There are some impressive prospects visiting Louisville football this Sunday, almost all from the state of California. Here are some of the prospects expected to be in attendance.
Stefon Thompson
Josh Alford
Gary Bryant
Khary Crump Jr.
Gio De Leon
Makell Esteen
Justin Flowe
Ethan Garbers
Ronald Gilliam
Jared Greenfield
Destin Harston
John Humphrey
Kris Hutson
Josh Jackson
Brandon Jones
Justin Livingston
Tyson McWilliams
Justin Pinkney
Mark Redman
Keith Savage
Caine Savage
James Smith
Macen Williams
Bryce Young
Stefon Thompson
Josh Alford
Gary Bryant
Khary Crump Jr.
Gio De Leon
Makell Esteen
Justin Flowe
Ethan Garbers
Ronald Gilliam
Jared Greenfield
Destin Harston
John Humphrey
Kris Hutson
Josh Jackson
Brandon Jones
Justin Livingston
Tyson McWilliams
Justin Pinkney
Mark Redman
Keith Savage
Caine Savage
James Smith
Macen Williams
Bryce Young
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