You're guilty of the superficial analysis most slappies do here... Criticism of things related to LPT is a means to an end. I don't really hate those "things". Most of your coaches and players, for example, are not an issue for me. They tend to be overrated, a little or a lot, by a delusional fanbase. That fanbase is always my focus, not the other LPT stuff.
I don't believe Pitino Lite is a good Xs and Os coach, and I'm in the vast majority on that--even among your own fans. To deny he can recruit is to deny facts, which is generally not something I do even as a means to an end. I'm also not one to live in a glass house and allege recruiting improprieties, cheating, payoffs, etc. I think it's very possible that Lite sells 18-year old kids on a simple message that has little to do with LPT and college basketball, the lure of the NBA. As long as you're OK subjecting your elite program to that kinda of secondary status...
Which makes Lite the perfect coach for LPT since LPT fans are more consumed with recruiting than just about anyone I've witnessed. No chance he'd be successful among U of L fans with a message that the NBA Draft is the biggest day in program history. Sometimes amazes me what LPT fans will tolerate to win in basketball.
"Elite program," my a$$...