NBA Looking To Lower Draft Age From 19 To 18

Yeah, four star kids don't go pro after 1 year, signed Herro, Booker, Bledsoe, Gilgeous-Alexander. If you think Cal can't coach, you're in a gross minority. He did pretty well at UMass and Memphis without a roster full of 5 stars.
Slappy four-stars don't go pro because four star kids go pro. It's because they're in the premier OAD program. Your examples span ten years. There have been a thousand four-star kids graduate high school in that time frame.

By my math, your examples account for 0.4%. Close enough to zero for me...
Nothing you’re saying is true or accurate but it’s not your fault. You simply just don’t know any better. All you know is how to hate all things Kentucky and cal can’t coach and yada yada. You wouldn’t know basketball if someone drew it in crayon for you...
I don't love or hate anything related to basketball or sports. I do enjoy slappies coming here to 'splain things for the rest of us. Who needs to go out and pay for comic entertainment?...
I don't love or hate anything related to basketball or sports. I do enjoy slappies coming here to 'splain things for the rest of us. Who needs to go out and pay for comic entertainment?...
If you knew anything about the subject matter we wouldn’t have to splain stuff to you. Stick to arena money deals and clown show administations and stuff like that. Leave the sports to those who understand it
...Leave the sports to those who understand it
I understand this...

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Wes is given credit for helping with Wagner and Rose at Memphis but who cares, hes just one of many important contacts for coaches. His value is over hyped.
Lol. Value overhyped by Kentucky fans. Rose, Wagner,Wall, Cousins the list goes on. Funny how Cal isn't getting those guys since Wes moved on.
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Slappy four-stars don't go pro because four star kids go pro. It's because they're in the premier OAD program. Your examples span ten years. There have been a thousand four-star kids graduate high school in that time frame.

By my math, your examples account for 0.4%. Close enough to zero for me...
So you concede that UK has an unusual number of 4 stars going pro early.....just think about that for a minute.

Thanks for supporting my point.
I could set my watch by it. He posts that pic any time he can’t hack it in the thread he’s in.

Again, youre wrong.

Captain Obvious could show you that Crapiperi and his 40 , five stars have the EXACT same number of Titles as did Tubby and his 6 five stars in 10 seasons.

Crapiperi has done less with more surpassing the Coach Dean Smith.
Again, youre wrong.

Captain Obvious could show you that Crapiperi and his 40 , five stars have the EXACT same number of Titles as did Tubby and his 6 five stars in 10 seasons.

Crapiperi has done less with more surpassing the Coach Dean Smith.
But that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. He posts his little picture any time he gets stuck. See, he even got you with it too.
So you concede that UK has an unusual number of 4 stars going pro early.....just think about that for a minute.

Thanks for supporting my point.
I don't concede or support any slapd!ck "points". You ain't running a OAD program on four-star kids 'cuz they ain't good enough percentage-wise. Showing me a couple of brown dogs doesn't mean that all dogs are brown.

And Lite doesn't know much except how to manage OAD kids. He obviously can't do much about this...

I don't concede or support any slapd!ck "points". You ain't running a OAD program on four-star kids 'cuz they ain't good enough percentage-wise. Showing me a couple of brown dogs doesn't mean that all dogs are brown.

And Lite doesn't know much except how to manage OAD kids. He obviously can't do much about this...

We don’t take many 4 star kids because we don’t have to. Why step over a dollar to pick up a dime? Although we still hit jackpot with our 4 stars. It doesn’t suck.

Stop acting like you know anything about coaching basketball. Stick to what you know.
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But that has absolutely nothing to do with this thread. He posts his little picture any time he gets stuck. See, he even got you with it too.

No he didnt.
We share a royal dislike of the University of Lexghanistan.

Its pertinent because crapiperi has monumentally unferperformed given the top recruiting classes at Memphis state and SuCkS.
No he didnt.
We share a royal dislike of the University of Lexghanistan.

Its pertinent because crapiperi has monumentally unferperformed given the top recruiting classes at Memphis state and SuCkS.
I thought this thread was about lowering the age limit for the draft. Am I mistaken?
I don't concede or support any slapd!ck "points". You ain't running a OAD program on four-star kids 'cuz they ain't good enough percentage-wise. Showing me a couple of brown dogs doesn't mean that all dogs are brown.

And Lite doesn't know much except how to manage OAD kids. He obviously can't do much about this...

He loves the change.
Like I said, hard time remembering stuff.

You started talking about what people do or don't know. Next time, stay on topic...
You’ve lost your mind. At what point did I bring up tubby vs cal? You’re incoherent. You have a nice little pic that you like to drop at least once a week. Had zero to do with the thread. Would you like to get back on topic now or are you out of ammo?
You’ve lost your mind. At what point did I bring up tubby vs cal? You’re incoherent. You have a nice little pic that you like to drop at least once a week. Had zero to do with the thread. Would you like to get back on topic now or are you out of ammo?
I was just proving what I know about basketball statistics. Bring that issue up again, and I'll repost this...

I was just proving what I know about basketball statistics. Bring that issue up again, and I'll repost this...

Lol. You’re struggling to tread water. Do you want me to explain how recruiting works again? Or is that too close to topic?
Lol. You’re struggling to tread water. Do you want me to explain how recruiting works again? Or is that too close to topic?
You can explain how the LPT narrative has morphed from "titles are all that matter" to "Final Fours are all that matter"...
You can explain how the LPT narrative has morphed from "titles are all that matter" to "Final Fours are all that matter"...
Instead of hijacking a thread about the draft age, start a new one. But go ahead and finish up your discussions about budgets and fundraising and such first. Riveting.
Actually the NBA WILL waste picks on unproven talent. They do it all the time since they draft on potential. I do agree that there are usually about 3 to 6 really good players, but the NBA will draft about 10 or more kids of which only about half of them will pan out.
The sad part is, you will now have kids go back to doing little to nothing in high school academically because in their mind they are going to the NBA, will never make it to the NBA and end up screwed. No matter how the NBA handles this 18 yr, one and done, 2 and done, we are never going to have the perfect scenario for the kids.
The sad part is, you will now have kids go back to doing little to nothing in high school academically because in their mind they are going to the NBA, will never make it to the NBA and end up screwed. No matter how the NBA handles this 18 yr, one and done, 2 and done, we are never going to have the perfect scenario for the kids.
If that happens, that is a family issue.
Parents want to hand off parental responsibilities such as that to other people. It's the parents who need to be held accountable. Not the NBA, the NCAA, or the High School. Oh, and the kid needs to be held accountable too BY his parents (or parent).
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Instead of hijacking a thread about the draft age, start a new one. But go ahead and finish up your discussions about budgets and fundraising and such first. Riveting.
Excuse me for answering questions and addressing issues that you raise. I never have any problem staying on topic (which generally doesn't apply to pictures)...

Excuse me for answering questions and addressing issues that you raise. I never have any problem staying on topic (which generally doesn't apply to pictures)...

I have absolutely no problem at all with tubbys time here as well as Cal’s. I’m damn proud of both and it certainly does not suck to be a UK fan. The vast majority of fans are not as insecure as you’d like to think. I get a chuckle out of it every time you post the pic out of desperation. Whatever helps you through the tough times my man.
Not worth it. How does he know what matters to people ? It’s un measurable. What did someone take a poll or something?
LOL, I thought it was self evident. I mean, how could the same fanbase be happy with Pitino Lite and frustrated with Tubby?
I have absolutely no problem at all with tubbys time here as well as Cal’s. I’m damn proud of both and it certainly does not suck to be a UK fan. The vast majority of fans are not as insecure as you’d like to think. I get a chuckle out of it every time you post the pic out of desperation. Whatever helps you through the tough times my man.
All I say is for not being "insecure", you're sure as hell debating it pretty hard... :cool:

If that happens, that is a family issue.
Parents want to hand off parental responsibilities such as that to other people. It's the parents who need to be held accountable. Not the NBA, the NCAA, or the High School. Oh, and the kid needs to be held accountable too BY his parents (or parent).

I disagree slightly or we might say the same thing a different way.

These players are wanting to enter the workforce as soon as possible, similar to then non athletes who forsake higher education for jobs, careers or Military service.

Higher education would be a benefit, however its not for everyone. Especially a freshman all but guaranteed to go in the 1st round

Some parents do teach, prepare their children for higher education, while others, especially single parents are in dire financial strains. Yes, if an Adult is depending on their 18 yr old to rescue them ( outside of disability) then the Adults didnt prepare themselves properly for life.
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LOL, I thought it was self evident. I mean, how could the same fanbase be happy with Pitino Lite and frustrated with Tubby?

All I say is for not being "insecure", you're sure as hell debating it pretty hard... :cool:

Your stuff is old and tired. Doesn’t bother anyone anymore. It’s lame that you hijack nearly every thread you’re in. I don’t think anyone disagrees with that.

Could I put in a request for your next Hijack though? Can we get the mean muggin PJ Washington pic? That dude is on fire!
I disagree slightly or we might say the same thing a different way.

These players are wanting to enter the workforce as soon as possible, similar to then non athletes who forsake higher education for jobs, careers or Military service.

Higher education would be a benefit, however its not for everyone. Especially a freshman all but guaranteed to go in the 1st round

Some parents do teach, prepare their children for higher education, while others, especially single parents are in dire financial strains. Yes, if an Adult is depending on their 18 yr old to rescue them ( outside of disability) then the Adults didnt prepare themselves properly for life.
We agree Kerry. We agree on most everything on here most of the time.
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