Is 2016 over yet?

Jun 24, 2009
I have never been more ready for a year to be over than this one. Started with the basketball team not going to the NCAA Tournament, then shortly after on a personal note getting laid off from my job (entire department was eliminated, we were all given replacement jobs with the same pay and benefits but it was still a demotion in essence), then the baseball team having the heartbreak and not getting into the CWS, then having 2 distant family members unfortunately passing away and now the implosion by the football team. The football team at first was the one good thing but now even that is gone.

The good thing is I think I do have a great job lined up with a new department in 2017 to get out of my current mediocre job (plus a nice bump on pay) and the basketball team should be in the NCAA Tournament in 2017. I'm definitely ready for 2016 to end though.

This has to be the most heartbreaking year for UofL Athletics, at least in the major sports. So close in so many sports only to screw it up or have the administration take it away.
That is true, not a baseball fan but it was awesome seeing the Cubs win. The good think is being 33 now I have really mellowed out and have a lot more perspective than I would've 10 years ago. 10 years ago this game would've devastated me for at least a good solid week, if not through the holiday season. Now though, it's horrible but we've all seen the downward projection from the Houston game and I've still had a good Thanksgiving weekend.
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I was just making similar comments on the national board. Never thought I'd be so ready for the season to end with the Cardinals sitting at 9-2(then). Since NC State, this team has been a disaster. Lamar striking the Heisman pose in the same game where he likely lost the trophy is Louisville's season in a nutshell. How could the coaches allow this team to go so south, so fast?
Well we are going to have to endure one full year of their crap unless we can turn it around in hoops.

I absolutely feel bad for you all up in The Ville and especially out in the state. I live out of state and one great thing about it is I won't have to deal with the UK cr*p. It does take the sting out of it a little and it is nice not being around those idiots for the most part.
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I absolutely feel bad for you all up in The Ville and especially out in the state. I live out of state and one great thing about it is I won't have to deal with the UK cr*p. It does take the sting out of it a little and it is nice not being around those idiots for the most part.

Honestly no sour grapes, but Cards won 5 in a row and no bowl appearances.
We Cards fans know how they feel except the Cards will underperform in a crappy bowl.

Congrats to uofk.
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