Statement from President Ramsey

Does it ever bother any of you that while we're all dikking around about ponchos and sombreros that ISIS, the Taliban, Al Quada, Russia, most of the Middle East and Asia are more interested in soccer?

Give me a damn big brimmed hat please, I wanna shade my eyes too...
These people are curious as to why people dressing up as Mexican folk singers for Halloween are getting so much grief.



this is nothing more then extortion. did you read these ridiculous demands they made. now granted a request is different then a demand. to me it looked like some opportunist taking the chance to make some demands.

I mean seriously we have so much going on in this country to try and change. you can control 2 things energy and effort. these students need to refocus theirs.

and this is nothing like painting your face black. just a stupid comparison. black painted faces bring back true racial memories of a terrible time in this country. putting on a freaking Mexican clothing is nothing more then a form of imitation of a culture that has become a huge part of the American land scape. it's a celebration of a culture. putting on black face is mocking and insulting one. if can't see the difference then you need to lighten up Francis.

I've been all over this country and once everyone found out I was from ky those dumb hilly billy teeth they sold for 2 dollars at the gas station would show up at some point. of course the joke was on me. did I form a posse and rally at the steps of my commanders office? hell no. I laughed it off because unfortunately if you hit the hills of ky dental plans are not a priority. it is what it is. but it is not a issue. when did this country become so thin skinned.

I guess the next time I see a Latino in overalls with a straw hat on missing a tooth I need to start a rally. this country celebrates many cultures from Russian , polish, Mardi gra, and oops even Mexican Latin heritages. do we not have these celebrations to honor these cultures while including the other people from the many other cultures in this country? I've been to many different types of these celebrations and you always dress the part. is that racist or incentive?

to me this sounds like a group with an agenda. nothing worse then having your agenda fueled by slander and racist accusations.
I think you're trying way, way too hard. Not a doubt that the poster is making all that $hit up about all his "black friends" and family members. 100% false
And I think that you're trolling way, way too hard. Not a doubt - huh? Lol - on the contrary, your posts belie someone who has nothing but doubts. I wish you the best as you wallow in your miserableness.
And I think that you're trolling way, way too hard. Not a doubt - huh? Lol - on the contrary, your posts belie someone who has nothing but doubts. I wish you the best as you wallow in your miserableness.
They sell sombreros and ponchos to American tourists in Mexico. We use Mexican blankets. At Halloween people painted Donald Trump's face on pumpkins and called them "Trumpkins." What we would do without the liberal pussification that has gone on since the 1960s hippie drug counter culture? A hell of a lot better.
What we would do without the liberal pussification that has gone on since the 1960s hippie drug counter culture? A hell of a lot better.

What the hell are you even talking about, tough guy? A whole lot of word salad without really saying much of anything. A "whole lot better" how?
And I think that you're trolling way, way too hard. Not a doubt - huh? Lol - on the contrary, your posts belie someone who has nothing but doubts. I wish you the best as you wallow in your miserableness.

Yep always one guy in these kinds of threats who pulls the "I have a black friend" card. You're that guy here.
amazing. ok let's stay on subject and comparisons. you go to Mexico what do they sale to tourists? poncho and other historical symbols. you go to Hawaii what is the first thing they do when you come off that plane? hmm maybe supply you with symbols of their heritage. now when you go to Africa are they waiting with black face paint to remind Americans of their peoples heritage in this country's? no I do not think so. so once again just a stupid comparison.

their is a difference in imitation is the greatest form of flattery. and just being incentive and cruel. a huge difference. this incident is not even in the same ball park. this was nothing more then a group looking for a cause to latch onto.
Yep always one guy in these kinds of threats who pulls the "I have a black friend" card. You're that guy here.
By saying that, you are stereotyping me in a negative way and making me feel bad... lol

Actually if anyone is a cliché - it is you - the reading comprehension challenged troll. Though I understand that your only real purpose is trolling for the sake of annoyance, one would hope that somewhere contained in your nonsensical posts, there would be an indication that you have even the basic understanding of what is being discussed or, the question(s) that I posed to you and the other willful idiot.

I get why you are doing this - you're simply not equipped to have a substantive discussion - only to provoke. It's the root of your miserableness...
Substantive discussion? Lol! Yeah that's what's taking place here, Mr. "I Have a Black Friend and He Loves It When I Dress In Black Face". Substantive discussion my ass! Just a whole lot of typical angry white guys bemoaning the fact that the good ol days are slipping away with the "liberal pussification" of 'Murica. Yep lots of substance here, clown.
I visit here often and lurk only. I don't post because this is your board, so I stay out of the basketball fray :).

If they were trying to dress up as a mariachi band, they failed miserably. My wife, whom is Mexican would have laughed her azz off at the picture. Would she have said racist, no, just stupid white people lol. Plus it students and a University. You can't get any more pc than that.

For the guy who mentioned the hippies in the 60's started this, well let's see civil rights and Viet Nam. Those were causes worth protesting for.
Substantive discussion? Lol! Yeah that's what's taking place here, Mr. "I Have a Black Friend and He Loves It When I Dress In Black Face". Substantive discussion my ass! Just a whole lot of typical angry white guys bemoaning the fact that the good ol days are slipping away with the "liberal pussification" of 'Murica. Yep lots of substance here, clown.
What a bizarre comment. Next time I'm at a Mexican restaurant for someone's birthday, they'll have to reject putting on the sombrero. DUMB!
I visit here often and lurk only. I don't post because this is your board, so I stay out of the basketball fray :).

If they were trying to dress up as a mariachi band, they failed miserably. My wife, whom is Mexican would have laughed her azz off at the picture. Would she have said racist, no, just stupid white people lol. Plus it students and a University. You can't get any more pc than that.

For the guy who mentioned the hippies in the 60's started this, well let's see civil rights and Viet Nam. Those were causes worth protesting for.
You're confusing other subjects with irresponsible drug use , irresponsible behavior and irresponsible sex that was sold to impressionable and naïve youth as "cool." The social and financial rot has ruined a lot of the last three generations.
You're confusing other subjects with irresponsible drug use , irresponsible behavior and irresponsible sex that was sold to impressionable and naïve youth as "cool." The social and financial rot has ruined a lot of the last three generations.

That wasn't mentioned... I won't disagree with some of what you said. But social and financial rot? You're angry aren't you....
Just a whole lot of typical angry white guys bemoaning the fact that the good ol days are slipping away with the "liberal pussification" of 'Murica.
At least we all know who the biggest racist in this thread is. First step to recovery is admitting your problem.
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Statement from the University of Louisville

President James Ramsey met with a coalition of Latino students and others this afternoon at 2 pm for the purposes of issuing a personal apology and to express his willingness to engage in further dialogue with the campus community. The president also expressed his interest in continuing conversations and offered several options for future meetings.

This is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. He shouldn't apologize. They just need to grow a pair. Apologize for wearing sombreros for Halloween? They're offended? Who cares. That's their problem. Since when is dressing up for Halloween an offense? Since when did our constitution or Bill of Rights guarantee a life here in the U.S. free from ever be offended. What childish, self-absorbed, delusional cry babies would be offended by dressing up for Halloween and go on and on and on about it days after it happened. What kind of psychopaths freak out about some costume weeks after it has happened. And the school is going to tuck its tail between its legs and act as if they have to apologize for these freaks for getting "offended"? Tough sh*t, that's their problem. Who gives a rat's as* they got offended. I freaking see sombreros every time I go out to one of the 50 Mexican restaurants in this city. Since when did freaking Sombreros become on par with KKK hoods.

This is just sick and the more people coddle these cry babies and act as if everything that happens is an "offense" and how dare anyone offend anyone the more they'll just keep bitching and getting offended by everything under the sun. They should just tell them to grow a pair. They're offended? That's on them, it's not our problem.

It's a freaking Halloween costume. It's a freaking sombrero. I don't give a freaking rat's as* these stupid idiots are offended. They're freaking insane. This is just utter PC madness. Can anyone believe this stupid crap?
I visit here often and lurk only. I don't post because this is your board, so I stay out of the basketball fray :).

If they were trying to dress up as a mariachi band, they failed miserably. My wife, whom is Mexican would have laughed her azz off at the picture. Would she have said racist, no, just stupid white people lol. Plus it students and a University. You can't get any more pc than that.

For the guy who mentioned the hippies in the 60's started this, well let's see civil rights and Viet Nam. Those were causes worth protesting for.
Oh-uh. Prepare to be outed by the board's resident idiot as "that guy who says he has a Mexican wife".
Substantive discussion? Lol! Yeah that's what's taking place here, Mr. "I Have a Black Friend and He Loves It When I Dress In Black Face". Substantive discussion my ass! Just a whole lot of typical angry white guys bemoaning the fact that the good ol days are slipping away with the "liberal pussification" of 'Murica. Yep lots of substance here, clown.
No surprise that you confuse substantive discussion with your ass. You couldn't find either with both hands and a flashlight...
Of course because calling out racists on their racism makes one a racist.
Of course it does - much in the same way that someone acknowledging that they have black family members makes them a racist.

Oh the unintended irony...
Oh-uh. Prepare to be outed by the board's resident idiot as "that guy who says he has a Mexican wife".

I don't know what to tell you.. But she is Mexican. I live in California, grew up in KY. She's a great woman, much wiser than you. She also has stage 4 cancer. And I can't even begin to tell you how strong this woman is.

So why would you call me the resident idiot?
I don't know what to tell you.. But she is Mexican. I live in California, grew up in KY. She's a great woman, much wiser than you. She also has stage 4 cancer. And I can't even begin to tell you how strong this woman is.

So why would you call me the resident idiot?
I didn't at all - I'm sorry that you misunderstood me. I was warning you (mostly tongue in cheek) about "Cardfan 1130" who - after I posted that I have black members of my family - labeled me as "that guy who says he has black friends".

So sorry to hear about your wife - my deepest condolences.
bballjunkie keep your head up. just crazy these students used their energy to protest someone being incentive against your wife's heritage for putting on cheap clothing. I'm sure your wife would of appreciated the rally be for more funding for cancer research at ul. not demands for new buildings for meetings. I'm sure these young people have plenty of places if they wanted to meet for sensitivity training.

we can all keep pointing the finger and blame and creating these wasteful barriers in our country.or we can put the fight and energy to solve a bigger problem in our society. the real villain who happens to not see color, religion, gender or sexual preference destroys lives and families everyday. but our young people want to spend millions on a new building to chit chat in.

bballjunkie good luck man. I know it's hard been their.
The crybabies missed out on a couple of 'em. I saw some Trump and Obama masks at Halloween, as well as a blonde Trump wig. Crybabies, cry on.
this is nothing more then extortion. did you read these ridiculous demands they made. now granted a request is different then a demand. to me it looked like some opportunist taking the chance to make some demands.

I mean seriously we have so much going on in this country to try and change. you can control 2 things energy and effort. these students need to refocus theirs.

and this is nothing like painting your face black. just a stupid comparison. black painted faces bring back true racial memories of a terrible time in this country. putting on a freaking Mexican clothing is nothing more then a form of imitation of a culture that has become a huge part of the American land scape. it's a celebration of a culture. putting on black face is mocking and insulting one. if can't see the difference then you need to lighten up Francis.

I've been all over this country and once everyone found out I was from ky those dumb hilly billy teeth they sold for 2 dollars at the gas station would show up at some point. of course the joke was on me. did I form a posse and rally at the steps of my commanders office? hell no. I laughed it off because unfortunately if you hit the hills of ky dental plans are not a priority. it is what it is. but it is not a issue. when did this country become so thin skinned.

I guess the next time I see a Latino in overalls with a straw hat on missing a tooth I need to start a rally. this country celebrates many cultures from Russian , polish, Mardi gra, and oops even Mexican Latin heritages. do we not have these celebrations to honor these cultures while including the other people from the many other cultures in this country? I've been to many different types of these celebrations and you always dress the part. is that racist or incentive?

to me this sounds like a group with an agenda. nothing worse then having your agenda fueled by slander and racist accusations.
These silly little protesters remind one of the sad days at the corner of Haight and Ashbury in the 60s as well as at UC Berkley.
Of course because calling out racists on their racism makes one a racist.
No one in this thread has cast a stone at Mexicans, Blacks, Browns, or Purples. You're the only one I see making negative racial stereotypes - calling out "angry whites who hate liberal Murica". Thanks for being the first to give us a real shot of racism here.
Nothing but part of the take down strategy put in play against us at the moment. Weather the storm! Remember, the best reaction is no reaction!
Nothing but part of the take down strategy put in play against us at the moment. Weather the storm! Remember, the best reaction is no reaction!
Remember when Americans weren't oversensitive crybabies? These students would be better served if they were concerned about their tuition rates going up as a result of grossly overpaid administrators.
Remember when Americans weren't oversensitive crybabies? These students would be better served if they were concerned about their tuition rates going up as a result of grossly overpaid administrators.

I do. Back then the game wasn't so lopsided. In fact, too many men are cowards these days. Afraid to stand up and say what is right. But rather post what they think others want to hear or what they think is popular.
This is one of the dumbest "controversies" I have ever seen. Being crybabies over someone wearing a sombrero? Ramsey and a black female and students wearing sombreros? I guess the Mexicans that sold me some 30 years in Tijuana are racists. How completely stupid.