The powers to be


One-Star Poster
Jan 26, 2024
Football is being ruined imo. Trying to watch the NFL and you can’t even hardly tackle anybody anymore without a flag being thrown. I never thought the woke movement that is in politics would make it to football. They need to make the padded helmets mandatory and go back to alpha rules of the old days.
Football is being ruined imo. Trying to watch the NFL and you can’t even hardly tackle anybody anymore without a flag being thrown. I never thought the woke movement that is in politics would make it to football. They need to make the padded helmets mandatory and go back to alpha rules of the old days.
I totally agree with you but I am going to focus all my ire on College Football. I am sick and tired of the same old song and dance when it comes how they rank these teams. How is a one loss team above the Cardinals? Did Notre Dame not get beat by a team from the MAC? Every year they purposely rank certain teams so high in the preseason polls that they literally have to lose two or three games before it knocks them out of the top 20. Every year we watch teams like Notre Dame and Alabama start the season in the top five and when they drop one or two games and then go on a hot streak they magically leap frog someone like Alabama did FSU last year. I am sick and tired of the disrespect that we the Cardinals receive year end and year out. Spare me the talk of us falling off, I remember when we were hanging video game numbers on people with Petrino and driving ESPN’s numbers on off days during the week. Yet again Colorado and its carney Head Coach gets the prime time slot once again against a nobody opponent. When we play Notre Dame it will probably be on NBC and Peacock but it will be an afternoon game. The ACC needs to pull its head out of its arse and wake up. Louisville and Miami are sitting in the drivers seat and they should be getting all the media and prime time TV slots on its network. “Primetime and the Buffaloes have shown us and the world who they are, they are not worthy of being in the prime time slot every Saturday night.
Both are true but only one is controllable. Control what you can control and don’t worry about things that can’t be controlled. The brands will always get the benefit. It is a TV production. Brands matter in that world. Notre Dame or valued brands will always fall in the rankings much slower the non valued brands. That is out of Louisville’s hand.

Louisville only can control how they play week to week. They can’t lay an egg on any game. If they do they will fall like a rock. They have to win. If they win their brand improves and so will their rankings. The goal is to win the ACC or finish 2nd then get to playoff. All that is controllable for the admin and coaching staff.
Football is being ruined imo. Trying to watch the NFL and you can’t even hardly tackle anybody anymore without a flag being thrown. I never thought the woke movement that is in politics would make it to football. They need to make the padded helmets mandatory and go back to alpha rules of the old days.
I like your way of thinking. Hope you continue to post and more often,
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I’m fine with winning and flying below the radar. UofL tends not to do so well when hyped up. I’ve long ago stopped caring about what talking heads say about us, or our broadcast slots. The goal is win the ACC. Step one is Saturday. Let’s play football.
Well, it would seem to me the goal here at UofL is the Cards being hyped and still playing well. What fan wants to continue flying under the radar because in the past that's the only way the Cards won?

The goal is to win the conference for sure but it's also reaching elite status like the hoops team did all those years ago. It would be preferable to this fan to be the hunted consistently each and every season, and with Jeff Brohm that is within reach.

If it takes the program flying under the radar so it can win a big game every once in awhile, that's not what Brohm was hired for. If the football media's perception doesn't concern you as a Louisville fan, I don't see why you would bother to care.

I want to see Louisville do what Clemson did after hiring Dabo. I'm not satisfied being a contender once in awhile who flys under the radar most seasons.
It is still too early to tell how good teams are but there were teams so highly regarded and there are several teams flying under the radar. Clemson, UNCST and definitely FSU look weaker than expected. Boston College and Pitt look gritty and are going to fight until the end of the game. We have a lot of possible stumbling blocks on our schedule. Take care of business in the ACC and move into the playoffs don’t get trapped.
Football is being ruined imo. Trying to watch the NFL and you can’t even hardly tackle anybody anymore without a flag being thrown. I never thought the woke movement that is in politics would make it to football. They need to make the padded helmets mandatory and go back to alpha rules of the old days.
Definitely overkill on the calls, but don't blame them for some of the rule changes! Dudes 50 years old committing suicide due to hits to head warrant some changes. Now the BS flops, QB hits, etc, totally agree!
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Definitely overkill on the calls, but don't blame them for some of the rules changes! Dudes 50 years old committing suicide due to hits to head warranty some changes. Now the BS flops, QB hits, etc, totally agree!
Thats why they get paid the big bucks...hazardous duty pay. Nobody is putting a gun totheir head...and making them play. its a risky they get paid very very well for...generational wealth compared to our real heroes in dangerous occcupations. Can't stand the heat...get out of the kitchen and do something else and put that paid for degree to work like the common folk.

Now fireman, policeman, and military men (Our real heroes) all get paid a fraction of what the pro FB players get and their occupations are far more dangerous. It is what it is.

Those warranted changes are taking the gladiator aspect out of the fan expereience and they will only tolerate sensible changes and not pussification of the sport....or BL the fans (customers) will stop watching. Then what? Flag FB? meh God help us. Go woke go broke.
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I guess I'm missing the connection of increasing safety rules with "woke". Making sports safer has been going on long before "woke" was a thing.
When normal FB hits get flagged by bad judgement and/or antacipatory calls for unnecessary roughness or targeting, (especially at key times of the game) one has to wonder if that is for the safety of the player or to manipulate the game.

This whole targeting BS is becoming way too subjective (Out of control with human error) and in some obvious instances it is pussification of the game. Hence, why I observe it as another bad example of "Wokeness" and it is affecting the outcomes of the game in way too many instances.

Downright annoying to FB purist. Sorry your awareness is focused on safety. This is and always has been a violent sport. Trying to change that factor with sissifying rule changes will ruin the sport as we know it.
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I can’t understand when a player with the ball is running full speed and the defensive player launches himself in the air to make the tackle and the ball carrier steps one foot out of bounds and gets hit. How is the defensive player supposed to stop in midair?
If we were offered $10-$20 MILLION to play two-four years of professional FB, not one person on this board would worry about their “safety”.

On second thought, a couple would.

In fact, as a rule, nobody worries about anybody’s safety until AFTER something happens.

If people were truly concerned about the “safety” of the masses automobiles would have a mandatory 50mph max.

When these guys sign the contract are they worried about their safety?

Even the unsigned FAs on do it in the hopes of eventually getting a big deal.
I totally agree with you but I am going to focus all my ire on College Football. I am sick and tired of the same old song and dance when it comes how they rank these teams. How is a one loss team above the Cardinals? Did Notre Dame not get beat by a team from the MAC? Every year they purposely rank certain teams so high in the preseason polls that they literally have to lose two or three games before it knocks them out of the top 20. Every year we watch teams like Notre Dame and Alabama start the season in the top five and when they drop one or two games and then go on a hot streak they magically leap frog someone like Alabama did FSU last year. I am sick and tired of the disrespect that we the Cardinals receive year end and year out. Spare me the talk of us falling off, I remember when we were hanging video game numbers on people with Petrino and driving ESPN’s numbers on off days during the week. Yet again Colorado and its carney Head Coach gets the prime time slot once again against a nobody opponent. When we play Notre Dame it will probably be on NBC and Peacock but it will be an afternoon game. The ACC needs to pull its head out of its arse and wake up. Louisville and Miami are sitting in the drivers seat and they should be getting all the media and prime time TV slots on its network. “Primetime and the Buffaloes have shown us and the world who they are, they are not worthy of being in the prime time slot every Saturday night.
Worthy of a slot means ratings. You can talk about the polls and such, but TV networks pay the bills. They are a business. They aren't just putting teams in certain slots for a favor, they want money.

Worthy means ratings. I hate Colorado, but they are a draw. People watch. We played Notre Dame and guess what? ABC put us on in primetime. When we were a draw with Lamar, we got on ABC a lot more and hosted Gameday twice. The polls are flawed yes, but the networks are doing what makes them money. TV time slots are merit based.

They played NDSU and got almost 5 million viewers on a Thursday. Their game against Nebraska was the #2 game in week 2 with over 5 million viewers. Last week even against Colorado State, they got over 3 million viewers. They're a draw. If people watch, advertisers pay more money, the network makes more money. So yes, they are worthy of a primetime slot.
A C-USA team moved the ball way too well against us for a half of football for me to get too upset about a #19 ranking.

We'll start proving who we are as a team the next couple of weekends...
Are many in your circle attending on Saturday? Most of my college friend group that attends games are going and we're going to tailgate, but Im interested in what others are seeing. That's the best research on interest is your friend group. I think a lot of my friends that are die hard UofL are pumped, but the casuals that we've really lost since 2017 haven't fully re-invested but are close.
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I hope there are new die hards coming.

The original 35k are either old, getting old, or moved away to warmer climes.

We’ll never be able to rely on the casuals consistently.

CJB has the best chance of anybody to make it a “must attend” event.
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