Agree 100% with the bolded above. Jurich is next level. I just don't agree with skewering Olsen who was at worst, a good guardian who wasn't perfect, but who overall deserves praise for having the vision to hire CHS. As such, he is the real founder of modern Louisville football. Nah, it's Coach S. but Olsen made it happen.
Is that so wrong? No subsequent fallout can rob him of the credit he deserves for that accomplishment IMO.
Take a look at the big time opponents from the CHS era (Texas is a good example) and ask yourself how many of those programs would play a game at our significantly upgraded venue after the formation of the CFA especially once it gelled into the BCS?
Even the bad CHS deals such as with Ohio State (2 away games using Big Ten refs and we got jobbed big time) would dry up by the mid-90s no matter who was our coach. Who's to say what our schedule would look like by the late 90s without C-USA but the evidence for being on the wrong end of a deep freeze is pretty notable, I think. IIRC the Penn State visit was the last game of any major status we hosted from there to FSU in 2002. Which, in retrospect, was a great land. Once we won that (even though JLS phoned in most of that season while he shopped himself around) things got worse. I'd be willing to bet (but not sure what source there'd be to check) that the home-away with Miami was signed before we beat FSU? If not, kudos to The U. Especially once they did play the return game (we saw some big names opt out of contracts to play us and complaints about that fact were stock-and-trade on this board a decade ago). One last detail, TJ began to demand home-away deals (rightly, IMO), but by the time those games were played we were in the Big East. We were criticized for playing no one even though technically we were on the inside track (and got our first BCS slot as a result of that technicality).
I'm unsure what the last sentence about C-USA intrigue adds to the question of Olsen's legacy but I think both he and our basketball coach might've been coasting by then. Cooper was a bad hire for the right reasons and that one is definitely on Olsen (but oddly, none of his critics brought that up because it's painful. So if I were going to knock him it'd be on that hire, not on the CHS exit and the C-USA entry.
But then, our hero TJ made a parallel bad hire. Both those hires set us back and only the fan base's general loyalty (and its demand for a winning team) put us back on that collision course. Even in 2009, I wouldn't have "
Olsened" Jurich over that. Sometimes even when we do our jobs things don't work out the way we hoped, right?
I'm not trying to make a federal case of it, people are free to blame Olsen for whatever they want, I just wanted to suggest a possible different explanation or at the least recap the mitigating factors of those years. Given the magnanimous, laudable context of Schnellenberger's linked remarks, I'm more than happy where we are now. It's probably a good time to bury the hatchet.