Statement from President Ramsey

Howie Lindsey

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Silver Member
May 29, 2001
Louisville, KY
Statement from the University of Louisville

President James Ramsey met with a coalition of Latino students and others this afternoon at 2 pm for the purposes of issuing a personal apology and to express his willingness to engage in further dialogue with the campus community. The president also expressed his interest in continuing conversations and offered several options for future meetings.
I thought it was political correctness but what is the story here, why was he apologizing ?
Hilarious...The pic w Ramsey that started the whole thing was just plastered across the screen and discussed on "The Five" which is a Fox News program.

They were laughing at the PC. Later, during the discussion, Juan Williams says he doesn't think it helps to state the race(white, black, other) of a "mugger" if you happen to get attacked etc. in an area like Wash DC or New York.

Police: What happened?
Victim: Got mugged?
Police: Did you get a good look at him?
Victim: Yes, clear as a bell... about 5'10".

Police: We're on it.
I agree this is so sad, I guess they need to quit selling sombreros and ponchos all together. I never thought of them a racist items, I guess if this is the case then any item that is from Mexican origin is racist.
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Look. This is no different than say I decide to have a Hawaiian luau in my backyard and I buy everyone leis and grass skirts. Disrespectful to Hawaiians everywhere...

Over sensitivity!!!
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They sell the crap out of sombrero's to tourist in Mexico, so if you wear one your a racist? BS
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So would it have been ok for them to put black shoe polish on and dress as black ppl for Halloween? Hopefully you know the difference in doing this and attending a luau! At least they had the good sense to apologize for this childish behavior. And hopefully the diversity training goes a long way in making or disguising future decisions.
So would it have been ok for them to put black shoe polish on and dress as black ppl for Halloween? Hopefully you know the difference in doing this and attending a luau! At least they had the good sense to apologize for this childish behavior. And hopefully the diversity training goes a long way in making or disguising future decisions.
Ridiculous analogy - apples and rocks. First there is a history that accompanies blackface and that time, that is offensive because of the way it was portrayed. If a serape and sombrero - or even full blown Mariachi clothing is offensive - then you need to boycott every Mexican restaurant there is.

What's next - people being offended at the ND leprechaun? I'm a pretty liberal person but this is ludicrous.
Local fox 41 with rick bozo and the point of view idiot. Wby watch them, they have it out for louisville.

They have one guy that within the last week has taken his head out of his hindparts to actually perform as a journalist. The others are hacks
Count me normally siding on the politically correct side but this is much to do about nothing more than the new little rebels without a real cause getting bored. Go eff off somewhere else weasels.

My business partner that is a lower middle class Mexican American in his late 40s loved the Halloween tribute by some silly Americans to his beloved Mariachi Culture of fun and True Mexican Folk Music.

As in the words of Melvin Udall, "go sell stupid somewhere else".
BPG, i can't believe that you are ignorant enough to think what they did is comparable to a themed restaurant. And again it is the same thing as dressing as African Americans. I am done with this issue, either you don't know any better or you are just arguing to be arguing, hopefully the latter. I will leave this with one last question. Do you think the President of the University was sincere with his apology or just apologized to "get people off his back"? I am curious to your perception of the President of the University.
The president shouldn't apologize over this. Would I be offended if some people dressed up as white people for Halloween? No because it's not a big deal. What is the world coming to? L1C4
Those protesting were not the normal Mexicans at all. It was mainly gays, feminists and other crazies! Many of them were also Native Americans, Hispanic, blacks and crazy white women.


The PC crowd roams the earth with a chip on their shoulder looking for stuff to bitch about. They are the most unhappy people I have ever seen. And they want to drag the world into the same hole they just crawled out of. Wake up America. Live and let Live.
The "protesters" the local TV stations interviewed looked like something from American Horror Story: Freak Show. Get your thin skinned, over indulged, under disciplined butts back to class!!
I thought this was hilarious. You can buy a Poncho and a Sombrero at many places here in Louisville, you don't need to go to Mexico.

My 16 year old son wore the same color scheme poncho and sombrero as Dr. Ramsey's for Halloween and everyone got a kick out of it.
Kentucky, and Louisville fans, both thought it was Hilarious, and even some Latino parents of trick or treaters thought so too.
Many people stopped my son as he was walking down the street, yelling "Hey Dr. Ramsey!" and asked if they could get a picture taken with him, or if they could wear the sombrero and poncho to have their picture taken in it. Of Course he stopped and let them get a photo.

They all brought up how silly this President Ramsey issue was, and laughed about the situation about how our society can take things way too serious sometimes.

Shame on President Ramsey. He's so racist. He's the only one in that Photo who wasn't wearing a fake mustache or beard. I guess that's why he stands out.
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BPG, i can't believe that you are ignorant enough to think what they did is comparable to a themed restaurant. And again it is the same thing as dressing as African Americans. I am done with this issue, either you don't know any better or you are just arguing to be arguing, hopefully the latter. I will leave this with one last question. Do you think the President of the University was sincere with his apology or just apologized to "get people off his back"? I am curious to your perception of the President of the University.
So let me make sure that I understand you - stereotypical images are acceptable if done within a corporate framework? So based upon your comment, you would be totally ok if Disney came out with a "Porgy and Bess" restaurant where the wait staff was all in black face simply because it was a "themed restaurant"?

Just out of curiosity - how does one "dress as (an) African American"? You'll have to inform me on that one as I wasn't aware that was a thing. I'll make sure to pass your thoughts on that to my black friends - and family members.

Your position is typical of most PC nonsense - completely reactionary and emotional, devoid of any real critical thinking, common sense or nuance. It was a Halloween party - FFS. What's next - no vampire costumes out of respect for the feelings of those poor stereotyped Romanians?

As for President Ramsey - I would bet that his apology fell somewhere in the middle of being respectful for people's (however contrived) feelings and a sense of disbelief that the situation became an issue that was apology-worthy.

As for you being finished with this issue - I've got news for you pal, you were done before you started...
I'll make sure to pass your thoughts on that to my black friends - and family members.

Ha! There it is: black friends and black family members. Never fails. And let me guess: they tell you they're totally cool with derogatory stereotypes?
Ha! There it is: black friends and black family members. Never fails. And let me guess: they tell you they're totally cool with derogatory stereotypes?
Right - it never fails that people make up having black family members - sigh...

Though I'd doubt that they are accepting (why did you use the word "cool" by the way - is that how you think black people talk?) of derogatory stereotypes - it's not something that we sit around and discuss. You know because we're real people, with kids, parents, jobs, etc. that have more important things to worry about and discuss than your PC Halloween costume nonsense.

Besides, the question to the other dumbazz poster was, how was it that he thought black people dress? Given that you seem to be sharing a brain with him, maybe you want to weigh in.
Are you kidding me! The world has gone nuts with this PC "stuff". I am embarrassed that President Ramsey apologized. They did nothing wrong. We need to stop giving in to these stupid demands.
Man up President Ramsey.
I agree man! People need to stop being so sensitive. Stereotypes and such are just damned funny. Blacks, Mexicans and the like need to grow some thicker skin. The ability to be an offensive asshole trumps their feelings. PC is killing MY country!!
Right - it never fails that people make up having black family members - sigh...

Though I'd doubt that they are accepting (why did you use the word "cool" by the way - is that how you think black people talk?) of derogatory stereotypes - it's not something that we sit around and discuss. You know because we're real people, with kids, parents, jobs, etc. that have more important things to worry about and discuss than your PC Halloween costume nonsense.

Besides, the question to the other dumbazz poster was, how was it that he thought black people dress? Given that you seem to be sharing a brain with him, maybe you want to weigh in.

I think you're trying way, way too hard. Not a doubt that the poster is making all that $hit up about all his "black friends" and family members. 100% false
Are you kidding me! The world has gone nuts with this PC "stuff". I am embarrassed that President Ramsey apologized. They did nothing wrong. We need to stop giving in to these stupid demands.
Man up President Ramsey.

"Man up" how?