Ramsey and Rutherford crucified U of L administration...


Elite Member
Jun 26, 2001
...on their radio show today over the Jurich settlement. The podcast is a good listen (LINK). A lawyer who practices in this area of litigation was in studio the 2nd hour.

I find this interesting as WKRD 790 is under contract for priority broadcasting of U of L sporting events. They're funded by the current people in charge at U of L.

Credit to R&R for not sucking up to the clown show and for speaking their minds. I certainly hope it continues...
it's a good show. they're fair imo and the BOT should be roasted for how they handled Jurich.

should've reprimanded him for poor management and given whatever penalties (if any) they could have according to contract. let the contract run and then look elsewhere.
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I too like Maybin’s show but Howie’s show is the best and most informative show here. I also like Mark Ennnis’ show on 93.9 at 3 p.m. I’d love to see him in the “noon” slot opposite Nick Coffey as he’s awful. Poor Nick just doesn’t have a clue. I’m not a big Deener fan but his show on Tuesday with Billy Reed is pretty good. I do like R & R but sometimes they get on my nerves. I totally agree on Vanetti as he’s just not a sports guy.

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I too like Maybin’s show but Howie’s show is the best and most informative show here. I also like Mark Ennnis’ show on 93.9 at 3 p.m. I’d love to see him in the “noon” slot opposite Nick Coffey as he’s awful. Poor Nick just doesn’t have a clue. I’m not a big Deener fan but his show on Tuesday with Billy Reed is pretty good. I do like R & R but sometimes they get on my nerves. I totally agree on Vanetti as he’s just not a sports guy.

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R&R is the best Louisville sports talk show, IMO. I like Howie & Maybin, too. Nick's okay.

Deener calls people out for being stupid. I like that. When Billy Reed is on and talking about that thar worsh, I listen to something else.
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I'm pretty tolerant of sports talk hosts. But Nick Coffey is awful. And while I'm down for Deener's abrasiveness, he's a bigger idiot than the idiots he typically goes toe-to-toe with. The one thing he does I like is hammer Perrin Johnson...
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I'm pretty tolerant of sports talk hosts. But Nick Coffey is awful. And while I'm down for Deener's abrasiveness, he's a bigger idiot than the idiots he typically goes toe-to-toe with. The one thing he does I like is hammer Perrin Johnson...

Perrin Johnson shouldn't be allowed on the radio. He's a turncoat Matty Bangs lover and should be banished from anything to do with Louisville.
Nick Coffey has ZERO knowledge about anything, even UofL stuff, beyond the year 2000. It’s like callers have to walk him through the 1980 & 1986 chmpionship years. “Who’s this Griff guy everyone is talking about??” :rolleyes:
I really like R&R and Maybin. Neither show kisses Ky fans butts like other shows on “Louisville” radio stations. Lard butt Valvano’s show is practically a Ky love fest. I wonder how ole Bobby V feels now that Jurich isn't a bully in UofL’s eyes. He jumped all over that “bully” story when it was first released..
Bob Valvano runs a “pseudo” uahkay show here. He should team up wth matty bangs. Nick Coffey thinks his show is a “variety” show. In fact, it is . . . A very bad variety show. I do like Mark Ennis at 3 p.m. on 93.9 and I wish they would move him to his own show opposite Coffey at noon. Mark is very knowledgeable and has the gonads to be different when it’s called for on all things UofL. That’s different from R&R even though I do listen, and enjoy, them also. I do a lot of switching back and forth for these shows. But all of this only happens when I’m in the car. So, with that said, I miss a lot of stuff.

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