Some of our fans are psycho...


Elite Member
Jun 26, 2001
(...Of course, I'm the guy posting this. And I'll try not to mention names while practicing without a license!!)

It's amusing reading posts in the 48 hours following a loss like Thursday's because of the range of emotions and mental states you see in our fans. It's also interesting to see who posts. Some posters you almost never see EXCEPT in this situation. Others specifically avoid posting while the rest like me post right through it. Maybe the "avoid" strategy is best, but posters like me can't help ourselves.

When you say you're disappointed, well, who's not? Thursday was a helluva reality check on how ready we were to compete for a national championship. Sad, depressed, frustrated... In the aftermath, all of those are reasonable emotions IMO, and I think most fans and even objective bystanders would agree.

"Psycho" is a strong word otherwise, and I'm applying it in degrees. Some people sound more psycho than others. And no offense if this applies to you--again, I'm not naming names--but you should own who you are. Here are the mental states that I read and interpret which are hard for me to understand in this regard...

As I'm defining it, an extreme degree of sadness or depression. Perhaps the most common of these afflictions in the real world (not on a message board) and one that some of my own circle of friends and family experience.

Mad, angry, or PO'd
Likely the most common on the internet esp. when expressed in the heat of the moment. The "avoid" strategy is Dr. zipp's completely non-professional advice for these people.

A word and sentiment you see sometimes expressed that's fascinating and begs for more information. Why would you be personally embarrassed when you didn't play or coach the game? Is it purely fan empathy? Or are you one of the water cooler or assembly line guys who mouth off a little more than you maybe should to deal with a situation like Thursday's?

Probably the most unhealthy because it implies striking back or out at someone. Players and coaches are the most common targets, but we often see poster-on-poster "crime" in this space. If this is you, legit professional help may be the answer.

It's understood that sometimes people use one of these words incorrectly to describe themselves, e.g., they may say "mad" when they really mean "sad". That's fine. Emotions are also overlapping, and no one asks us to choose our words carefully after a loss unless you really start to go psycho.

I may be forgetting a mental state or two, and I welcome additions to the list as well as remedies for anything. A couple times I've opined the "avoid" approach is best, and maybe that's best for everyone after a loss and even during a game. But the guys running this place have a business model working against that, so I'm not making that blanket recommendation...

(...Of course, I'm the guy posting this. And I'll try not to mention names while practicing without a license!!)

It's amusing reading posts in the 48 hours following a loss like Thursday's because of the range of emotions and mental states you see in our fans. It's also interesting to see who posts. Some posters you almost never see EXCEPT in this situation. Others specifically avoid posting while the rest like me post right through it. Maybe the "avoid" strategy is best, but posters like me can't help ourselves.

When you say you're disappointed, well, who's not? Thursday was a helluva reality check on how ready we were to compete for a national championship. Sad, depressed, frustrated... In the aftermath, all of those are reasonable emotions IMO, and I think most fans and even objective bystanders would agree.

"Psycho" is a strong word otherwise, and I'm applying it in degrees. Some people sound more psycho than others. And no offense if this applies to you--again, I'm not naming names--but you should own who you are. Here are the mental states that I read and interpret which are hard for me to understand in this regard...

As I'm defining it, an extreme degree of sadness or depression. Perhaps the most common of these afflictions in the real world (not on a message board) and one that some of my own circle of friends and family experience.

Mad, angry, or PO'd
Likely the most common on the internet esp. when expressed in the heat of the moment. The "avoid" strategy is Dr. zipp's completely non-professional advice for these people.

A word and sentiment you see sometimes expressed that's fascinating and begs for more information. Why would you be personally embarrassed when you didn't play or coach the game? Is it purely fan empathy? Or are you one of the water cooler or assembly line guys who mouth off a little more than you maybe should to deal with a situation like Thursday's?

Probably the most unhealthy because it implies striking back or out at someone. Players and coaches are the most common targets, but we often see poster-on-poster "crime" in this space. If this is you, legit professional help may be the answer.

It's understood that sometimes people use one of these words incorrectly to describe themselves, e.g., they may say "mad" when they really mean "sad". That's fine. Emotions are also overlapping, and no one asks us to choose our words carefully after a loss unless you really start to go psycho.

I may be forgetting a mental state or two, and I welcome additions to the list as well as remedies for anything. A couple times I've opined the "avoid" approach is best, and maybe that's best for everyone after a loss and even during a game. But the guys running this place have a business model working against that, so I'm not making that blanket recommendation...


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My phases after a tough loss are:

1) disappointment - primarily for selfish reasons. Watching and going to football games is the one hobby I have that my wife supports without question. So yes it was disappointing when the CFP tickets I reserved will go by the wayside

2) analysis of what went wrong - I played football and I'm an analytical person, so I alleviate my disappointment when I'm able to conceptualize what happened and perhaps figure out how/why it won't happen in the future

Hope this doesn't make me psycho
Analytical is IMO the best response. In theory, it's objective and dispassionate. And it's constructive instead of destructive. But I'll admit it's hard to expect from the average person during or immediately after a tough game...
You left out the "Don't know much, but are convinced that they are somehow superior in their opinion. Then when proven wrong, revert to insults" category.

No need to explain it, and as far as I can tell it's a category of 1. But we're not calling names.
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You left out the "Don't know much, but are convinced that they are somehow superior in their opinion. Then when proven wrong, revert to insults" category.

No need to explain it, and as far as I can tell it's a category of 1. But we're not calling names.
That's kinda long. But if you wanna move beyond pyscho, let's also add a "full of $hit" catagory...
And under FOS, we'll add a subcategory for Kratz's recruiting info...
And under FOS, we'll add a subcategory for Kratz's recruiting info...

Beats the hell out of anything you think you might know, but we're not naming names, right? The sad part is that you truly believe you're educated on this stuff. Yet your posts prove the opposite time and time again. So go ahead and deflect and insult me because it's all you have. The rest of us know it's your sign of submission even if you don't
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The problem is you do not understand that the word Fan comes from fanatic. Try living in a NFL town like oh let's say Pittsburgh, Baltimore and I can go on and then you might understand. Those fans take ownership of their teams. Embarrassed well I've heard that a lot and fans don't play the game but the buy tickets, wear the gear and in college sports hang degrees on the wall, so yes in a way they represent the university which does make it personal in a Fan way. Cry babies no some people hate to lose or see something they support fail, those people are referred to as winners. Now calling for CBP head that's out there but I personally haven't seen that.
I personally don't get embarrassed at a loss personally don't understand that. But Fans react differently I guess.
Rather than start a new thread the same way, I thought I'd just recycle the old one...

So, have we fired most of our coaches yet? The names I've read or heard since Houston...

Kolby Smith

If we're gonna fire that many assistants, I think Petrino may have to just fire everyone except Nick and start fresh. I mean, doesn't a 9-3 record almost demand that?

Too many of you guys are just too funny. I used to enjoy watching slappies after a loss, but swear to God, my own fanbase is providing almost as much enjoyment. The problem is obviously I hate like hell having to pull for us to LOSE--not conflicted with the slapd!cks.

And to keep with a theme, nice little rivalry some of you guys have a hard-on to continue.

LPT Football: Something we can agree with 'zipp' about...
Rather than start a new thread the same way, I thought I'd just recycle the old one...

So, have we fired most of our coaches yet? The names I've read or heard since Houston...

Kolby Smith

If we're gonna fire that many assistants, I think Petrino may have to just fire everyone except Nick and start fresh. I mean, doesn't a 9-3 record almost demand that?

Too many of you guys are just too funny. I used to enjoy watching slappies after a loss, but swear to God, my own fanbase is providing almost as much enjoyment. The problem is obviously I hate like hell having to pull for us to LOSE--not conflicted with the slapd!cks.

And to keep with a theme, nice little rivalry some of you guys have a hard-on to continue.

LPT Football: Something we can agree with 'zipp' about...
I don't know about firing anyone but what was going with our D line. Numerous times they were confused or waiting for plays to be sent it. Someone needs to explain that.
There are some other mental states that apply.

Concern - Heading into an off season losing 3 in a row or 2 outta the last 3 will bring that outta a few supporters, even the level-headed types

Faithful - Some will have confidence in the brass to make decisions to make proper adjustments to maintain the overall current winning level and/or improve on the win count in future seasons

Condescending - I'm not going to point any fingers or mention any names but there could be a few of those types around here?
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...Condescending - I'm not going to point any fingers or mention any names but there could be a few of those types around here?
hop, if that one's directed at me, no problem saying so because a whole lot of our fans IMO have it coming. Just look at that list of coaches a few posts up for confirmation.

Any fanbase that has wackos wanting to fire most of the coaches after a 9-3 season deserves condescension. And I'm happy to be the guy doling it out. In fact, thanks for bringing that point up, and you just earned a "like".

The more enlightened among us might say that psychosis means we've just "arrived", not unlike Bama or Michigan fans. But that's rationalization...squared. If that's you, it just means you're like other big-time idiots. Congrats...
hop, if that one's directed at me, no problem saying so because a whole lot of our fans IMO have it coming. Just look at that list of coaches a few posts up for confirmation.

Any fanbase that has wackos wanting to fire most of the coaches after a 9-3 season deserves condescension. And I'm happy to be the guy doling it out. In fact, thanks for bringing that point up, and you just earned a "like".

The more enlightened among us might say that psychosis means we've just "arrived", not unlike Bama or Michigan fans. But that's rationalization...squared. If that's you, it just means you're like other big-time idiots. Congrats...

No Zipp I think we all own a piece of that.

This program has had ups and downs, and the down haven't necessarily had their limits. I think you're witnessing concern trump all other mental state, people just project those fears in different ways
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I'm still on board with getting rid of or re-assigning Klenakis. He's had years to get it done and he hasn't. Neither on the field or in recruiting.

Our best OL coming in next year had one other P-5 offer (Ga Tech). Hell, we even signed a guy that we were literally the ONLY school to offer him a scholarship.

You want to be top tier and play with the big boys, you've got to do better at O line than that in your 4th season.

Use whatever adjective you want to call me, but I want to be top tier. I want to be able to hang with the Bamas, OSU, Clemsons, and such of the world. Won't happen with line recruiting like that.
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It's not really a debate about a certain coach or which coach gets the most "fire" votes. Obviously, we're just a sea of opinions...

It's about proper assigning of cause and effect. One guy wants this coach fired, a second wants a different coach sent packing. After enough of that, it becomes obvious (to some) that people don't really know what they're talking about. Somebody in there is probably right, but who knows who that person is. Rather, it's about what issue moves you, and that by itself doesn't gain you credibility.

Where I get sideways with most fans is their unjustifiably strong opinion that THIS or THAT needs to happen. Great that you stand behind your beliefs--like me and the "rivalry" issue--but understand that like me you just MIGHT be wrong. And be patient for things to play out (not that we have a choice) because you will ultimately be vindicated or go down in flames.

If you can't recognize that, and sorry of it offends but, my shorthand this week is again "psycho"...
Then there are those of us that think we are right on certain issues (me) who have lots of evidence and data to back up my claim. Yet others choose to ignore cold, hard facts, data, and results on the field and the recruiting trail because for whatever reason they don't wish this to be true.

Local fans to National experts all agree that Louisvilles O line is sub par to say the least. Can you find anyone that praises UofL as having a good offensive line? When the same person has been in charge of that group for 4 years and it's as pathetic as it is, with an incoming class that is well below average, the answer becomes obvious.
Then there are those of us that think we are right on certain issues (me) who have lots of evidence and data to back up my claim. Yet others choose to ignore cold, hard facts, data, and results on the field and the recruiting trail because for whatever reason they don't wish this to be true.

Local fans to National experts all agree that Louisvilles O line is sub par to say the least. Can you find anyone that praises UofL as having a good offensive line? When the same person has been in charge of that group for 4 years and it's as pathetic as it is, with an incoming class that is well below average, the answer becomes obvious.
At this point based on a season's body of work, I'll admit to being more inclined to agree with you about the offense than the defense--and there are plenty on the latter side of that debate now. But it likely ain't both for crissakes, and you don't objectively know whether it's coaching or players, this guy or that guy, or far more likely, some combination of the above.

Opinions are fine and what drive this place. The "psycho" part is when people lose touch with that being the case. As hellbent as I am about mine, even I recognize that ('cuz I ain't psycho...)
Zipp I thought you would remind everyone that the rivalry doesn't matter.

If there's one thing I know, it's losing to your bitter rivals in FB. Just gotta let time pass, then show up for next years squad. The milk is already spilled.

But seriously , looking ahead UL will be stout on O next year, questionable on D. UK will get a ton back next year so we are in for another war next season.
Zipp I thought you would remind everyone that the rivalry doesn't matter.

If there's one thing I know, it's losing to your bitter rivals in FB. Just gotta let time pass, then show up for next years squad. The milk is already spilled.

But seriously , looking ahead UL will be stout on O next year, questionable on D. UK will get a ton back next year so we are in for another war next season.
Is your first remark sarcasm, or have you missed a hundred or so of my more recent posts?

Saturday's result doesn't stick with me at all except when I have to come here and be reminded by previously invisible slappies and the whining fraction of my own fanbase.

And the last insight about football I need is from a fan of a basketball school.

LPT Football: But that's all we have!...
Is your first remark sarcasm, or have you missed a hundred or so of my more recent posts?

Saturday's result doesn't stick with me at all except when I have to come here and be reminded by previously invisible slappies and the whining fraction of my own fanbase.

And the last insight about football I need is from a fan of a basketball school.

LPT Football: But that's all we have!...
Well it was sarcasm.....and no I have not read a hundred or so of your posts. Stuff to do.

By the way Louisville is a basketball school too. That's common knowledge. To your credit, you happen to be better at football than UK. But yeah. We are both basketball schools.
...By the way Louisville is a basketball school too. That's common knowledge. To your credit, you happen to be better at football than UK. But yeah. We are both basketball schools.
You're as out-of-step with your thinking as the "LPT Rivalry" fans in my own fanbase and those who think we need you for attendance and facilities expansion in any sport. Those days are gone.

As evidence, poll your own fanbase about a basketball-school mentality, then poll ours. You'll get a nearly unanimous result among slapd!cks--even your AD and hardcore football fans will admit that--but a significant minority of U of L fans that's also declining every year.

That and 10,000 fans on Senior Day are big reasons that this "rivalry" has outlived its usefulness. We're vastly different institutions...
You're as out-of-step with your thinking as the "LPT Rivalry" fans in my own fanbase and those who think we need you for attendance and facilities expansion in any sport. Those days are gone.

As evidence, poll your own fanbase about a basketball-school mentality, then poll ours. You'll get a nearly unanimous result among slapd!cks--even your AD and hardcore football fans will admit that--but a significant minority of U of L fans that's also declining every year.

That and 10,000 fans on Senior Day are big reasons that this "rivalry" has outlived its usefulness. We're vastly different institutions...
Zipp you're not gonna get far with this.

You can be proud of football without diminishing your basketball success.

Your basketball program is top 7 in the nation ALL TIME. You've had a HOF coach for decades, multiple final fours, multiple titles, and brand recognition. Compare that to football. Again, you're sitting on a top ten basketball program. You're a basketball school. Try not to be so happy about it. Jeez. I may just be a lowly slappy, but I know what time it is.
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I don't know about firing anyone but what was going with our D line. Numerous times they were confused or waiting for plays to be sent it. Someone needs to explain that.
according to @BPGhost and @zipp we are just fine, nothing to see here. These are the best assistant coaches in the world.
our players are just to dumb to pick up the complex schemes of the defensive guru's and our offensive line is better than the 90's cowbows lines. we are just too stupid to see it.
according to @BPGhost and @zipp we are just fine, nothing to see here. These are the best assistant coaches in the world.
our players are just to dumb to pick up the complex schemes of the defensive guru's and our offensive line is better than the 90's cowbows lines. we are just too stupid to see it.
Someone is definitely dumb in this equation but, it's not the players.

Nope the dummy's name starts with a "B" and ends with an "easlythecard".
Someone is definitely dumb in this equation but, it's not the players.

Nope the dummy's name starts with a "B" and ends with an "easlythecard".
since you posted this our offensive line was called for 2 holding penalties and 1 false start on the center, now we have to punt.
Klenakis is a genious.
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...Your basketball program is top 7 in the nation ALL TIME. You've had a HOF coach for decades, multiple final fours, multiple titles, and brand recognition. Compare that to football. Again, you're sitting on a top ten basketball program. You're a basketball school. Try not to be so happy about it. Jeez. I may just be a lowly slappy, but I know what time it is.
In typical slapd!ck fashion, you're quoting history, some ancient. I said poll people TODAY, not ten or twenty years ago.

I appreciate your respect for our basketball program, but that matters not at all. If you wanna respect U of L only as a basketball school, that's your business. As long as you're not 17 years old, 250 lbs., and running a 4.4 forty, I don't give a damn what you believe.

LPT Football: We'll believe about anything...
since you posted this our offensive line was called for 2 holding penalties and 1 false start on the center, now we have to punt.
Klenakis is a genious.
While funnier than your typical post, it remains as rrelevant as the others.
And by the way, if this rivalry head outlived its usefulness, you would not still have Mitch B as your avatar. You are the living embodiment of this rivalry.
One thing that never gets old is poking a slapd!ck in the eye. And you don't play an obsolete "rivalry" game for that.

LPT Football: He'll always be mean to our fans...
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In typical slapd!ck fashion, you're quoting history, some ancient. I said poll people TODAY, not ten or twenty years ago.

I appreciate your respect for our basketball program, but that matters not at all. If you wanna respect U of L only as a basketball school, that's your business. As long as you're not 17 years old, 250 lbs., and running a 4.4 forty, I don't give a damn what you believe.

LPT Football: We'll believe about anything...
Poll them any day of the week. You're still a basketball school. Nothing wrong with that

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