lead. Retired since 42 and with more money than I can ever spend. Of course, my State doesn't take 80% of what I'm worth and make.

I also noticed Jurich and Pitino don't live alongside you. Millionaires usually make good decisions...
I love the life I lead. Retired since 42 and with more money than I can ever spend. Of course, my State doesn't take 80% of what I'm worth and make.

I also noticed Jurich and Pitino don't live alongside you. Millionaires usually make good decisions...
Nope, just other multi-millionaires and billionaires. Retiring in your early 40s and still being poor and having to live in a po’ dunk state sounds right up your alley. Sorry life didn’t pan out the way you probably hope it would’ve.
Nope, just other multi-millionaires and billionaires. Retiring in your early 40s and still being poor and having to live in a po’ dunk state sounds right up your alley. Sorry life didn’t pan out the way you probably hope it would’ve.
You don't know jack about me or any other subject you try to discuss in this space. You're a typical, left coast joke...
You don't know jack about me or any other subject you try to discuss in this space. You're a typical, left coast joke...
Lol, yet you assume everything about people YOU don’t know. Typical uneducated Hoosier.
Lol, yet you assume everything about people YOU don’t know. Typical uneducated Hoosier.
You wanna trot your U of L sheepskin, assuming you actually have it? I mean how smart can you really be voluntarily living in a place where everything sucks?

'80 BS
'82 Masters Eng.
'89 MBA
You wanna trot your U of L sheepskin, assuming you actually have it? I mean how smart can you really be voluntarily living in a place where everything sucks?

'80 BS
'82 Masters Eng.
'89 MBA
Great accolades that you can’t prove. I have a bachelors of science from U of L, and two graduates degrees from UC Berkeley (a school you wouldn’t be able to get into)

You gonna measure your chode next, Kev?
Great accolades that you can’t prove. I have a bachelors of science from U of L, and two graduates degrees from UC Berkeley (a school you wouldn’t be able to get into)

You gonna measure your chode next, Kev?
You brought up education, working class hater. I used to fire people with your (under)accomplishments. I know most didn't play on the internet.

In fact, everything in my life is better than yours. But keep hating like all haters 'cuz that's what makes up the difference. Psycho...
You brought up education, working class hater. I used to fire people with your (under)accomplishments. I know most didn't play on the internet.

In fact, everything in my life is better than yours. But keep hating like all haters 'cuz that's what makes up the difference. Psycho...
You’ve never been in charge of anything lol. I love your anger, but you need to settle your britches.
You’ve never been in charge of anything lol. I love your anger, but you need to settle your britches.
Again with what you don't know. I've failed at things that are better than you on a good day. This message board is evidence...
Man, it’s such a drag making lots of money doing what I love in a beautiful place..:confused:

Your jealousy is delicious.
You ain't doin' ish playing on the internet while you're supposed to be working. Nice try from the left coast...
You ain't doin' ish playing on the internet while you're supposed to be working. Nice try from the left coast...
Yikes. You would know, right? The guy that needs to boast about every aspect of his life..:rolleyes:
Yikes. You would know, right? The guy that needs to boast about every aspect of his life..:rolleyes:
I can't speak to everyone else, but every aspect of my life is better than yours. THAT's what I'm "boasting" about...
I can't speak to everyone else, but every aspect of my life is better than yours. THAT's what I'm "boasting" about...
I guarantee you it isn’t, but I’ll let you have your fantasy hypothetical. If it makes you sleep better at night, go for it! :)
I guarantee you it isn’t, but I’ll let you have your fantasy hypothetical. If it makes you sleep better at night, go for it! :)

I think both of you guys have carried this “debate” beyond it’s original origins. Now it’s personal and both of you are simply being silly. Who know’s who’s life is better? Jeeze guys just get real and quit using our space for your little spat.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
I think both of you guys have carried this “debate” beyond it’s original origins. Now it’s personal and both of you are simply being silly. Who know’s who’s life is better? Jeeze guys just get real and quit using our space for your little spat.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
Convenient if you to quote me instead of him. Sorry but you guys let this “fan” run this board. Pretty sad.
Here we go again with his fan expertise from the Land of Fruits and Nuts...

Lol. Another image saved in his tabs. I’ve never seen a man so rustled by a state he can’t afford!
Cali-boy thinks a fan is sucking up to whoever and whatever U of L tells him to. He checked his brain at the state border.

Lol you guys are so rustled you’re playing the “he’s a cayuts fan, cause he don’t agree with me, hur hur”. Nope, just think the past administration and failures should be left in the “past”. Such a tough concept for you 50 and 60 somethings. I’m so excited we have President Bendapudi and Vince Tyra representing our beloved University. Well, my beloved University & Alma Mater. You guys probably went to IUS. o_O

Have fun with the merry-go-round circle jerk of your hero Tom. Maybe Kev can print another t-shirt and stand outside Ford Hall embarrassing himself yet again! Maybe just maybe.
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On this pathetic board, yeah. On the main board where discourse actually takes place I have quite a bit more, little guy.
If this board is pathetic, why are you here? That should be enough to ban you if all you’re here to do is cause turmoil and not really interested in logical discussions.
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