To everyone that served

Proud son of a Korean War Veteran. A heartfelt thank you to all who served, past and present.
Thanks to all that served our country. I love our Veterans!
Proud namesake of my 1st cousin that was killed at sea in the Pacific in ‘42. Thank you all for your service. I was in the ROTC in college in the early 60s but my eldest daughter came along and that was the end of my “military career”.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
Happy Veterans Day to all who have served. I am proud of my 8 years of active duty. The lure of money in the civilian world ended my Army career. I wish our active duty men and women made the money our spoiled pro athletes make. They deserve so much more than they're getting now.

I proudly salute all who are and who have served. You are great Americans!
Proud son of a WWII vet but never served. It was an honor to be in the presence of two WWII vets and participate in a local parade yesterday. Major thanks to those of you who served and are currently serving.
Happy veterans day. A shame we only take time once a year to say thank you.
Right, a lot of people confuse Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Memorial Day is held to honor those who lost their lives during conflicts and Veterans Day is held to honor those that served.

My dad served 26 years and actually served during Korea and Vietnam although not seeing action in either. My brother in law is retired Colonel and attended West Point. His son is currently serving now as a Captain and has served 3 tours of duty between Iraq and Afghanistan. As a army brat, i also thought I would serve. I took ROTC in college and was fortunate to attend Airborne and Air Assault training.