It's just remarkable how he can recite such dominant stats and numbers against a weak ACC conference, but doesn't give Louisville the same props against the same ACC teams.
It's not like Louisville's been squeaking by with their wins. The Cards have five 20 point + wins on the road. Why exactly is Louisville fake and Duke not?
Clemson beat Duke and Louisville beat Clemson. Other than Clemson, Louisville gave Duke It's toughest game in the ACC and that was the first conference game.
No, the only reason for Duke fans to think this way is because of how bad Louisville was the past two seasons. They simply cannot accept such a huge turn around can be legitimate. It has to be fake.
I bet Coach Schyer himself admits Kelsey should be the ACC COY. No one on the planet foresaw Louisville winning 25 games. If it wasn't due to coaching then what is it?