I have to say I can't ever remember seeing that and I've been watching football for over 30 years.

It's like calling a charge and a block foul in basketball.

It's unreal what Louisville has endured with officials over the years.
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This is frustrating.

This is a cluster from jump. Not kicking the FG at half time may be the factor.

I’ve seen a lot of FB and have NEVER seen PI on the same O and D player

Thing is, Brohm didn't argue much at all. Everyone just accepted the call even though they had to be surprised.

The call is so egregious even the ND homers are calling it out. It just took them a bit to realize it.
It will take a miracle for Louisville to win this game. The defense made the adjustments and ND hasn't moved the ball.

If not for the flukes and that PI flag, Cards would be winning.
As many ways as we’ve sheet the bed, we’re only 7 down.

ND should have buried us IF they are all that
It was just a matter of time before they would get the long pass. We have been packing the line to stop the run.
Perfect example there for ND's luck. They can't do shit until two Cards defenders both take the same receiver.

This game has been ND waiting for a Louisville mistake or a fortunate whistle to score. Their first drive when they scored has been their only really good drive.

Louisville only has itself to blame though. They were obviously not ready for such an opportunity, both players and coaches.

I stand corrected about the line. I should have known and I kind of did. I was just hoping this Louisville team would dodge the same pitfalls when they play these big games. We're not there yet.

I do believe having those two easy wins and then a bye week probably didn't prepare the team for this road game.