Jurich out the way now

"A complete, mutual, and amicable resolution."
Agreement states Jurich "retired."
Relationship was concluded without cause, and UofL acknowledges Mr. Jurich's 20 years of devoted and loyal service.
Jurich to receive lump sum of $4.5M.
He receives 8 club level tickets to football and basketball games for 20 years.
He'll receive an annual $220,000 annuity until 2025.

In other words, he should have never been relieved of his duties.
A sad indictment on the state of affairs in the management of the University I love in my hometown.

And all the money donors of UofL should expect that those responsible for this mis-management to pony up their own money to pay for that lost in this fiasco.

The clown show should not be allowed to laugh all the way to the bank with donors footing their bill due to gross incompetence of the management. (BoT) Rant over.
"A complete, mutual, and amicable resolution."
Agreement states Jurich "retired."
Relationship was concluded without cause, and UofL acknowledges Mr. Jurich's 20 years of devoted and loyal service.
Jurich to receive lump sum of $4.5M.
He receives 8 club level tickets to football and basketball games for 20 years.
He'll receive an annual $220,000 annuity until 2025.

In other words, he should have never been relieved of his duties.

In other words, he’s completely taken care of even though he didn’t fire Pitino twice. He wanted the University to move on. He knows he made a few mistakes. UofL took away the Postel email about firing Jurich. Both parties did the necessary things to get stuff done.
In other words, he’s completely taken care of even though he didn’t fire Pitino twice. He wanted the University to move on. He knows he made a few mistakes. UofL took away the Postel email about firing Jurich. Both parties did the necessary things to get stuff done.

There was no cause to release him of his duties. Grissom just cost the university millions of dollars. There was that whole orchestrated hit piece about what a bully Jurich was, too, among other BS. Now, it's "amicable." Grissom can go fall off a bridge, for all I care.
"A complete, mutual, and amicable resolution."
Agreement states Jurich "retired."
Relationship was concluded without cause, and UofL acknowledges Mr. Jurich's 20 years of devoted and loyal service.
Jurich to receive lump sum of $4.5M.
He receives 8 club level tickets to football and basketball games for 20 years.
He'll receive an annual $220,000 annuity until 2025.

In other words, he should have never been relieved of his duties.

He should have never been fired, I agree.

I like that he gets 8 club level tickets for 20 years (and apparently even a parking pass :) ). That sets things up for Jurich's deserved statue once there's some time & distance.
In other words, he’s completely taken care of even though he didn’t fire Pitino twice. He wanted the University to move on. He knows he made a few mistakes. UofL took away the Postel email about firing Jurich. Both parties did the necessary things to get stuff done.
Thank God some posters will remain poor as dirt...
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A sad indictment on the state of affairs in the management of the University I love in my hometown.

And all the money donors of UofL should expect that those responsible for this mis-management to pony up their own money to pay for that lost in this fiasco.

The clown show should not be allowed to laugh all the way to the bank with donors footing their bill due to gross incompetence of the management. (BoT) Rant over.
A sad indictment on the state of affairs in the management of the University I love in my hometown.

And all the money donors of UofL should expect that those responsible for this mis-management to pony up their own money to pay for that lost in this fiasco.

The clown show should not be allowed to laugh all the way to the bank with donors footing their bill due to gross incompetence of the management. (BoT) Rant over.
I think the group that you are calling a clown show actually took over for a group that showed gross incompetence in management of funds. When I look at UL now, I sense a new start. One that will be much improved from the last regime. I am sure there are a few on the BOT that are not very strong but, wow, look at the level of oversight by the last group. I hope things move forward in a positive manner.
I think the group that you are calling a clown show actually took over for a group that showed gross incompetence in management of funds. When I look at UL now, I sense a new start. One that will be much improved from the last regime. I am sure there are a few on the BOT that are not very strong but, wow, look at the level of oversight by the last group. I hope things move forward in a positive manner.

There is no new start until Grissom is gone.
I think the group that you are calling a clown show actually took over for a group that showed gross incompetence in management of funds. When I look at UL now, I sense a new start. One that will be much improved from the last regime. I am sure there are a few on the BOT that are not very strong but, wow, look at the level of oversight by the last group. I hope things move forward in a positive manner.
I hope you don't lay awake at night wondering why you only have one "like"...
I think the group that you are calling a clown show actually took over for a group that showed gross incompetence in management of funds. When I look at UL now, I sense a new start. One that will be much improved from the last regime. I am sure there are a few on the BOT that are not very strong but, wow, look at the level of oversight by the last group. I hope things move forward in a positive manner.
So you are one of the few who think two wrongs make a right?

And it has yet to be proven how “wrong” the first bunch was.
I'm glad Jurich got what he had a right to (the money)and he can now get credit for what he built here. You guys think he ends up anywhere else?
So you are one of the few who think two wrongs make a right?

And it has yet to be proven how “wrong” the first bunch was.
Well the first bunch turned their heads while Ramsey used donor money for himself and terrible investments. It should have been obvious to all of them that Ramsey and Pitino had to go. For me , the jury is still out on Jurich. I do not know what is true or false concerning him. I do feel that , in hindsight, if he had addressed the Pitino circus he would still be here.
Well the first bunch turned their heads while Ramsey used donor money for himself and terrible investments. It should have been obvious to all of them that Ramsey and Pitino had to go. For me , the jury is still out on Jurich. I do not know what is true or false concerning him. I do feel that , in hindsight, if he had addressed the Pitino circus he would still be here.
Like all clown show apologists, I don't suppose you have evidence of/for anything?...
All he had to do was fire dumpster dick after sypher and this would all be a dark timeline joke.

Morality clause. WTF was the point of that even in the contract if Jurich wasn't going to even care?
All he had to do was fire dumpster dick after sypher and this would all be a dark timeline joke.

Morality clause. WTF was the point of that even in the contract if Jurich wasn't going to even care?

Sex makes people feel weird. Not a fireable offense, IMO.
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4.5 million now and another 2.5 deferred is a lot of money. But wasn't he paid over 5 million the year he was fired? Doubt he was going to agree to a pay cut going forward. Not to mention a long expensive trial and the accompanying press coverage of the matter is not going to happen. Wonder if he will actually attend games or sell the settlement tickets?
Sex makes people feel weird. Not a fireable offense, IMO.

according to the clause it most assuredly was.

i don't care what folks do but that was CLEARLY against the contract and Jurich could've saved us all A LOT of embarrassment.
according to the clause it most assuredly was.

i don't care what folks do but that was CLEARLY against the contract and Jurich could've saved us all A LOT of embarrassment.

I guess I just disagree. Who Pitino lies with, who cares? It's his personal business. Our president bangs porn stars then pays them off. I find that hypocritical of a GOP pres., given the disgust over Clinton's infidelities, but whatever. It's his life. If he wants to live that way...
Morality issues are a slippery slope. You don't know what people are doing in their private lives that you THINK you know and love. The more you preach about it, the more they end up making you look foolish...
All he had to do was fire dumpster dick after sypher and this would all be a dark timeline joke.

Morality clause. WTF was the point of that even in the contract if Jurich wasn't going to even care?
Shouldn't have paid him a dime. He refused to fire Pitino which is insubordination and he was fired. End of story.
Shouldn't have paid him a dime. He refused to fire Pitino which is insubordination and he was fired. End of story.

Both totally dumb and stupid. You have a reading AND understanding ccmprehehsion problem. Apparently you were living in a cave when the “scathing” letter written by Postel ( Grissom and snotter) was shown to the public last fall.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
Shouldn't have paid him a dime. He refused to fire Pitino which is insubordination and he was fired. End of story.

If he was "insubordinate" he would have been fired for cause. Per the agreement made last week, his employee file says he retired, and he leaves the university in good standing and there was no cause for his departure.
If he was "insubordinate" he would have been fired for cause. Per the agreement made last week, his employee file says he retired, and he leaves the university in good standing and there was no cause for his departure.
In other words, he took the high road (and the settlement) in order to keep from dragging the university thru the mud like he could have. I wish he were still the athletic director because I honestly feel he always has UofL's best interests in mind with his decision making. The only two mistakes I can see which he made was being too loyal to Pitino who should have been fired for violating his ethics clause after screwing Karen Sypher in a public restaurant, and hiring Kragthorpe. Those two mistake pale in comparison to all the great things he did for the athletic program.
Grissom and Pizza face should be relieved of their duties on the BOT for a breach in fiduciary duty, and failure to maintain proper governance of the affairs directly tied to their positions on behalf of the university. So UofL lost from start to finish, and will lose at an even greater clip when the NBA takeover starts at the YUM and within the ranks of corporate and private donations to the CAF. This is a legalized mafia operating our beloved university sports programs.
Grissom and Pizza face should be relieved of their duties on the BOT for a breach in fiduciary duty, and failure to maintain proper governance of the affairs directly tied to their positions on behalf of the university. So UofL lost from start to finish, and will lose at an even greater clip when the NBA takeover starts at the YUM and within the ranks of corporate and private donations to the CAF. This is a legalized mafia operating our beloved university sports programs.
The more truth we see, the less tangled the web. You have done a service - to me - for your takes on this. I hope you don't mind but I quoted a post of yours on another site.....I can't see any PM access on this site and I wanted to ask permission. I guess I am now, although the post is up - you are unnamed ("A friend of mine" - in the post. I'll take it down if you want. But, to me it was the best post I have come across in months dealing with the subversive NBA issues, Papa John, Grimey Grizzwald and The Stamp. It was the Deener thread. You just made too much sense, lol
The more truth we see, the less tangled the web. You have done a service - to me - for your takes on this. I hope you don't mind but I quoted a post of yours on another site.....I can't see any PM access on this site and I wanted to ask permission. I guess I am now, although the post is up - you are unnamed ("A friend of mine" - in the post. I'll take it down if you want. But, to me it was the best post I have come across in months dealing with the subversive NBA issues, Papa John, Grimey Grizzwald and The Stamp. It was the Deener thread. You just made too much sense, lol

Use it all you like. The truth is coming out, and those that haven't forgotten the party lines from Sept 17' through now and kept up with everything should start seeing what this whole coup was really about.

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