Petrino-you had one job


Dec 15, 2007
And you blew it. How are you NOT prepared, when you spent some of the Wake Forest
gameplan time, planning for Houston?

Did you not make adjustments?
No screens, rollouts, defensive adjustments? No hurry up ?

Can you not win the big one on the road road ?
Up 22-7 against Rutgers at the half, didn't score another point.

Playoff possibilities come few and far between for UofL.
Lamar comes back, but lose alot of seniors. You have to take advantage when
the opportunity presents itself.

Such a pathetic coaching effort tonite.
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I cannot argue any of your points. For the life of me I am baffled and can't believe what I witnessed last night. Undoubtedly one of the most inept and baffling performances by a Card team in any sport ever. On the pain level I rank it up there with Rutgers and the Michigan State Terrance Williams fiasco defeat in basketball.

I kid you not, sports reminds me of raising children - you invest a lot of sweat equity and tears and still occasionally they'll just break your heart. Last night was one of those heartbreak nights. But, as with my kids, all we can do is dust off their knees after they've fallen and keep pulling for them to succeed. I don't know what else you can do.

I shake my head at how emotionally invested I became with this team, I'm up at 4:40 am in the morning seeking solace typing on a damn message board. I told other Card fans after the Rutgers game that we may never get a chance like this again, I felt similar last night.

To grow the program and be accepted into the "big boy club" you gotta grab that brass ring when presented the opportunity. Well, under Bobby we are 0-2 when this opportunity has presented itself. Despite being 0-2 and his baggage I'm still in his corner, but damn that hurt last night.
I cannot argue any of your points. For the life of me I am baffled and can't believe what I witnessed last night. Undoubtedly one of the most inept and baffling performances by a Card team in any sport ever. On the pain level I rank it up there with Rutgers and the Michigan State Terrance Williams fiasco defeat in basketball.

I kid you not, sports reminds me of raising children - you invest a lot of sweat equity and tears and still occasionally they'll just break your heart. Last night was one of those heartbreak nights. But, as with my kids, all we can do is dust off their knees after they've fallen and keep pulling for them to succeed. I don't know what else you can do.

I shake my head at how emotionally invested I became with this team, I'm up at 4:40 am in the morning seeking solace typing on a damn message board. I told other Card fans after the Rutgers game that we may never get a chance like this again, I felt similar last night.

To grow the program and be accepted into the "big boy club" you gotta grab that brass ring when presented the opportunity. Well, under Bobby we are 0-2 when this opportunity has presented itself. Despite being 0-2 and his baggage I'm still in his corner, but damn that hurt last night.

Very well said.

You, sir, have earned my respect.
And you blew it. How are you NOT prepared, when you spent some of the Wake Forest
gameplan time, planning for Houston?

Did you not make adjustments?
No screens, rollouts, defensive adjustments? No hurry up ?

Can you not win the big one on the road road ?
Up 22-7 against Rutgers at the half, didn't score another point.

Playoff possibilities come few and far between for UofL.
Lamar comes back, but lose alot of seniors. You have to take advantage when
the opportunity presents itself.

Such a pathetic coaching effort tonite.
The good news is that we are now in a P5 conference we must keep pounding until we finally earn the respect and break that glass ceiling. It will happen.
"Well, under Bobby we are 0-2 when this opportunity has presented itself."

And under every other coach here we are 0-forever at getting the chance to grab the brass ring. I'll take failing at the chance over failing to get the chance every time.
We are still on the "collision course," and "the only variable is time".

If all goes well...11-2 w a big bowl win, Heisman winner and a damned meaningful season to remember for decades. All is not lost

Go Cards!
I love Petrino, and I'm just speculating here... Sometimes this year, I've had the impression that Petrino thinks that he has a great team--I mean, an elite team--and that he doesn't have to consider changes and tricks to win games. It appears that he has gotten more conservative and stuck to doing things his way. But I'm not sure that's not simply a function of how good he thinks THIS team is inherently.

This is the same coach who started last season with a trick play. He has said or indicated that Reggie Bonnafon would get more involved in the offense, presumably on halfback and wide receiver passes. How long has it been since we've seen a fake punt or field goal? He even punted on 4th and 7 midway thru the 4th quarter on Thursday, and I doubt he was waving the white flag.

He certainly can be wrong in that thinking--it looked on Thursday like Houston could stand toe-to-toe with us on most weekends, and that more out-of-the-box thinking was warranted. But that's in hindsight. This team may not be as good as he or we think it is, but that's unfortunately not known until after the fact--which is too late to change strategy or anything we did.

I doubt that preparation per se was the issue. Petrino appeared irritable all week for a variety of reasons in all likelihood. I'm confident that he didn't prefer five days between games and that he tried to adjust for that. He dogged off or curtailed his TV and radio commitments this week, and barely made an appearance at his Monday press conference. A coach with a reputation for OVER-preparing probably did not do the opposite.

I'm starting to come around to the thinking expressed by many that this team's social media privileges should be limited during the season. I sure as hell don't want the "kinder, gentler Bobby" in the way of winning games. Gimme boot camp Bobby...
If social media we are all in the same boat.

Mighty Buckeyes win by 1 today 17-16, w Mich State missing a 2 pt conversion late...

Mighty Mich is down late in the third 10-6 at home against IU.

College football has layers.