Pitino knew Bowen recrutiment shady

Yeah, but you don't get to pick--or analyze--which lies you wanna believe.

Esp. a slappy...

So I have to either believe everything he says? Or believe everything he says is a lie? Ya normal people can usually determine. One or the other. Pretty sure for most dosent have to be one or the other. I will have to admit As stupid as that concept is. It would make things in my life much easier to just have one group of liars. And one group of truthful people.
So I have to either believe everything he says? Or believe everything he says is a lie? Ya normal people can usually determine. One or the other. Pretty sure for most dosent have to be one or the other. I will have to admit As stupid as that concept is. It would make things in my life much easier to just have one group of liars. And one group of truthful people.
Here's the deal... If you think he's a pathological liar and you have an agenda, you'll interpret truth and lies from Pitino to advance your arguments.

Not in my world...
Here's the deal... If you think he's a pathological liar and you have an agenda, you'll interpret truth and lies from Pitino to advance your arguments.

Not in my world...

The problem here is. Your the only one with a agenda. You just described yourself. You are very talented at manipulating words and events to feed your agenda. Me personally. I don't have a agenda with anything RP. I agree with you. A lot of people do. A lot of UK fans. And i agree they do exactly what you do. And manipulate history and events so RP comes out always looking bad. I get what your saying there. But I would hope most rational people could responsibly give a honest opinion about RP at the end of the day. Ya on a message board or out with your buddies talking sports, rival's and RP your absolutely correct. People who do not like RP enjoy lumping all of his many F-ups in one opinion. He is just a liar. And is guilty guilty guilty because he lied before. Like I said. At the end of the day, most rational people in a serious conversation. Can give A honest opinion. I personally do not believe RP knew anything about the strippers. I have nothing to base that opinion on, except my gut feeling. Watching him speak on the matter. I just believe him. The Bowen situation is different. Before I learned he knew Depaul was throwing cash at Bowen. I thought he had no idea. Once again just a gut feeling. I'm not saying he master minded getting the kid cash. I'm saying RP has been in this business long enough to know. If a 4* recruit is getting offers for pay for play. Then that recruit is asking for cash. Schools probably just don't just start offering if not asked or negotiated. In my opinion. RP knew Bowen was getting paid. In my opinion. RP probably thought it was Addidas. And had no idea one of his coaches was this involved. RP in my opinion took the mind set , thats their deal. Has nothing to do with me or my program. A risk worth taking for a talented kid. RP knows this game better then he is letting on. He knows he can say it was a rogue coach. And it will be true. RP didn't know just how close his program was involved. But in my opinion. He knew the kid and his family were getting paid. He just thought he had more distance between his program and Adidas. I made those 2 different opinions based off all the information I have seen. So you can make a unbiased opinion if you really want to. But i do agree with you on the fact some people cannot get past their own jealousy , hate, envy and a bunch of other emotionally charged opinions on certain topics. Any post or opinion you give on UK or anything UK is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. If anyone needs a example.
P.S Jurich knew as much as RP. And chose to take the same mind set as RP. In my unbiased opinion.
^^^ Way too many words to describe your position ^^^
  • Pitino deserved to be relieved of his duties.
  • Pitino wasn't fundamentally dishonest; he was reckless and negligent managing his own actions and his employees.
  • Pitino's exit should have been handled differently to prevent most of the fallout that has occurred.
  • Pitino's dismissal was more about U of L's management getting at Jurich.
Last edited:
  • Pitino deserved to be relieved of his duties.
  • Pitino wasn't fundamentally dishonest; he was reckless and negligent managing his own actions and his employees.
  • Pitino's exit should have been handled differently to prevent most of the fallout that has occurred.
  • Pitino's dismissal was more about U of L's management getting at Jurich.
You got the first one right then took a swing and a miss with the next 3.
Why do Slappies always feel the need to chime in on everything UofL? Personally, I could care less what goes on at Lexington A&M.
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Like most slappies, you don't have a clue what you're talking about...
Right, you dont even understand statute of limitations but everyone else is always clueless. Zipp you are truly a legend in your own mind. Your last bullet point is the funniest. You're such a Jurich fanboi you actually think Pitino was fired mainly to hurt Jurich. That is mind numbing.
Right, you dont even understand statute of limitations but everyone else is always clueless. Zipp you are truly a legend in your own mind. Your last bullet point is the funniest. You're such a Jurich fanboi you actually think Pitino was fired mainly to hurt Jurich. That is mind numbing.
What's mind numbing is a slapd!ck trying to correct me... :confused:
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