The Ville TBT Tournament

Somebody please tell me why Behanan is even on the team? Where's Dwayne Sutton these days? It was pretty obvious that David Johnson was probably our most consistent player along with Chris Jones, just because he was younger. But DJ was far from being one of the best players to play for the Cards. Kudos to Onuaku for his effort. Ain't no way, Harrell will play in the NBA again, he only jumps when he wants to. Sorry, I know, utter frustration again.
I thought that most of the players were professional players at least at one time!?!
Grown ass men acting like thugs you can find more maturity in a middle school game!
Both sides should be ashamed of themselves especially Sestina for taunting knowing it’ll just escalate things, and
Onuaku for spitting (no excuse)!
Sestina acted like a no class punk during and after the game. Take your win and show some maturity for heavens sake. I not surprised uk never has had class in any of their sports teams.
Facts. Running his mouth after words.

I wish Nanu would have just pushed the punk instead of spitting on him

F uk
Somebody please tell me why Behanan is even on the team? Where's Dwayne Sutton these days? It was pretty obvious that David Johnson was probably our most consistent player along with Chris Jones, just because he was younger. But DJ was far from being one of the best players to play for the Cards. Kudos to Onuaku for his effort. Ain't no way, Harrell will play in the NBA again, he only jumps when he wants to. Sorry, I know, utter frustration again.

Disagree about Johnson. Takes horrible shots and was laying bricks.

I will take Chris Jones energy and defense all day over any of the other guards.
Disagree about Johnson. Takes horrible shots and was laying bricks.

I will take Chris Jones energy and defense all day over any of the other guards.
Agree with you about DJ. He’s got a lot of talent but bad decisions!
Probably the main reason why his career has been the G League and not the NBA
Sestina acted like a no class punk during and after the game. Take your win and show some maturity for heavens sake. I not surprised uk never has had class in any of their sports teams.
Neither team played with much class as a whole!
Sestina was so over the top it almost felt like he was trying to fit in
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Sestina was so over the top it almost felt like he was trying to fit in
Yeah,so once again I get the fans getting overly giddy and downright obnoxious with their obsession with the Ls down jokes. I get it. Different tune when the players get involved and it becomes poor sportsmanship. Not condoning the reaction from Nanu and I would've preferred he respond by letting dude know it's not how you act in a different way...maybe a left hook. Lol
Disagree about Johnson. Takes horrible shots and was laying bricks.

I will take Chris Jones energy and defense all day over any of the other guards.
I wasn't being negative towards Jones. I love his energy as well but as we have witnessed for the past few years, our small guards don't do that well when we match up with the kitties, especially when they try to drive to the basket.
I’m glad the days of smallish guards are over. Try being around six feet and shooting over someone six six. My love affair with Siva, Jones, and Smith goes on but as you get older, your vertical and lateral movement goes away. Let’s get back to the Lancaster Gordon days of posting up smaller players.
It’s our turn to be the bully.
Yeah, no surprise here. They got their Superbowl and lost their last game as usual. Eff em!
Count your rings, punks! Then count the ones that your rivals have. WCS, Harrison and Sestina, all of you. You are the product of a low-rent operation and still project the same image. You couldn't cut it in the NCAAT despite being favored and hang your collective hats on beating your old rival in an old guys tournament.

Carmen's Crew did the world a service.

L's down, my azz!
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Count your rings, punks! Then count the ones that your rivals have. WCS, Harrison and Sestina, all of you. You are the product of a low-rent operation and still project the same image. You couldn't cut it in the NCAAT despite being favored and hang your collective hats on beating your old rival in an old guys tournament.

Carmen's Crew did the world a service.

L's down, my azz!
Oddly enough, Sestina did not play against Carmen's Crew (glad he didn't because he's a punk) but why he didn't wasn't disclosed. Said it was for personal reasons.
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It's funny how we keep going on and on about "L's DOWN are so stupid, I don't know why they do it. They are obsessed and we don't care!!"

Then when they do it and we go "OMG!!! Those punks are classless and deserve to be spit on and hit. Such disrespect!!!"

It does not bother me one bit when they do it just because of the hand symbol, it bothers me that they do it and keep beating us on the field and court. IT's a hand symbol, it's not the end of the world. The more you care and get mad, the more they will keep doing it. As for our players, beat them on the court-field and you throw L's up and they can't throw L's down.

It's just like my little brother that I used to call Stinky. He didn't Stink, but he was little and it made him mad. He'd turn red and say "IM NOT STINKY!!!" and he'd run to my parents. It got to the point even my parents would giggle when he'd throw a fit. One day he just started laughing with me and not acknowledging it. My siblings, cousins, and I stopped calling him that after he stopped caring. It's just good old fashioned ribbing.

What happened to the UofL fans from 20 years ago when I was in school? The ones that loved running up the score on them with a coach that called them Slapd!cks? Now we're crying about L's down. I'm sorry you can't say that's not what we do, you see so many of our fans just see it and turn red and start ranting about how they're obsessed and stupid. Let's just let them have their L's down and we can live life. It's simple.
It's one thing when the fans do it,quite another when the players chime in. It's like school in the Summer-no class. What's the difference between Ls down and kitties stomping on the Cardinal logo? Not much really-fighting words. That's how we dealt with that type shit when I played parochial school sports.
It's funny how we keep going on and on about "L's DOWN are so stupid, I don't know why they do it. They are obsessed and we don't care!!"

Then when they do it and we go "OMG!!! Those punks are classless and deserve to be spit on and hit. Such disrespect!!!"

It does not bother me one bit when they do it just because of the hand symbol, it bothers me that they do it and keep beating us on the field and court. IT's a hand symbol, it's not the end of the world. The more you care and get mad, the more they will keep doing it. As for our players, beat them on the court-field and you throw L's up and they can't throw L's down.

It's just like my little brother that I used to call Stinky. He didn't Stink, but he was little and it made him mad. He'd turn red and say "IM NOT STINKY!!!" and he'd run to my parents. It got to the point even my parents would giggle when he'd throw a fit. One day he just started laughing with me and not acknowledging it. My siblings, cousins, and I stopped calling him that after he stopped caring. It's just good old fashioned ribbing.

What happened to the UofL fans from 20 years ago when I was in school? The ones that loved running up the score on them with a coach that called them Slapd!cks? Now we're crying about L's down. I'm sorry you can't say that's not what we do, you see so many of our fans just see it and turn red and start ranting about how they're obsessed and stupid. Let's just let them have their L's down and we can live life. It's simple.
Never an excuse to spit on anyone it’s just plain vile!
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Yeah I agree he should've laid his ass out.

And I can honestly say I have never done the L's up once in my life. I think it's dumb as hell.
I would have rather seen him punch him than spit on him! Honestly it never crosses my mind to spit at someone.
That’s some Bill Romanowski type sh!t
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