It's time for an on campus arena

Yes there is a perfect spot “on campus” for an arena (the old Silos property) and NO there isn’t going to be an arena built there or anywhere else for that matter. If you think the present BOT and the legislature in Frankfort is going to build a 17-18 K on campus arena for UofL then I’ve got an orange tree that spouts apples and peaches for sale. Out state can’t afford to pay attention much less have money for building an arena for higher education institution here in Kentucky . . . Unless, of course, that institution is uahkay as they will get one much, much sooner than we will. Perhaps our resident Kentucky legislator, ajcardman would like to give his two cents worth here.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!

You are spot on.
This was all a contingency in the Jurich master plan. The problem is of course no Jurich. And Tyra's the last guy who could pull off the necessary fund raising for an arena on Floyd. He has zero credibility with U of L's big donors--the ones still around--and his focus should continue to be on damage control.

Recall, a defense of Tyra's hiring was that we've already built the facilities we need. For a long time to come, we've gone from one extreme to the other as far as capital fund raising...

Yes I'm sure that was Jurichs' master plan. LOL. They could've built one on campus when we left FH. Guess what? We didn't. We wanted a state of the art arena and there isn't enough room on campus for one. Jurich and Pitino built the entire agreement with YUM!. The KFC was OURS. And it was ours because of Jurich and Pitino. That was their plan, but no wonder Zipp changes it magically because his saint got canned. Boo whoo.

Obviously you didn’t d pay attention when that all went down. TJ wasn’t for the downtown arena he always wanted a on campus arena. He knew exactly what was going on and why it’s was being pushed. The University got extreme pressure to build it downtown from the city and state.

And Dan Issel can negotiate with whomever he chooses but the schedule runs through UofL. And VT had better remember that!
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Yes there is a perfect spot “on campus” for an arena (the old Silos property) and NO there isn’t going to be an arena built there or anywhere else for that matter. If you think the present BOT and the legislature in Frankfort is going to build a 17-18 K on campus arena for UofL then I’ve got an orange tree that spouts apples and peaches for sale. Out state can’t afford to pay attention much less have money for building an arena for higher education institution here in Kentucky . . . Unless, of course, that institution is uahkay as they will get one much, much sooner than we will. Perhaps our resident Kentucky legislator, ajcardman would like to give his two cents worth here.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!

This is all true except SuCk getting a new arena. They couldn’t even get the funds to do a decent upgrade of Crupt Arena. They did try for a new arena but came up way short.