The 1960s hippie drug counter culture is not to be confused with the entirety of the 60s. There was a lot of great music, jobs, and times were good, to a large extent. The 1960s hippie drug counter culture promoted drug use, and irresponsible conduct and sex to youth. Most youth rejected the 1960s hippie drug counter culture, in fact ridiculing it. Some that bought into it often flunked out of college and had no jobs. Their lives were adrift. The lack of personal responsibility led to drug use, and often resulted in druggie parents with divorce and all related problems. Kids weren't raised right and the sad problems proliferated through too much of the last three generations. This probably came to a crescendo at the 1968 Democat convention when Mayor Dailey intervened with them. All of this leads directly into many of today's problems directly. Drug use, children raised improperly, irresponsible parenting and rampant welfare. What you then get are the Katina Powells and many others. A severely damaged society through too much of the last three generations.