"Someone who thinks the world is always cheating him is right. He is missing that wonderful feeling of trust in someone or something."
Pitino pioneered the never ending dilemma of how to deal with sexuality for Louisville fans. When Denny's affair was considered a Nothingburger, it was an issue waiting to pop anyway. He had already been hailed as a magnificent swain and swordsman at UK where morality aligns with convenience 100% of the time as stories containing liaisons with cheerleaders and booster wives got "knowing" nods and winks from the adoring UK fan. At Louisville, he met an entirely different animal. The culture war.
Suddenly no respectable male had never entertained the fantasy of a large boobed babarama coming on so strong at the Paper Bag hour in a pub as you sat not wanting the night to end. Suddenly those who might have had that result themselves, either when single or married - it honestly really doesn't matter - found it conveniently repulsive, lol. For those who mention that he had a one off with a hot wench, they also are condemned to the sexual fires of a living hell for even tolerating an apology.
You could not invent this shit. Frankly, the hypocrisy is completely off the wall. It has become my favorite source of humor, watching the drama of male Church Ladies, crawling all over themselves in the urge to make us believe in their frigging personal rectitude..
The probable fact is this - Rick may have undergone some sex therapy at UK - I have no idea and neither does anyone else. The rumor that begun was a typical Frat Boy level of identification - silly and empowering somehow to desperate males to whom gossip is sexual in its own right. Banging Sypher was not only fortunate sex, lol, but probably due because he needed to find a way to give a shit about his wife. Ironically, like some serial killers who secretly want to get caught, leaving clues and playing mental games with investigators, this is how the human heart and mind often work. Jesus loved the sinner, boys.
The McGee fiasco is also a nothing burger. The NCAA which laughed Powell out of their offices the first time she reported her wild party times, suddenly got serious when an Indianapolis concern sponsored a book by an award winning author which was more or less half true. The provenance of how Cady - the author - came about writing that book is a sad little mystery. He cannot have profited from it unless he was given a hefty advance. Anyone who knows anything about writing realizes what a loser this would be as a prospective money earner. But the promotional carnival was incredible - far beyond anything even the FBI could produce in a far wider ranging corruption investigation. It is also hilarious in its obviousness.
Ruck was set up by sports junkies and competitors of UofL.
So basically everything he is accused of and which cost him an amazing level of censure at all the UofL fan sites are bullshit, lol. The FBI thing is ludicrous as well.
There is a lot not to like about college sports. There is a lot not to like about our own fans. A way hell of a lot.