Just a though, Tom Jurich was originally hired to fire Ron Cooper and Denny Crum, because of the NCAA problems that both teams were having. He was charged with maintaining the cleanest programs in the NCAA. So how clean are Pitino and Hurt? How about the Wake Forest mess? There may be some fire with this smoke. The Louisville BOD will not want the NCAA camping at U of L like they were at UNLV, back in the day. Hookers, strippers, and wife beating got Cooper fired Crum got fired for recruiting violations, sexual favors to the players by "the Louisville Ladies", and alleged illegal benefit for players, pay to their parents and free cars. So we wait to see where this is headed. Remember that Pitino and Jurich were both Ramsey's Golden Boys. We all know what happen to Ramsey. Look for a special state audit of the Athletic Department, just like The Louisville Foundation and The Medical School received. I hope I am wrong, but I have been hearing that a clean was coming soon.