OT: A Thanksgiving Story to Remind us All What a Simple Act can Mean


Jan 26, 2007
A friend of mine had this happen to him and his story is a perfect reminder that we all pee the same color, we all bleed the same color, and we are all here just trying to be ourselves. I wish everyone everywhere peace, laughter, joy and compassion during every day of the year. (why do we need holidays to wish this for people anyways?) i digress, please do a random act of kindness everyday. here i share my friends story...

We live on a street that is a really popular place to stop when you have car issues. There's a convenient parking area across the street from us, so we see and hear our fair share of breakdowns, pull overs etc... and a few of the times people will ring our bell looking for assistance, which of course we provide if we are able.

Back in August we had a young man and his mother come to the door around 8:30-9:00 am asking if they could use the restroom while they waited for their assistance to arrive. Danny, the young man had just picked his mother (a nurse) up from work and their (only) car broke down. He was a college student due to return to school out of state the next day. They were both super polite, Indian, and soft spoken. They took their shoes off in the house to not get our floors all wet.

I had to leave for work, but my wife apparently let them back in a few times after I had gone while they waited for Danny's aunt.

So flash forward to last night...

We were watching a movie around 7:30, not having the best of nights, and the doorbell rang.

It was Danny and his mother. "Hi, do you remember us?" Danny asked. "Of course!" I said and invited them inside. Danny said that he was in town for Thanksgiving break and they wanted to stop by and give us a thank you card and thank us again for "being what they needed at the time they needed it.".

We chatted for a minute, learned they were on their way to Ohio to have Thanksgiving with family. As they started to leave Danny asked if they could pray with us before they left.

I am by no means a religious person, but I respect anyone's beliefs even if I don't agree with them. So we joined hands while Danny gave a very moving and heartfelt prayer thanking God for bringing us into their life when they needed assistance and asked that he look out for us. Even I said a truly heartfelt Amen at the end.

We were having a bad night and then Danny and his mom returned the favor of "being what we needed when we needed it" by being genuinely kind and thoughtful people.

It was kind of amazing and a genuinely beautiful moment in our lives. Thank you Danny. This telling really can't explain the feeling of joy and hope it brought us both.