Louisvillian 6000+ Oct 27, 2006 7,711 4,379 26 Dec 3, 2019 #1 that way I can enjoy our #1 team’s victory over #4 Michigan and get a good nights sleep while the fans of the important game’s participants #10 vs #11 can stay up past midnight. Great win Cards! Reactions: Lamar Card, PHCARD, Ipartiedwithhopgood and 1 other person
that way I can enjoy our #1 team’s victory over #4 Michigan and get a good nights sleep while the fans of the important game’s participants #10 vs #11 can stay up past midnight. Great win Cards!
PHCARD Moderator Moderator Apr 6, 2007 4,943 5,127 26 Dec 4, 2019 #2 I had a hard enough time unwinding last night. The late game would have sent me into insomnia world.