Another poor soul that is unable to refute historic truth - Anyway, the ghouls come out at Halloween.
You are right about one thing - I am unable to refute historic truth - fortunately for me, your post doesn't contain any. Though I would rather spend time talking about sports, your premise is so flawed and the explanations that you proffer are so obtuse when framed in the backdrop of your certainty, I thought that I would offer one more response before moving on.
First of all - you seem to be pining for the "good old days" - I'm guessing those of the 1950's. The universal truth is that "the good old days" people are so nostalgic about - never existed. In the 50's people like you were decrying that popular culture of that generation (Elvis, etc) was rotting the minds of young people and, destroying the fabric of the country. Back in the 50's the "good old days" were those of the 30's & 40's. It's a natural process and, what happens to most older people as they begin to feel left out, because popular culture has passed them by.
Secondly, though there may have been a significant amount more of two parent homes in the 50's, there was a serious lack of responsibility / oversight from a parenting standpoint provided by the parents of that time period. How / why do you think those hippie kids had / got all of the freedom that they had allowing them the opportunity to get involved in that movement? The parents of the 50's primarily abdicated their responsibilities.
Thirdly there was a serious over response by the government, as that 60's movement was for the first time in our history - able to shut down a war. Governments historically do not like it when the people have the ability to change their programs and they always react. One of those over reactive programs - the failed War on Drugs - has cost this country 1.5 trillion dollars, and has only been successful in the destruction of the family structure in the inner city and other impoverished areas and allowing the US to lead the world in incarceration rates of its citizens.
Lastly, your premise leaves out the two most statistically significant cultural facts. One - prostitution has been around since time began (it is the oldest profession after all ) and two, the great majority (if not most) of those hippies you're talking about turned conservative when they got older just like most people had done before them. I'm sure Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and other innovators like them would be considered hippies in your eyes yet, if it wasn't for those "hippies" there wouldn't be access to the internet like we have, for you to espouse your "historical truths".
Anyway, good talking with you. I'll make sure to stay off of your lawn...