Is this writing on the wall?


Nov 18, 2001
The pessimistic side of me is wondering if all the players leaving over the past few months is writing on the wall for more sanctions coming down from the NCAA. Stockman, Johnson, Henderson, Mitchell and the other ones name escapes me. 5 eligible players gone in roughly 6 weeks. I don't think I've ever seen that before at UofL.
Stockman was in the working for redshirting, but ultimately him and Pitino probably decided that if he wanted to play a lot, then to transfer. Just like Henderson and Sharpe. All 3 players that were going to be very limited in PT here. Sharpe is transferring to NKU. Henderson will probably transfer to a lower school as well. Nothing to do with NCAA. They just werent ever going to play.

And in the CJ, Johnson's mom specifically said that the charges on Johnson impacted decision to leave big time. But they were all dropped recently.

And Mitchell? He's first round. Probably during workouts was guaranteed "Hey, if you get to this pick in the draft and haven't already been taken, we are taking you."

Idk where you get your info from, but all 5 of these players leaving have a simple explanation that has nothing to do with NCAA.
I'm not reading or listening to anyone. I just see 5 eligible players leave in about 6 weeks and have to give it a look. I asked the question from a pessimistic point of view, as stated in the OP.
I'm not reading or listening to anyone. I just see 5 eligible players leave in about 6 weeks and have to give it a look. I asked the question from a pessimistic point of view, as stated in the OP.

L1 broke it down.

3 left because of lack of playing time.
1 left because he's tired of school
1 left because he's close to being a lottery pick.

Since the 70s, there has always been circumstances where players dont play 4 years.

As far as the sanctions, the post season ban already happened.
There's no charge of LOIC, so another post season ban is highly unlikely.

Donovan, JJ, and Maybe Adel are just ready to start their professional careers.
That simple.
I think CardsFan and Kerry hit the nail on the head in their posts. Sure, it might seem like a lot of guys are leaving but when you look exactly at why and their respective situations then it doesn't seem so bad.

Henderson and Sharpe were walk-ons. Walk-ons come and go all the time from programs for a variety of reasons- just like Mark Jackson Jr. and Dark Slime didn't stay all four years. So nothing new or nefarious in their situations. Mitchell is likely going first round and many already expected him not to be back for a junior year. Stockman pretty much never played last season and I'm sure he would enjoy more PT and thus went to Minny with Pitino Jr. The only player- so far- that was a surprise was JJ and he got into a situation off the court.

It's hardly the mass exodus that it may look like when seeing names on a paper. Now, if Snider, Spalding, and others suddenly leave then I would be worried.
Walk ons leaving the program is irrelevant. Losing the walk ons that we lost tells us nothing about NCAA sanctions and affects the UL basketball program in no way, shape or form. To think the actions of two walk on players who had no impacts on the program somehow reflect about pending NCAA sanctions is crazy.

Same goes for Matz. He was here for 3 years and did nearly nothing. Why would a player of his stature somehow hint at what the NCAA would do? Matz, was/is basically a walk on level player and his departure is purely based on trying to play somewhere.

Johnson was purely based on his weed arrest. He didn't tell Pitino, it got out and he wasn't about to deal with trying to get in Rick's good graces.

Donovan left because he would rather make a little bit of money now than try and come back and work his way into the lottery and make a lot more money.

Regardless none of the player's actions reflect any impending doom from the NCAA.
Far too much negativity for me in this thread. These guys are leaving because they either want to make money or the basketball program wants to make room for, hopefully, better players. Of course, playing time could be a reason but if that's the reason then perhaps they should move on because they weren't good enough to earn more playing time here.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!
Mitchell had to go. He's solidly in the first round, fringe lotto. Had nothing to do with UL and that's coming from a UK fan.
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The pessimistic side of me is wondering if all the players leaving over the past few months is writing on the wall for more sanctions coming down from the NCAA. Stockman, Johnson, Henderson, Mitchell and the other ones name escapes me. 5 eligible players gone in roughly 6 weeks. I don't think I've ever seen that before at UofL.

The players leaving may indicate that the players fear more sanctions. I'm just a nobody fan and I fear them. But I don't believe their leaving is an indicator that there ARE more sanctions coming. How or why would any real information about sanctions get leaked to the players? And if it was leaked to them I'm sure it'd get leaked in other places.

We may get more sanctions. We may not. I just don't believe these players have inside info about more sanctions and are acting based on that info.
Donovan wanted to go and the moment he put his name in the hat he was gone. He didnt need to be a lottery pick just somewhere in the first round. Which from the beginning where he always was. However only myself and and a couple of others had the sense too realize that.
And after listening to JJ mom especially after the charge was thrown out she felt it might have changed things with him just a little it. But she did say he had made his mind up about wanting to play professionally regardless of what she thought or anyone else. Now I do think Rick pulled the cord a bit too fast on Matz, Now if Rick would stop stocking the team with these long term projects like Matz those situations would not be so prelevant every year. Deng i don't trust his thought process period i could see him leaving with no guarantee of anything.
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Players at the bottom of the food chain--like Matz, Henderson, and Sharpe--would do just the opposite if they sensed something bad coming down...because those guys would stand to see their PT increase, perhaps significantly.

If it was all the best players, I might wonder about that myself...