Guess what, I don't need that crap. Yes I do know that Samford is not a good football team and now WE all know that Auburn sucks, but those of you "singing" the praises of uselessakay's victory over "mighty" Missouri are singing a tune that simply doesn't resonate with ANY validity or reality. Missouri will be lucky to win more than six games and the fact that they were even ranked is an absolute joke. For crying out loud uakay hasn't played ANYONE yet that is worth a crap. UF is terrible and need a missed call to beat UT yesterday. Their schedule to this point has been incredibly easy and it gets even easier this upcoming week. Not to mention that they have 8 (that's EIGHT) home games and they will (my prediction) lose at least two more (and probably three) of those games at CWS. Those of you being negative about our chances this season aren't being realistic about OUR schedule. FSU is a mountain to climb and will be very difficult but the rest are winnable and last night was an exercise in confidence building. The unfortunate thing is that we have far too many uselessakay TYPE fans on this board who think the earth is flat and fall off the edge. Jackson will probably be the the starter from here on out because he deserves the spot. Is this an indictment of Kyle Bolin, NO but it is a look at reality. Kyle has given us opportunities to win ALL three of our losses and he is, and will be, a very important cog in our offense. Hopefully our offensive line will improve and let us remember that we have a bye week prior to heading to FSU. Plus all of you negative nellies are forgetting that we have a very talented group of young receivers that are truly getting the job done. You negative nellies are entitled to your opinion but so am I and I'll bet a dime to a green ass fly that the majority of UofL fans agree with me.
GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!