UNC Coach Questions Football links to CTE


Jul 12, 2004

UNC coach Larry Fedora at ACC Media Days questioned the link between CTE and football. He also suggested that our country will falter if football were to change too much. If this guy cannot understand the science between repeated head hits and CTE, then I'm not sure he is qualified to be a football coach.

"It hasn’t been definitively proven that football causes CTE, Fedora said during his appearance at Atlantic Coast Conference media days, but the fact that the connection has been made has impacted how people view the sport.

Fedora also spoke specifically about how rule changes in college football are changing the game, and not for the better. As football goes, Fedora said, so goes our country.

“Our game is under attack,” Fedora said. “I fear that the game will be pushed so far from what we know that we won’t recognize it 10 years from now. And if it does, our country will go down, too.”"

UNC coach Larry Fedora at ACC Media Days questioned the link between CTE and football. He also suggested that our country will falter if football were to change too much. If this guy cannot understand the science between repeated head hits and CTE, then I'm not sure he is qualified to be a football coach.

"It hasn’t been definitively proven that football causes CTE, Fedora said during his appearance at Atlantic Coast Conference media days, but the fact that the connection has been made has impacted how people view the sport.

Fedora also spoke specifically about how rule changes in college football are changing the game, and not for the better. As football goes, Fedora said, so goes our country.

“Our game is under attack,” Fedora said. “I fear that the game will be pushed so far from what we know that we won’t recognize it 10 years from now. And if it does, our country will go down, t

Wow....would really like to hear him clarify what he really means with this POV.

Next thing you know Mom's apple pie will have to be modified to curb the calories. Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio? (Simon & Garfinkel song from the movie the Graduate for those of you who know this verse). Coo coo ka shoo.

UNC coach Larry Fedora at ACC Media Days questioned the link between CTE and football. He also suggested that our country will falter if football were to change too much. If this guy cannot understand the science between repeated head hits and CTE, then I'm not sure he is qualified to be a football coach.

"It hasn’t been definitively proven that football causes CTE, Fedora said during his appearance at Atlantic Coast Conference media days, but the fact that the connection has been made has impacted how people view the sport.

Fedora also spoke specifically about how rule changes in college football are changing the game, and not for the better. As football goes, Fedora said, so goes our country.

“Our game is under attack,” Fedora said. “I fear that the game will be pushed so far from what we know that we won’t recognize it 10 years from now. And if it does, our country will go down, too.”"

You hear this all the time, "Is this football or a dance? Just put a dress on them! I liked it back when they had leather helmets and you could knee people in the nuts!" That type of crap. I hear this from Pittsburgh Steeler "REAL FOOTBALL" fans all the time.

There are photos of QB Len Dawson smoking and drinking a beer at halftime during Super Bowl 1. Football is so different now. Everything we've learned about training, diet, developing skills. The size and speed of players of today versus years ago. It's just not the same game now since Len Dawson played. The players today are basically lethal, weaponized humans. So I disagree, even with the rules added and to be added to protect the players, that we're "putting a dress on them." I'd like to see the guys who say crap like that take a H2H hit from one of these "guys in a dress" (I don't really mean that, it would probably kill them, but you get my point).

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Safer helmets and a change in tackling fundamentals just might be in order. Especially at younger ages.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
the big issue is simply the NFL knew of the risks decades ago and maliciously chose not to inform their players. no different than a company using asbestos knowing it causes cancer and then doesn't tell it's employees. the nfl has known it's game causes severe issues down the road and they chose to hide it. that's how it all got started. had they simply told players decades ago this causes permanent damage, then players know upfront and they therefore accept the risk. which is what is happening now.

the bigger issue is what good parent would subject his kid to a sport that potentially leaves you incapable of a normal life and wanting to kill yourself? the nfl and colleges know this and are doing everything to say the game is safer and not causing cte otherwise there will be no one left to play the game as no new kids signing up. i for one have a five year old boy and he'll not play tackle football nor soccer when heading is allowing. just stupid to risk brain issues with your children. and no one under 25 can make decision thinking about when they'll be 50.
So the NFL says:

Our game could cause disability and/or death but you will make make million$. Or you can be a bartender and stay healthy"

Pretty sure I know the choice I make.

Bottom line is if you attend, or even watch the games, you are supporting the "possibility" of brain injury. Or walking with a limp for life.

Talk is cheap. If people are really worried about it they will quit paying for the sport through tickets or TV subscriptions.

They should probably quit driving too as it kills 40k a year and disables twice that many.

Nothing is perfect. Cars, planes, and trains kill. Swimming pools kill. Bicycles kill. DOCTORS kill more than anyone cares to admit.

Play and get a college education, or don't play and try to get along.

Play pro and set your family for life. Or don't.

But people need to quit wringing hands and worrying, while placing their game bets.
So the NFL says:

Our game could cause disability and/or death but you will make make million$. Or you can be a bartender and stay healthy"

Pretty sure I know the choice I make.

Bottom line is if you attend, or even watch the games, you are supporting the "possibility" of brain injury. Or walking with a limp for life.

Talk is cheap. If people are really worried about it they will quit paying for the sport through tickets or TV subscriptions.

They should probably quit driving too as it kills 40k a year and disables twice that many.

Nothing is perfect. Cars, planes, and trains kill. Swimming pools kill. Bicycles kill. DOCTORS kill more than anyone cares to admit.

Play and get a college education, or don't play and try to get along.

Play pro and set your family for life. Or don't.

But people need to quit wringing hands and worrying, while placing their game bets.

I think the concern is if a coach dismisses the science is he willing to take more risks with his players. That concerns me. The science is pretty clear. I wish I had known about the science when I played in high school and college. I had a major concussion on a Wednesday practice and played in the game on Saturday.
People can say what they want to say about CTE and Football but the proof is in the pudding....the lower levels of the sport are on the decline.

Football is seeing a decline in participation at all levels. High school football participation is down 3.5 percent in the U.S. over the past five years, according to an annual survey conducted by the National Association of State High School Federations.

According to ESPN's "Outside the Lines," Pop Warner, the nation's largest youth football program saw participation drop by 9.5 percent between 2010-12.

From ESPN:

Pop Warner lost 23,612 players, thought to be the largest two-year decline since the organization began keeping statistics decades ago. Consistent annual growth led to a record 248,899 players participating in Pop Warner in 2010; that figure fell to 225,287 by the 2012 season.
Another actuarial fact is, 6 teenagers a day die in car crashes and more maimed.

Wonder if the people holding their kids out of PWFB are going to let them drive? o_O
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Another actuarial fact is, 6 teenagers a day die in car crashes and more maimed.

Wonder if the people holding their kids out of PWFB are going to let them drive? o_O

Well science and technology is taking care of the car driving scenario with the new driver less car automons....etc. To which I would not feel safe in, but that is just me.o_O

But your point is well made....nothing humans do is without risk of some kind or another.;)
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I also heard yesterday that one of the leading CTE researchers is actually a doctor at UNC. Wonder if Fedora knows that?
In our modern way of life, travel by automobile is pretty much necessary. Playing football isn't.
I understand, and I can argue this topic from either side, with equal vigor.

That said, you can't get a free $40k-$100k education, or possibly make enough money to set your whole family for life by traveling in an automobile.

I really don't care if the game goes away because by the time it does, I will have too. :(

But somebody tell me, when your family member (or you) walk out that door, how do you 100% guarantee they walk back in?

If people HONESTLY believed the phrase, "If it just saves one life...." there would be seatbelts on school buses, cars would not exceed 50 MPH, motorcycles would go away, and there would be no fast food restaurants. Just to mention a few.

I'm amazed how many people are going to watch these kids kill themselves this year. ;)

Kinda like Rome.............
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