Marquarius “Squirrel” White…

Feb 5, 2003
All Vol bitches. Love the article where Gunter Brewer stated that he always gets his top WR target and White was that guy this year. Guess that he will have to sell that story to someone else. Hell, y’all had White’s QB at Louisville and still lost.

That’s funny coming from a fan of a team who was sitting home during this year’s March Madness.
Yeah when you win a NC in BB then you come back and let us know. Your smack talk is pretty funny coming from one of the saddest stories in all of college FB. Once a power house and now a complete failure and has been for years. And has been the butt of jokes for years. Every time you hire a coach it’s just funny to see how you’ll screw it up again. Now you want to brag about getting a recruit over us like you actually beat us in something that matters. Ok lol. I guess you’ve got to brag about any victory you can get. Heck I would have thought you were a SuCk fan with those comments. But I guess you’ve slipped below them in FB now.
That’s funny coming from a fan of a team who was sitting home during this year’s March Madness.
When did Tennessee start giving a rat about March Madness?

Add to that the FACT that Tennesse has pulled the biggest disappearing act in college FB.

You better get a bunch of squirrels.
This garbage coming from a fan of a team that hasn’t won a major Bowl Game this century.

Louisville has, and did it by destroying the team that made UT their bitch for decades.

Well done.
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Lolololol....leave it to a current UT fan to talk March Madness on a football board.

This from a fan of a team with four appearances and managing to actually pay former coaches (like a dozen of them) so much they had to resort to mcdonalds bags to pay the players.
It came down to the first commit and Zavion committed. BTW, he was just made a 4 star.

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