Subpoenas Have been issued


Jul 12, 2004
Well, the real $hit is about to hit the fan. Commonwealths Attorneys office has started a grand jury investigation. This is how we are going to get to the real truth.
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That depends on the findings. It could result in nothing, or could result in charges to one or more parties.
Ms. Powell will be facing the music, but there is little doubt McGee and anyone involved will be questioned. This isn't like the NCAA investigating.

If they are going after her because of her daughter's age I do not see how McGee is not questioned, plus several other players. This is not a good scenario.
I'm kinda glad this happened gives the process a bit of clarity now. Either the Commonwealths offfive will find enough evidence to prosecute all partys involved.(Would be devastating to U of L though) or they don't find anything worth the time(Would be great news for U of L). Hoping for the later! And if we as fans truly want the truth either way this is what we are going to have to except it happpening like this. Now of course the negative of this is the media will run with it saying U of L is guilty. Which is not the case, it's bascially standard Commonweath offce procedure. They have to investigate it since it's out their on record. What part it plays with the NCAA, who knows?
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Interesting! This is the part no one wanted to happen. Forget about basketball everyone involved in this mess could be charged with a crime if underage kids were involved.
o_O I hope that you are not the resident legal scholar here.

Drinking early arent you.

She is being investigated. In the process of committing crimes, the venue will
be established. IF no crimes took place on campus, she will be the sole person

Do i have to spell it out for you.
Ms. Powell will be facing the music, but there is little doubt McGee and anyone involved will be questioned. This isn't like the NCAA investigating.[/
Drinking early arent you.

She is being investigated. In the process of committing crimes, the venue will
be established. IF no crimes took place on campus, she will be the sole person

Do i have to spell it out for you.
If her crimes happened in the dorm rooms,paid by a member of the basketball staff,to recruits then this will get ugly for UL.Discovery goes both ways.
There is a good chance that the criminal discovery process is not going to be flattering for UofL from an NCAA investigation perspective. the statute of limitation has passed on soliciting prostitution, so I'm not even considering criminal problems for anyone associated with the program.
Prostitution isn't the problem human trafficking is the issue . The magic numbers are 18 and 16. The original claim was her daughters were 15 and 17. They find that to be true then everyone that was involved could be charged.
Prostitution isn't the problem human trafficking is the issue . The magic numbers are 18 and 16. The original claim was her daughters were 15 and 17. They find that to be true then everyone that was involved could be charged.
IIRC, the statement was "they were 15, 17 & 19 when they started working for her". Their ages at the time of the alleged stuff at UofL has not been established. However, it would not be difficult to do so. Simple subtraction:How old are they now minus how many years ago this is alleged to have begun.
Prostitution isn't the problem human trafficking is the issue . The magic numbers are 18 and 16. The original claim was her daughters were 15 and 17. They find that to be true then everyone that was involved could be charged.
Just curious, how is 16 relevant?
Not expecting much good for Louisville out of this.

But if she's facing a potential indictment it will be interesting to see if she starts to "walk back" some or a lot of her story, or if she chooses to ride her story to a potential prison term.

I'm not holding out hope it falls apart but if some of the extreme accusations are recanted it will be interesting to see if that helps Louisville's program.
Prostitution isn't the problem human trafficking is the issue . The magic numbers are 18 and 16. The original claim was her daughters were 15 and 17. They find that to be true then everyone that was involved could be charged.

Maybe someone in the legal profession can chime in. Prostitution, from my legal understanding, has a statute of limitations and is not a felony? Maybe human trafficking would be charged. I thought I had heard that "promoting prostitution" might be the crime involved and it can be a felony. There would not be a statute of limitations and would come with more severe criminal penalties.

But I have also heard the discussion that if Powell was running a business, it did not seem she was reporting this income that she describes in her book. The IRS would also then be involved.
All I want is the truth. I'm OK with whatever the outcome is. This development should get us closer to it.
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the age of consent in Kentucky is 16
When someone is being pimped, consent is irrelevant. Anyone under 18 and it is considered sex trafficking, which is most likely what this Grand Jury is about. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens since Grand Jury info is secret. Cady being subpoenaed is interesting since he has supposedly had access to her evidence that she has held back. One way or the other, this will bring the entire issue to a head.
Well i guesss now it want be long before Andres's attorney starts talking.
You would be wrong. Cox won't say a thing until investigation is complet - which will be a while. There is literally zero chance that McGee gets subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury.
The issue McGee needs to worry most about is the money transfer across state lines to facilitate prostitution. The crack whore trafficking her daughters and McGee sending money transfers to pay for it. If true, as the evidence so far presented appears to show......UofL basketball, McGee and Whoricane Katina will all pay a heavy price.
First, the commonwealth attorney will subpoena the book publishers to examine the documents they used to write the book and how and who they verified the information with. There's probably specific information that they are looking for in relation to crimes possibly committed. After examining the information they might subpoena individuals to question them.
When someone is being pimped, consent is irrelevant. Anyone under 18 and it is considered sex trafficking, which is most likely what this Grand Jury is about. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens since Grand Jury info is secret. Cady being subpoenaed is interesting since he has supposedly had access to her evidence that she has held back. One way or the other, this will bring the entire issue to a head.
then why the hell did you ask the question?!
The issue McGee needs to worry most about is the money transfer across state lines to facilitate prostitution. The crack whore trafficking her daughters and McGee sending money transfers to pay for it. If true, as the evidence so far presented appears to show......UofL basketball, McGee and Whoricane Katina will all pay a heavy price.
Unless the wire said FOR SELLING YOUR GOODS TO RECRUITS. The money could have been to pay bills seeing they were in a relationship.
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First, the commonwealth attorney will subpoena the book publishers to examine the documents they used to write the book and how and who they verified the information with. There's probably specific information that they are looking for in relation to crimes possibly committed. After examining the information they might subpoena individuals to question them.

I'm surprised that a Kentucky grand jury can subpoena a resident (corporation) of Indiana. OK they can issue the subpoena but suspect an Indiana corp/resident can just ignore it.
I'm surprised that a Kentucky grand jury can subpoena a resident (corporation) of Indiana. OK they can issue the subpoena but suspect an Indiana corp/resident can just ignore it.
Then they have to hope that Indiana authorities don't pick them up and extradite them and or never be caught in the state of Kentucky. It's a criminal investigation when the subpoena is ignored a bench warrant will be issued.
If her crimes happened in the dorm rooms,paid by a member of the basketball staff,to recruits then this will get ugly for UL.Discovery goes both ways.
A prosecutor doesn't give a damn about "recruits". The concern would be if the people were under age...
A lot of jumping the gun in this thread. (I can understand it from the LPT fans...)

The burden of proof for a criminal offense is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. I've seen and heard very little "evidence' in this mess that's that conclusive. I think this Grand Jury thing is mostly grandstanding because there's so much publicity and allegedly minors involved.

To call what this ho was doing "prostitution" may well be giving it/her the benefit of the doubt. She sure as hell wasn't claiming to make much money at it. And to add the term "ring" indicating the coordinated activity of different people to commit a crime could just be more exaggeration. Until I see good evidence that the ho and her girls were making serious money, this is still a bunch of groupies as far as I'm concerned, each of them aspiring to be a baby mama alongside an NBA star.

The Grand Jury PROCESS--not the end result--is the really interesting part because people can't refuse to talk, and everyone's under oath. Still doesn't mean people won't lie esp. when they know there's no way to prove they're lying. Perjury's difficult to successfully prosecute.

I'd pump the brakes about what some of you are fearing or hoping for.

"Elite program", my a$$...
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This is great, but only if you really want the truth to come out. The quicker the honest truth comes out the faster we can move on.
Sorry unfamiliar with the court system. What would be the charge for profiting at another's expense off a lie?
That wouldn't be criminal neither. Some states have inacted laws where you cannot profit off a crime, but not here.

Only players or coaches mentioned in book can sue in the book for libel, which think of as slander that's written, but in civil court.

Criminal charges are potentially against Powell or McGee, or possibly players for crimes against children. An investigation was the next logical conclusion. Doesn't mean anything. It means there is this woman saying she sold her underage daughters for sex. The commonwealth attorney has to due diligence and look into this. If people are flaunting crimes in front your face, you have to look into it.

The biggest issue I see, is not the prostitution, but whether the players had sex with underage girls. It doesn't matter if they didn't know they were underage. I don't believe thr evidence is there to prove prostitution.

The problem is, this whore, has changed her story so many times, we honestly don't know what the facts are.

The charges will most likely be against Powell and McGee.

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