One and Dones


New Poster, Show Me Love
Mar 23, 2015
The NBA's rule on an amateur player having to be 19 to enter the professional draft is willingly being used by some so-called institutions of higher education to commit academic fraud. An NBA-caliber college freshman can make his grades for one semester and be eligible to play the second semester. After basketball he drops out. In no way does this fit the meaning of a student athlete.

Look for the NBA to possibly change the rule along the lines of baseball. A kid can go straight to the minor leagues out of high school, but if he enrolls in college he must stay until he is old enough to have completed his junior year. I think the one-and-done rule and the baseball rule both deprive someone of making a living and should be tossed. This would help some universities (anyone come to mind) to clean up their athletic act.

I don't understand how someone can root for a college basketball team that has been rented for 6 months.
I hate one and done because it cheapens college athletics. I say let them go out of high school, but let them have college as a fall back if they aren't drafted first round. Helps avoid the sad stories of kids who thought they were NBA material. Plus, one and done should hurt your APR.
I never understood the logic when they changed the age limit rule. This probably sounds dramatic, but what the NBA did goes against why America is great. A kid's got talent, ready to make money, let him play if he's ready. "Nope, we feel another year, hopefully two is what's best for the young man and the NBA." If you're 18 and want to fight in a war, you can. You just can't play in the NBA. I get why the NFL does it. That game is played by grown ass men. Strong, fast, mean men. Their 3 year out of high school rule is to genuinely protect player. But the NBA is basketball. Anyone with usable limbs can play basketball. And if you're lucky enough to be gifted with height and other intangibles, you should be allowed in. The NBA's rule seems like a PR rule. It does nothing to protect the player. Just the NBA's image, for whatever's that worth.
Originally posted by CardX:
I never understood the logic when they changed the age limit rule. This probably sounds dramatic, but what the NBA did goes against why America is great. A kid's got talent, ready to make money, let him play if he's ready. "Nope, we feel another year, hopefully two is what's best for the young man and the NBA." If you're 18 and want to fight in a war, you can. You just can't play in the NBA. I get why the NFL does it. That game is played by grown ass men. Strong, fast, mean men. Their 3 year out of high school rule is to genuinely protect player. But the NBA is basketball. Anyone with usable limbs can play basketball. And if you're lucky enough to be gifted with height and other intangibles, you should be allowed in. The NBA's rule seems like a PR rule. It does nothing to protect the player. Just the NBA's image, for whatever's that worth.
Card X and itsinthecards...very well said...
Do they have an age limit in tennis? Golf? Any sport? It seems to me if the pros think you are good enough to play and you want to take the chance, there's shouldn't be a max age.

If they are willing to take the chance and throw $ at some kid, that's their prerogative.
The rule is a tricky one. Personally, I like the Baseball rule. Go pro, or go to school for 3 years, it gives options. The current system for basketball is go to college or go overseas. Upping it 2 years might be better...

Of course, the NCAA does not control this, but they don't help it either. The rule that once you declare, you can't come back is stupid. Let the kids test the waters.

Ultimately, should we really restrict players if they have the chance to make great money? Who's to tell Towns, you have to stay and play more. Who's to tell Rozier, sorry son, you can't go pro yet? What about Jones, Russell, Okafor... if they are NBA ready...

I like the idea of an invitation combine where kids can try out, get tested, and still return for more college ball... that way, the ones who are ready - regardless of enrollment year - can move on, the ones who need more time can have more time...
There are only 10-12 one and cones each year. Academic fraud is not due to the one and done, but due to the huge money driving college sports to recruit the best athletes and keep them eligible. The NCAA is looking into at least 20 schools for academic fraud. They are also discussing making freshmen ineligible. The only reason that college presidents would be considering such a drastic action is to try to end widespread academic fraud. One and done is just a tiny aspect of the problem.
Heard this being discussed on the a national sports radio show. A guy that covers the NBA said most of the teams don't want to draft kids straight out of High School because in the past a high % of them didn't make it. Not Surprisingly the agents don't want the league to push the age limit higher than 19 and they have a lot of sway with the players union who would have to approve the change. Does not sound like anything is going to change in the near future.