GOCDS: my post was not necessarily about Neeli over Tyra, or vice-versa; more about how dysfunctional it is when the President and the AD leave a meeting where either one feels undermined, or misunderstood.
I only know Vince from his previous role at a very large customer of mine. While he, like any CEO, there are those who find fault and others who praise their performance …….. Vince was recognized by his peers as extremely competent. Your point about his lack of experience as an Executive in College Sports Management is well founded, as I am not sure there is evidence either way given the circumstance that he inherited and the subsequent bizarre Covid season that followed.
Regardless of who was ”right or wrong”, as supportive as I am of Neeli, I believe she made two (2) mistakes that brings us to a situation that is not good for this University, particularly at this critical point in time. First she mandated the excessive suspension of Chris Mack and over-rode her AD’s objection. That alone, would not have been an incorrectable error, had she not made the second mistake by failing to work through the situation with Vince in a more executive manner that could diffuse the huge break in her and Vince’s relationship.
No doubt Vince will be gone; now or later for sure. That is not the real problem, but rather the circumstances and timing will result in difficulty finding an adequate replacement who will agree to work in a vacated situation where everyone knows the predecessor left as a result of the President over-ruling his authority and leaving the situation where he essentially received a no confidence vote.
Not sure we will be able to attract an AD who has the sort of independence that can lead this school out of the mess we are in now.