More Petrino on the hot seat rigamaroo.

A pretty negative view of the situation here at UofL. I’d advise just taking this whole story with one rather large grain of salt.

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What I'm more concerned about is whether or not I used rigamaroo correctly.

Well it is what it is. And I hope I used all of “that” correctly.

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Apologies in advance for long post, but I think it is quite simple, we have a fanbase that has become accustomed to expecting year in/year out solid bowl appearances with wins coming our way. BP has struggled with that and has had arguably the best player to ever wear a UL fball jersey.

I would argue that the position coaches, DC/OC are more important than the HC. That said, BP does not have the ability to land top tier coaches to join his staff, thus the large presence of family members. This is my largest concern.

Another very important factor is that we have a beloved Cardinal up the street in Jeff Brohm at a program with next to nothing in the way of recruiting ability or history that has shown absolute brilliant play calling and has a top 25 type class so far this recruiting cycle.

IMO, if we do not have at least a 8+ win season this year we seriously need to reevaluate BP.
Apologies in advance for long post, but I think it is quite simple, we have a fanbase that has become accustomed to expecting year in/year out solid bowl appearances with wins coming our way. BP has struggled with that and has had arguably the best player to ever wear a UL fball jersey.

I would argue that the position coaches, DC/OC are more important than the HC. That said, BP does not have the ability to land top tier coaches to join his staff, thus the large presence of family members. This is my largest concern.

Another very important factor is that we have a beloved Cardinal up the street in Jeff Brohm at a program with next to nothing in the way of recruiting ability or history that has shown absolute brilliant play calling and has a top 25 type class so far this recruiting cycle.

IMO, if we do not have at least a 8+ win season this year we seriously need to reevaluate BP.

8 wins is a positive goal. Actually 7 wins is successful. This ain’t the days of Bobby 1.0. We are in a much tougher conference with a commensurate schedule improvement. This is exactly what we were asking for during Howard’s days here and now that we have it some folks are not happy. Some folks need a reality check. Who do you guys think would be doing a better job here? We are in a very poor HS state and have to go elsewhere for our talent. Yes, I do agree that the DC situation over the past three seasons has been less than successful but we really need to get behind VanGorder and quit paying attention to some writer that already has an anti-Bobby AND anti-UofL bias. Let’s think about that.

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8 wins is a positive goal. Actually 7 wins is successful. This ain’t the days of Bobby 1.0. We are in a much tougher conference with a commensurate schedule improvement. This is exactly what we were asking for during Howard’s days here and now that we have it some folks are not happy. Some folks need a reality check. Who do you guys think would be doing a better job here? We are in a very poor HS state and have to go elsewhere for our talent. Yes, I do agree that the DC situation over the past three seasons has been less than successful but we really need to get behind VanGorder and quit paying attention to some writer that already has an anti-Bobby AND anti-UofL bias. Let’s think about that.

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Exactly. If you are thinking of changing coaches as an AD you better have a pretty damn good idea who can outperform the Coach you already have. And you better be even more sure that you can get that coach to come to your school. A great example is the first school in the article, LSU. Go back and look at Les Miles record at LSU. Pretty impressive. Yes they were boring to watch but they won at a very high rate. So they think they can do better and fire him. They thought the could lure the rising star of the collegiate ranks Tom Hermann from UH. One problem though. Texas has the same plan and they get him. LSU has no back up plan an end up with their head scratching hire who is not even in the same League as the guy they fired.
Having said that, I have criticized BP several times for the family members on the staff. They may be good coaches but you have to wonder if their better coaches available. I think its pretty obvious that TJ allowed BP to do that as an enticement to keep him at UL. And actually Tyra approved Beard.
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I think the article is spot on. If BP falters, the calls for Brohm are going to get unbearably loud.
If nepotism is a consideration in a hiring process, might want to consider that Brian and Greg Brohm both followed Jeff to WKU, then Purdue. Granted, all 3 are UofL alum, but the same whispers of nepotism could be aimed towards Jeff Brohm just as easy as Bobby Petrino.
If nepotism is a consideration in a hiring process, might want to consider that Brian and Greg Brohm both followed Jeff to WKU, then Purdue. Granted, all 3 are UofL alum, but the same whispers of nepotism could be aimed towards Jeff Brohm just as easy as Bobby Petrino.
I think the difference being the Brohms played and were exposed to a higher level of play than Bobby’s son.
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That yahoo article is ignorant, surprised Forde didnt interject his thoughts since he loves UL so much! I've stated this in other posts and someone else makes the point above, but CBP is averaging 8.3 wins per year in what is arguably one of the 2 best conferences in America. His "1.0" campaign was in a mediocre conference where we were dam near guaranteed at least 8-9+ wins per year. Take this year for instance, our projected 4th and 5th best games are against NC St and GT whereas in the past those games are against UConn and USF, AND the injuries and games of playing 3rd stringers are gone except for when we play Charlotte and sUcK.

Futhermore, I am fan of CJB, but I need to see a much larger sample than one year in a very top heavy conference and much larger decline from CBP before any hot seat talk is brought up. There is no hot seat!
Jackson’s numbers improved last year, but Mayfield got more votes. Not really a coaching problem. Lamar probably would have repeated if the defense had been good, putting him in better position more times, and winning more games. Again, not the fault of the QB coach.
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As it stands today, there is NO hot seat at UofL for CBP. I do not think there will be a “hot seat” with 7 or more wins. And I don’t really care what the Trinity Mafia wants. Coach Jeff Brohm is off to a very good coaching start but please don’t be criticial of nepotism here when Jeff is just as guilty as Bobby in that regard. The best way to end this discussion is to win 9 games or more. We’ll see what happens.

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Coach Petrino is more than enough for this program if Brohm wasn't out their who the hell do you guys think this FB program could have better than Bobby? I'm sure nobody would be trying to run him off then!
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The thing that amuses me about our own fanbase is that a good measure of discontent wouldn't exist if Jeff Brohm wasn't in the picture.

And in case anyone's short on memory cells, the Brohms and Petrinos are good friends--their families. So essentially what those fans are expecting is for the Petrino family to pack up and move out so that the Brohm family can move in.

Translated, that means you guys don't have a clue whether Jeff would come here under those circumstances. In case you haven't followed recent news, he's got a decent job making decent money and a fanbase that loves him. I even heard his name mentioned last week as an emergency drop-in at Ohio Freaking State.

So, the Brohm dreamers need to reel themselves in and understand where you stand in the world instead of wet-dreaming about events and circumstances that may be very low in probability. You ain't Alabama or Clemson, and all ex-players wouldn't sacrifice everything else in their lives to be in Louisville again, esp. with recent events as a backdrop...
There may not be a hot seat right now but if we finish 6-6 or worse, it will get really hot. The biggest games for us are not Bama, Clemson and FSU. Its Wake, BC and NC State. If we dont beat at least 2 of those 3, we are in a downward slide PERIOD.
There may not be a hot seat right now but if we finish 6-6 or worse, it will get really hot. The biggest games for us are not Bama, Clemson and FSU. Its Wake, BC and NC State. If we dont beat at least 2 of those 3, we are in a downward slide PERIOD.

Well whom would you rather have than Bobby Petrino as our head coach? Your post “almost” sounds like you want Bobby Petrino on the hot seat, but I guess I could be wrong about that.

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Well whom would you rather have than Bobby Petrino as our head coach? Your post “almost” sounds like you want Bobby Petrino on the hot seat, but I guess I could be wrong about that.

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I dont have a coach in waiting list. I want BP to be successful and retire here. But if we have another mediocre season or worse, you have to start looking.
I dont have a coach in waiting list. I want BP to be successful and retire here. But if we have another mediocre season or worse, you have to start looking.

Totally depends on what your definition of “mediocre” means. If 7 or 8 wins is mediocre to you then you are barking up the wrong tree. Yes, 6 wins would be mediocre but the questions becomes would you be willing to send Bobby Petrinoi packing over one 6 or less wins season? I would not because I believe he is an outstanding coach. Once again I repeat we are in a much tougher conference with a far more difficult schedule than we had under Bobby 1.0.

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Jackson’s numbers improved last year, but Mayfield got more votes. Not really a coaching problem. Lamar probably would have repeated if the defense had been good, putting him in better position more times, and winning more games. Again, not the fault of the QB coach.
Just answer with your brain. Was LJ headed for great things with or without Nick’s tutelage?
I didn’t even know that was a word. Maybe you meant rigamarole (whatever THAT means).

Yeah, curious myself, I researched it. "Rigamaroo," is slang. According to Urban Dictionary, means giving someone the run around. Not quite applicable to what I meant to say. Maybe I should have used brouhaha.
Just answer with your brain. Was LJ headed for great things with or without Nick’s tutelage?
I really have no way of knowing if Nick is a good, great or awful QB coach, but everything I have said in this thread is true. The Petrino’s gave Lamar the opportunity that many other schools would not have. Nick has a Heisman on his resume. How much he contributed is unknown. None of the Brohms have a comparable accolade to put on their resumes, although I’m pretty sure that they are outstanding coaches. I have to wonder if Nick is undervalued by the fan base because of his dads considerable shadow. If Puma is outstanding, will Nick get any credit for his coaching? I somehow doubt it, but I hope we get the chance to debate it.
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I really have no way of knowing if Nick is a good, great or awful QB coach, but everything I have said in this thread is true. The Petrino’s gave Lamar the opportunity that many other schools would not have. Nick has a Heisman on his resume. How much he contributed is unknown. None of the Brohms have a comparable accolade to put on their resumes, although I’m pretty sure that they are outstanding coaches. I have to wonder if Nick is undervalued by the fan base because of his dads considerable shadow. If Puma is outstanding, will Nick get any credit for his coaching? I somehow doubt it, but I hope we get the chance to debate it.
Think about this. What are the pros saying is Lamar’s biggest flaw? Accuracy. I know it’s early but in the two preseason games, lack of accurate throws is a concern. That’s something a QB Coach is suppose to improve. Now there’s nothing wrong with Lamar’s legs as shown last night but now you’re telling me that Nick influenced his running as well?

CDP coached a NC team (he was on staff) so I guess he’s a better coach than Chris Mack. That’s your logic?
Lots of varying opinions, and I see the value in each response, really no right or wrong here.

I realize we are in a great conference now, but my thing is why have a coach with the background of BP that isn't winning 8+ games a season and taking us to top level bowl games. Nationally, he is viewed as a complete jacka$$, which is hard to argue different even though he has been clean and doing great community/volunteer work in his 2.0 stint.

Geographically, we will more than likely never dethrone the likes of FSU, Miami and Clemson for top of the ACC but finishing with 7 or less wins each season doesn't equate to being safe at the helm for BP.
Totally depends on what your definition of “mediocre” means. If 7 or 8 wins is mediocre to you then you are barking up the wrong tree. Yes, 6 wins would be mediocre but the questions becomes would you be willing to send Bobby Petrinoi packing over one 6 or less wins season? I would not because I believe he is an outstanding coach. Once again I repeat we are in a much tougher conference with a far more difficult schedule than we had under Bobby 1.0.

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7 wins is ok, 6 is mediocre. A losing season OTOH is unacceptable. No he wouldnt get fired this season but he would certainly be on the hot seat. Bottom line is dont lose to teams we should beat. There was a thread a few weeks back about BPs 5 worst losses and I pointed out that 4 of those 5 took place the last two seasons when we had a Heisman QB. That is very disconcerting and hopefully not a trend.
I never heard anyone complain about Paul Petrino coaching here. In fact not long ago there were plenty of posters advocating for his return.
If you ever attended a Bobby & Paul Petrino practice, you know Paul was the "enforcer". He was always screaming in somebody's face. It took the bad cop role off Bobby's back and allowed him to just gameplan and teach. It was a pretty successful duo.
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If you ever attended a Bobby & Paul Petrino practice, you know Paul was the "enforcer". He was always screaming in somebody's face. It took the bad cop role off Bobby's back and allowed him to just gameplan and teach. It was a pretty successful duo.
That was my impression as well. I would have no problem with Paul coming back. But who would he replace?
Apologies in advance for long post, but I think it is quite simple, we have a fanbase that has become accustomed to expecting year in/year out solid bowl appearances with wins coming our way. BP has struggled with that and has had arguably the best player to ever wear a UL fball jersey.

I would argue that the position coaches, DC/OC are more important than the HC. That said, BP does not have the ability to land top tier coaches to join his staff, thus the large presence of family members. This is my largest concern.

Another very important factor is that we have a beloved Cardinal up the street in Jeff Brohm at a program with next to nothing in the way of recruiting ability or history that has shown absolute brilliant play calling and has a top 25 type class so far this recruiting cycle.

IMO, if we do not have at least a 8+ win season this year we seriously need to reevaluate BP.

The crazy thing is most of the hot seat talk is coming from outside our fan base. I think as a whole our fan base is alright. I’m sure we have some that have him on the hot seat but it’s a small minority.
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The crazy thing is most of the hot seat talk is coming from outside our fan base. I think as a whole our fan base is alright. I’m sure we have some that have him on the hot seat but it’s a small minority.

I honestly don't believe BP is on the hot seat. It would take an utter destruction this season and next more than likely for us to look elsewhere.

I, for one though would love to go all in on getting Brohm. I know certain posters think that isn't feasible and is ludacris but it is how I feel along with many other in the fanbase.
The crazy thing is most of the hot seat talk is coming from outside our fan base. I think as a whole our fan base is alright. I’m sure we have some that have him on the hot seat but it’s a small minority.

I honestly don't believe BP is on the hot seat. It would take an utter destruction this season and next more than likely for us to look elsewhere.

I, for one though would love to go all in on getting Brohm. I know certain posters think that isn't feasible and is ludacris but it is how I feel along with many other in the fanbase.

I’ll stick with CBP for now. Brohm’s day will come, but CBP still has plenty left in him. Puma is the type of QB that Petrino likes. The next two years should be fun.

If Brohm continues to develop a name I would love to have him here someday. Always have been a Jeff Brohm fan.
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I think Pual not being here the 2nd time around is a lot of the difference. They bounced a lot off each other and were able to see different things that were occurring and adjust. Paul is at Idaho and they just moved back down to FCS level. I, also understand there are some SEC schools vying for his services as a OC. If he moves, hopefully its back here, not sure how what that would spell out for Galloway or Sommers. I think we would all welcome him with open arms, plus hell he would make more money:)