New York vs Greensboro Tournament


Three-Star Poster
Feb 7, 2008
New York 777 miles from Louisville driving
Greensboro 490 miles

Average cost of hotel room in Manhattan $200
Average for Greensboro $100

There are so many other variables that could be added. What other comparisons would you make, and where do you think the most fans will attend and enjoy?
You have to remember that the ACC has as much history in Greensboro as the Big East has in NYC. Some of the greatest moments in ACC history have happened in Greensboro. In terms of stuff to do outside of the basketball games there's obviously no comparison in any manner, there's only one NYC. With that said, Greensboro is closer and far more affordable. With all due respect to NYC only the upper class of UofL fans were ever able to make the trip to NYC for the Big East Tournament. The ACC Tournament (outside of the years it's in Brooklyn) should be far more accessible to the middle and working class UofL fans and therefore we'll probably have more UofL fans there than we ever did for the Big East Tournament. Realistically I'd like to see the ACC rotate the tournament every year between Brooklyn and Greensboro. That would allow the ACC tournament to be closer to the northern schools half the time and southern schools half the time.

Is anyone already in Greensboro for the ACC Tournament? What is the atmosphere like and are there are a lot of UofL fans there?

This post was edited on 3/11 4:24 PM by 83UofLCards83
Originally posted by 83UofLCards83:
You have to remember that the ACC has as much history in Greensboro as the Big East has in NYC. Some of the greatest moments in ACC history have happened in Greensboro. In terms of stuff to do outside of the basketball games there's obviously no comparison in any manner, there's only one NYC. With that said, Greensboro is closer and far more affordable. With all due respect to NYC only the upper class of UofL fans were ever able to make the trip to NYC for the Big East Tournament. The ACC Tournament (outside of the years it's in Brooklyn) should be far more accessible to the middle and working class UofL fans and therefore we'll probably have more UofL fans there than we ever did for the Big East Tournament. Realistically I'd like to see the ACC rotate the tournament every year between Brooklyn and Greensboro. That would allow the ACC tournament to be closer to the northern schools half the time and southern schools half the time.

Is anyone already in Greensboro for the ACC Tournament? What is the atmosphere like and are there are a lot of UofL fans there?

This post was edited on 3/11 4:24 PM by 83UofLCards83
I'm not attending so the logistics and cost don't bother me. What would bother me is that having it in Greensboro every year gives an advantage to the Carolina teams that they did nothing to earn.
Originally posted by Knucklehank1:

Originally posted by 83UofLCards83:
You have to remember that the ACC has as much history in Greensboro as the Big East has in NYC. Some of the greatest moments in ACC history have happened in Greensboro. In terms of stuff to do outside of the basketball games there's obviously no comparison in any manner, there's only one NYC. With that said, Greensboro is closer and far more affordable. With all due respect to NYC only the upper class of UofL fans were ever able to make the trip to NYC for the Big East Tournament. The ACC Tournament (outside of the years it's in Brooklyn) should be far more accessible to the middle and working class UofL fans and therefore we'll probably have more UofL fans there than we ever did for the Big East Tournament. Realistically I'd like to see the ACC rotate the tournament every year between Brooklyn and Greensboro. That would allow the ACC tournament to be closer to the northern schools half the time and southern schools half the time.

Is anyone already in Greensboro for the ACC Tournament? What is the atmosphere like and are there are a lot of UofL fans there?

This post was edited on 3/11 4:24 PM by 83UofLCards83
I'm not attending so the logistics and cost don't bother me. What would bother me is that having it in Greensboro every year gives an advantage to the Carolina teams that they did nothing to earn.
Not really any advantage other than being close by to buy tickets from scalpers. Have been lucky to attend both ACC tournaments and Big East tournaments. Both are bucket list items.

The difference (besides the obvious of NYC versus Greensboro, as well as cost factors), the ACC tournament assigns tickets in seating blocks for the schools, meaning that Section 100 and 101 are reserved for a particular University. The Big East seating is totally random, meaning that you might sit next to a St. John's alumnus on one side and a Seton Hall alumnus on the other. Both have their redeeming qualities.

The other difference, in the ACC tournament the fans of the teams not playing will usually cheer for the underdog with the exception that Duke and NC State will not cheer for UNC and vice versa. Expect the NC State and Duke fans to be UL fans tomorrow afternoon. Going to be fun!!!!!

Go Cards and go Hoos. Either way I'm in the finals.
Originally posted by Knucklehank1:
Originally posted by 83UofLCards83:
You have to remember that the ACC has as much history in Greensboro as the Big East has in NYC. Some of the greatest moments in ACC history have happened in Greensboro. In terms of stuff to do outside of the basketball games there's obviously no comparison in any manner, there's only one NYC. With that said, Greensboro is closer and far more affordable. With all due respect to NYC only the upper class of UofL fans were ever able to make the trip to NYC for the Big East Tournament. The ACC Tournament (outside of the years it's in Brooklyn) should be far more accessible to the middle and working class UofL fans and therefore we'll probably have more UofL fans there than we ever did for the Big East Tournament. Realistically I'd like to see the ACC rotate the tournament every year between Brooklyn and Greensboro. That would allow the ACC tournament to be closer to the northern schools half the time and southern schools half the time.

Is anyone already in Greensboro for the ACC Tournament? What is the atmosphere like and are there are a lot of UofL fans there?

This post was edited on 3/11 4:24 PM by 83UofLCards83
I'm not attending so the logistics and cost don't bother me. What would bother me is that having it in Greensboro every year gives an advantage to the Carolina teams that they did nothing to earn.
I don't debate that the tournament being in Greensboro gives the NC and VA schools an advantage, but I think you are overestimating the advantage. It's not like we're playing in the Dean Dome or Cameron Indoor, they are using the same locker rooms as we are and they get the same amount of tickets as we do. Yes they are closer so they can buy scalper tickets but you don't think that will happen in other locations as well.

Did you complain about the BET being in New York every year? I seem to remember feeling like it was a road game anytime we played Syracuse or UConn in MSG. Heck if Rutgers or St. John's had any support whatsoever their campuses were what, 20 minutes and an hour respectively from MSG? So how is this any different? At least with the ACC they are rotating the tournament more so it won't always be at the same place.
Bring it to Rupp once every 5 years so the entire basketball world can laugh at all of the shortcomings of that place. (Oh yeah, I forgot that those shortcomings are called "traditions" and we wouldn't understand.)
I'm in favor of the conference tourney rotating between say 4 cities: Greensboro, NYC, DC and Atlanta
Originally posted by Knucklehank1:
I'm in favor of the conference tourney rotating between say 4 cities: Greensboro, NYC, DC and Atlanta
Or even here since Yum is somewhat new and holds a lot of people.
When you've got a conference member in a place like Miami I can't imagine why the conference tournament isn't there. This place is the best road trip on the schedule. This could be the Orange Bowl of college tournaments and would be a sure draw.
I think it should be a rotation of New York, Greensboro/Charlotte, Atlanta, Miami, and Louisville. This are all big cities that would support this tournament in huge numbers. No reason Louisville shouldn't be on this list with the new arena and the other stuff to do/see in this great city. It's also a very central location for ACC teams. Doubt that would happen for many years though. We seen with the officiating this year that the conference isn't going to do the new guys any favors. And I expect it to be that way for a while.
Once, while on a train in NYC, I was getting dirty looks and scowls from another passenger. I asked the guy next to me what I was doing wrong. I wasn't staring at him. In fact, I was just staring at a spot to avoid ticking anyone off, My seatmate splained it very bluntly:

"You're staring at his spot."

Meanwhile, I have yet to meet anyone in NC who is not friendly, helpful and accommodating.
Greensboro is more of a college basketball environment not a ton of nice things here but they have the eessentials, great atmosphere. . As far a rotating the tournament I'm pretty sure it's in DC next year, Brooklyn the following 2 years, Charlotte 1 year then back to Greensboro. . MSG just too expensive to be practical when considering the NCAA is the following 3 weeks.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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