Louisville coach Rick Pitino questions motives in escort scandal


Nov 18, 2001
By Chip Patterson | Staff Writer
October 14, 2015 2:13 pm ET

Louisville coach Rick Pitino has been advised by the NCAA not to address the scandal that has rocked the Cardinals basketball program, with allegations of a paid escort service that throwing parties and "shows" for Louisville basketball players and prospective student-athletes during the recruiting process.

But earlier this week, Pitino delivered a passionate message to UL fans at a luncheon to stress his deepest concerns with the allegations: why Louisville, if any of the book is true, would be a program where such advantages are needed.

"So I always figure out, when times get tough, the 'why' element. I know the other side of the story, I know why they're coming out with a book and I know exactly why. On our end of the thing, I don't get the why. It doesn't make any sense," Pitino said.

The source of these allegations is a recently released book, Breaking Cardinal Rules: Basketball and the Escort Queen, with first-hand accounts from Katrina Powell, a former escort in Louisville.

Pitino pointed to the success that Louisville has had with unheralded recruits in his questioning of motivation for the alleged violations.

"See we've been successful here with Russ Smith being a two-star basketball player. Gorgui Dieng was not a top 60 [player] now starting for the Minnesota Timberwolves. Terry Rozier wasn't top 50 in the nation; 16th draft pick to the Celtics. Kyle Kuric and Larry O'Bannon came here as walk-ons and left as celebrated athletes. Now the difficult thing, the why part, and I don't have any answers for it."

Pitino proceeded to detail his own personal experience with the scandal; Minardi Hall, where most of the alleged contact between escorts and recruits took place, is named after Pitino's brother-in-law who died in the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

Throughout the 18-minute address Pitino agreed there will be punishment if the allegations are found to be true, but does not understand "the why's."

"We will find the truth, whatever that may be, and people will pay the price for any wrongdoing that might occur," Pitino said. "I know the why's from the other end. Don't know the why's from our end. Still can't figure it out. No matter how little sleep I get, no matter how much my mind wanders at night, I know what the University of Louisville is all about. I know what Tom Jurich is all about. And without praising myself, when it comes to NCAA rules, I know what I'm all about."

Louisville president James Ramsey offered his full support for athletic director Tom Jurich in his only official statement on the scandal, announcing that the school is cooperating with the NCAA to investigate the allegations.
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Yep. It'll all come out eventually. I don't understand the "why" either. Once the investigation is finished, maybe we all will understand it better.

You left out one important statement, right after talking about his brother in law and Minardi Hall, he said IF these things prove to be true, he will have a very hard time forgiving whoever...and I am a very forgiving person.

You left out one important statement, right after talking about his brother in law and Minardi Hall, he said IF these things prove to be true, he will have a very hard time forgiving whoever...and I am a very forgiving person.

He left that one open for speculation.
I've wondered the 'Why' from the beginning.

First why Andre Mcgee? What does he get out of this? He was not a recruiter. I didn't think he was technically a coach, more a "stats" guy. Could be wrong but that was always my impression.

Second, the recruits we have been getting are solid guys but not McDonalds all-Americans. Most of them are 4 star guys that need to be developed. If your going to cheat why wouldn't you go after bigger names.

Third, What would be the attraction to these kids of getting laid by hookers? These guys are rock stars in high school and soon will be rock stars in college. I'm sure they have there pick of what they want.

Last, and I know this would be speculative to people who don't root for Louisville...but why would Pitino have to cheat? Honestly? He has the image and track record of being a great coach. If he calls, I'm sure 95% of recruits will at least listen to him. I'm sure he doesn't have many years left, why take even the slightest chance to tarnish your legacy?

None of this has made sense.
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I've wondered the 'Why' from the beginning.

First why Andre Mcgee? What does he get out of this? He was not a recruiter. I didn't think he was technically a coach, more a "stats" guy. Could be wrong but that was always my impression.

Second, the recruits we have been getting are solid guys but not McDonalds all-Americans. Most of them are 4 star guys that need to be developed. If your going to cheat why wouldn't you go after bigger names.

Third, What would be the attraction to these kids of getting laid by hookers? These guys are rock stars in high school and soon will be rock stars in college. I'm sure they have there pick of what they want.

Last, and I know this would be speculative to people who don't root for Louisville...but why would Pitino have to cheat? Honestly? He has the image and track record of being a great coach. If he calls, I'm sure 95% of recruits will at least listen to him. I'm sure he doesn't have many years left, why take even the slightest chance to tarnish your legacy?

None of this has made sense.

Great post! A well thought out voice of reason regarding an issue that is just hard to fathom as being true. It may turn out to be true but rationally, it doesn't add up. Again, why? Inexplicable.
After reading through the post, I have a feeling that Rick knows who is behind this attack. I think he's not sure if there is anyone on this side who is involved.
Maybe it was some little little man who needs a building to make himself feel tall?
After reading through the post, I have a feeling that Rick knows who is behind this attack. I think he's not sure if there is anyone on this side who is involved.
I think it's unlikely that the attack is from this side. It'll be interesting to see who put this out there.
I've wondered the 'Why' from the beginning.

First why Andre Mcgee? What does he get out of this? He was not a recruiter. I didn't think he was technically a coach, more a "stats" guy. Could be wrong but that was always my impression.

My understanding is that, while directors of basketball operations can't recruit off-campus, they are allowed to recruit on-campus and that one of the primary responsibilities for many directors of basketball operations is to coordinate on-campus recruiting visits? It appears this is what McGee was doing here? Pitino did say in one of his press conferences that there was "no pressure" on McGee to recruit but McGee, perhaps with the intention of impressing Rick and obtaining a future promotion, felt the pressure to recruit anwyay...
I think people are reading way too much into McGee's motives.

More than likely he's just a guy that likes to dip into the dirty, and he let it carry over into his occupation. He probably felt like "the man" bringing in the outsiders and just got caught up in the events without ever realizing potential consequences.

He just wanted to have a good time and share a good time. It's not my style, or the majority of the readers here - so it's hard to accept it - but the reality is there are some dudes that are just "out there" especially in sexual nature. I'm not condoning it. But many are asking "Why did McGee do this?" and I really think the answer is simple.

He likes to objectify women and these are the type of women that are willing to be treated that way, for a price of course. In his objectification of these women he never gave a thought to one of them potentially turning the tables on him.

So now he goes down. And we'll see how far the program that gave him life in this field goes down with him.
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John thanks for posting that link.

Hilarious. Colin Cowherd playing the naive daddy and Whitlock just trying to keep it real for him as much as possible. Guys are sexually rambunctious. Cowherd is like, really? Classic. Cowherd just so disgusted by it all. Whitlock calmly pointing out young guys like sex and boys will be boys. He's not condoning it, but he's not disgusted like the rest of the world wants to be.

It is funny, and it's nice to see a couple people in the media looking at this in another way than just the piling on way.

Whitlock pretty much summed McGee up the way I did. He was 24 yrs old grad assistant, one of the guys himself really. He did something stupid.
I agree. The 'why' is not that complicated. McGee just wanted to bond with the younger guys. I don't believe there was any intention of gaining a recruiting advantage. It was just a dumb mistake made by a young man who will hopefully learn from this and move on.

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