NCAA and Blackney Monday


Mar 21, 2015
Ncaa is supposdley speaking with Blakney Monday according to Ad at LSU . I imagine alot hinges on what this kid and a couple of others say. I don't expect anything good to coume from this kid whatsoever.Or the others!
Andre is gone from the program, we self imposed a ban on ourselves, we are cooperating with the NCAA and investigators have determined that CRP was not involved. We have done a lot to cushion the blow and a lot of other schools have done a lot worse and have suffered less.
Ncaa is supposdley speaking with Blakney Monday according to Ad at LSU . I imagine alot hinges on what this kid and a couple of others say. I don't expect anything good to coume from this kid whatsoever.Or the others!
We've assumed for a while now that something went on during his visit, nothing really new.
Still doesn't make sense why McGee helped UL with him while not in Louisville anymore

He was supposedly here for AAU games, not a UL visit.

Shamcard hit the nail on the head. The visit occurred during an AAU visit and McGee was no longer employed by UofL at that time. It is very important that the NCAA takes this up with the AAU authorities. Hopefully that would lead to some serious changes and controls on how the AAU operates with high school kids. And maybe guys like world wide wes. Hmmmmmmmm . . . maybe a source of a money trail.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
Andre is gone from the program, we self imposed a ban on ourselves, we are cooperating with the NCAA and investigators have determined that CRP was not involved. We have done a lot to cushion the blow and a lot of other schools have done a lot worse and have suffered less.
The investigators has not determined anything yet. Who knows what else may surfaced
Blakeney and his "guardian", who many people believe was his AAU head coach were in Louisville for the AAU Super Showcase (which returns to Orlando after a couple of years in Louisville).

Btw, the Super Showcase tournament was run by the AAU, it wasn't a shoe company tournament.

I don't think there is anything to take up with the AAU. But the NCAA met with Blakeney, obviously and, according to a source in Orlando, with his AAU Coach.

I know the AAU Coach. Normally I would get a couple of text messages per week during the HS season. This season, I didn't hear from him once. I'm sure I'll see him this weekend at the annual Florida Travel Team Jamboree.
Russ wood

The AAU and nike run college recruiting. Its an open secret.
Does Nike steer some kids to schools? Yes, absolutely. But they, along with AAU don't run college recruiting.

When I said the Super Showcase is run by the AAU, I mean the actual organization. The same organization that sets up, track and field, baseball and other events.

The Super Showcase is not a shoe specific tournament. If your team pays the entry fee your team plays.

Blakeney's team always played in it in Orlando, the only reason they played in it in Louisville was because Blakeney really liked U of L and he could get an unofficial visit in without his mom paying for travel or hotel.

He wanted to go to U of L.
It may have already been answered on here but... Has anyone asked why Andre did what he did? I mean coming from a LEO background we look for a motive. I know obviously he done it for recruits, and don't get me wrong I like to rip on the OTIS but it's not like you guys were hurting for quality recruits at the time. So why would he risk doing such a thing with so many people involved knowing it will be hard to keep a lid on it?
It may have already been answered on here but... Has anyone asked why Andre did what he did? I mean coming from a LEO background we look for a motive. I know obviously he done it for recruits, and don't get me wrong I like to rip on the OTIS but it's not like you guys were hurting for quality recruits at the time. So why would he risk doing such a thing with so many people involved knowing it will be hard to keep a lid on it?

The prevailing notion is that McGee is socially awkward. He wanted to be the "cool coach" who lived with the players. Ultimately, he didn't know how to handle the responsibilities. Made some obviously poor choices.
Well I guess it's a good thing the man probably won't be involved in college bball anymore. If he's more worried about what 18yr old kids think about him than the overall program (anywhere) he is a very misguided man. Would really hate to see this man around anymore young minds much less any authority over them.
This is not a dig. But just like Dwayne Casey. They barred him from college basketball forever. He' seems to be doing okay.