How come I don’t feel good about


Jan 26, 2024
the rest of the season? We won last night and I should be happy but my disgust is for this conference I’ve come to hate so much. I don’t feel like we have a chance in most of the upcoming games due to the obvious bias this conferences leadership has for us.
I don’t want to hear how Louisville should play through it and win every game anymore because that’s a dumb take. Officiating matters, especially in key parts of the game when they hit us every game.
You can see the frustration on Brohm knowing it’s coming sooner or later in the game and honestly I wouldn’t blame him for leaving because of the way they call his games.
Just last night, offensive pass interference was allowed to free a BC receiver to run down the sideline wide open. There’s a reason they have a rule receivers can’t go block and not run a route and that was it. Ashton was held numerous times right in front of the official yet they didn’t miss a chance to call holding on us. And of course the picked up flag for pass interference, they didn’t even discuss it, the ref walked up and said pick it up.
I know I’m ranting but something has to be done and I don’t want to hear about it being bad everywhere because no team has a bullseye on its back like Louisville does from the ACC.
the rest of the season? We won last night and I should be happy but my disgust is for this conference I’ve come to hate so much. I don’t feel like we have a chance in most of the upcoming games due to the obvious bias this conferences leadership has for us.
I don’t want to hear how Louisville should play through it and win every game anymore because that’s a dumb take. Officiating matters, especially in key parts of the game when they hit us every game.
You can see the frustration on Brohm knowing it’s coming sooner or later in the game and honestly I wouldn’t blame him for leaving because of the way they call his games.
Just last night, offensive pass interference was allowed to free a BC receiver to run down the sideline wide open. There’s a reason they have a rule receivers can’t go block and not run a route and that was it. Ashton was held numerous times right in front of the official yet they didn’t miss a chance to call holding on us. And of course the picked up flag for pass interference, they didn’t even discuss it, the ref walked up and said pick it up.
I know I’m ranting but something has to be done and I don’t want to hear about it being bad everywhere because no team has a bullseye on its back like Louisville does from the ACC.
Wow, hyperbole so early this AM

Ask UK fans about how the SEC refs have screwed them over the last 10 years or more, they will talk for hours on that subject.

Or ND fans when they lose a game, especially at home.

Or Tx vs TXA&M, or Ok Ok State, or Oregon OSU, Or Ohio St Michigan. You get the picture.

Refs are (I know its hard to believe this) but they are just human beings and as such are not perfect.

I just look for consistency and fairness in their calls.

What are we gonna say when the AI machines are used and put in charge. Now that will be interesting. It is their programming!:rolleyes::oops:;)
Wow, hyperbole so early this AM

Ask UK fans about how the SEC refs have screwed them over the last 10 years or more, they will talk for hours on that subject.

Or ND fans when they lose a game, especially at home.

Or Tx vs TXA&M, or Ok Ok State, or Oregon OSU, Or Ohio St Michigan. You get the picture.

Refs are (I know its hard to believe this) but they are just human beings and as such are not perfect.

I just look for consistency and fairness in their calls.

What are we gonna say when the AI machines are used and put in charge. Now that will be interesting. It is their programming!:rolleyes::oops:;)
To each his own. Taking the high road and acting like something obvious doesn’t exist is up to you.
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To each his own. Taking the high road and acting like something obvious doesn’t exist is up to you.
Oh I recognize that it exists. The only thing I can control is how I choose to react to it.

I say "Next" and just deal with it.

Were you ever a pitcher who just gave up a home run ball? Or a Basketball player that just missed a game winning free throw? Or or or.

Having a short memory and positive can do attitude is essential in sports and in life.

Perfection does not exist and is unrealistic to expect. Life goes on and we move forward.
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Oh I recognize that it exists. The only thing I can control is how I choose to react to it.

I say "Next" and just deal with it.

Were you ever a pitcher who just gave up a home run ball? Or a Basketball player that just missed a game winning free throw? Or or or.

Having a short memory and positive can do attitude is essential in sports and in life.

Perfection does not exist and is unrealistic to expect. Life goes on and we move forward.
All that is true unless there is real cheating going on with the striped shirts. If that ever became a fact publicly, then yes, rants like the OP is legit.

But we know there's never going to be an official scandal of biased refs in these games.
All that is true unless there is real cheating going on with the striped shirts. If that ever became a fact publicly, then yes, rants like the OP is legit.

But we know there's never going to be an official scandal of biased refs in these games.
When enough money is involved we might. Otherwise, maybe, fify, and time will tell....when the wrong outcome or wrong team is the victim....then it could happen.
Oh I recognize that it exists. The only thing I can control is how I choose to react to it.

I say "Next" and just deal with it.

Were you ever a pitcher who just gave up a home run ball? Or a Basketball player that just missed a game winning free throw? Or or or.

Having a short memory and positive can do attitude is essential in sports and in life.

Perfection does not exist and is unrealistic to expect. Life goes on and we move forward.
How do you deal with knowing they are going to call something or reverse something critical on you every game? I’d like to know.
All that is true unless there is real cheating going on with the striped shirts. If that ever became a fact publicly, then yes, rants like the OP is legit.

But we know there's never going to be an official scandal of biased refs in these games.
I’ve got eyes and a brain. I don’t have to be told by the media what is real and what is a lie. That’s what’s wrong with Americans now, they trust the media.
How do you deal with knowing they are going to call something or reverse something critical on you every game? I’d like to know.
I choose not to allow something that is not within my control, to control me.

I choose to either try harder, work smarter, or react to my advantage and not react to the uncontrollable's action....therefore working toward the outcome I desire and not allow any setback to deter me from my goal.

I was not very good at Physics, but one law that I did grasp is this: For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. Realizing that you have in you the awareness and ability to choose your reaction is key in this process.

When I didn't get a call in baseball by the umpire when pitching I refused to let his call affect me negatively. I would just tell myself be better, make a better pitch and not worry about the ump...just play my game and move on....short memory.

I rarely get miffed when a bad call is made by officials. They are imperfect humans just as I am.

'Adapt, Improvise, Overcome.' Famous Gunny quote by Clint E. in one of his many movies...good mantra to live by.
Wow, hyperbole so early this AM

Ask UK fans about how the SEC refs have screwed them over the last 10 years or more, they will talk for hours on that subject.

Or ND fans when they lose a game, especially at home.

Or Tx vs TXA&M, or Ok Ok State, or Oregon OSU, Or Ohio St Michigan. You get the picture.

Refs are (I know its hard to believe this) but they are just human beings and as such are not perfect.

I just look for consistency and fairness in their calls.

What are we gonna say when the AI machines are used and put in charge. Now that will be interesting. It is their programming!:rolleyes::oops:;)
Officiating is horrible but it’s not isolated to just UofL ask Texas about their game last week. But the ACC seems to have some bizarre calls or lack of calls.
I choose not to allow something that is not within my control, to control me.

I choose to either try harder, work smarter, or react to my advantage and not react to the uncontrollable's action....therefore working toward the outcome I desire and not allow any setback to deter me from my goal.

I was not very good at Physics, but one law that I did grasp is this: For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. Realizing that you have in you the awareness and ability to choose your reaction is key in this process.

When I didn't get a call in baseball by the umpire when pitching I refused to let his call affect me negatively. I would just tell myself be better, make a better pitch and not worry about the ump...just play my game and move on....short memory.

I rarely get miffed when a bad call is made by officials. They are imperfect humans just as I am.

'Adapt, Improvise, Overcome.' Famous Gunny quote by Clint E. in one of his many movies...good mantra to live by.
Would you be miffed if it came out that there was a conspiracy by the refs to advance certain teams over others?

It's really not that complicated. Either you believe these are just inferior refs and it's pure coincidence that Louisville is a victim over and over, or you believe there's something going on with these refs in these games.

I don't know. I find it difficult to believe there's actual favoritism going on, but in this era of corruption and disingenuiness, maybe it is. I've never seen it this bad before. Sure, there's been horrible calls by the refs for decades, but it was clearly just a random thing. Today, it's everything but random.

I agree Louisville still should have won the games they lost despite the officiating, had they played better. However, something is going on this season and if Louisville gets hosed in the Clemson game, I think there's going to be reactions a little stronger than being miffed.
I choose not to allow something that is not within my control, to control me.

I choose to either try harder, work smarter, or react to my advantage and not react to the uncontrollable's action....therefore working toward the outcome I desire and not allow any setback to deter me from my goal.

I was not very good at Physics, but one law that I did grasp is this: For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. Realizing that you have in you the awareness and ability to choose your reaction is key in this process.

When I didn't get a call in baseball by the umpire when pitching I refused to let his call affect me negatively. I would just tell myself be better, make a better pitch and not worry about the ump...just play my game and move on....short memory.

I rarely get miffed when a bad call is made by officials. They are imperfect humans just as I am.

'Adapt, Improvise, Overcome.' Famous Gunny quote by Clint E. in one of his many movies...good mantra to live by.
We seem to live in a culture that if our favorite politician loses, the election is rigged. If our favorite team loses, the officiating is rigged, and so on. nothing is fair and square, a mental desease. Last night our defense played with a lot of energy and with the exception of 4 plays in short situations where we allowed four uncovered receivers, they did well.
Ask UK fans about how the SEC refs have screwed them over the last 10 years or more, they will talk for hours on that subject…
My biggest issue with blaming officials for our results—we look like common slapd!cks.

Not to mention, it’s a convenient excuse for your own poor play…
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Jeez this is a stupid topic that thrills the conspiracy loons I guess.

Nobody was more pissed watching horrible calls and missed calls go against my beloved Cards this year (and before) but if you can’t understand that most of these officials are much more incompetent (= not well paid) than biased, well, you’re just ignorant or even worse, willfully ignorant.

There were totally horrible calls against BC last night as well as Virginia and Georgia Tech before. Watch the games over again and you’ll see. Has it been more calls this year that have gone against us than the other guys? Sure but just because you didn’t get the result (or the money that you thought you’d win because it sucks), is really such an immature take but let’s blame someone else for what sucks for you. It’s rigged if it doesn’t go my way 🥲.

Just imagine how incredibly weird it is that you think the ACC hates Louisville so much that is has passed the orders down to the league referees.
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