Houston/Navy game

Big stop for Houston there. Bad play call by Navy. FG could have iced it.
That safety may have sealed the deal for Navy. They will also receive the ball.
Houston needs 11 points to win. 5 mins to go and Navy has the ball.Unless Navy has a complete meltdown . The shine on the Thursday nite game is all but mute now.
Makes the Clemson loss that more sickening, this is what Cards did not need to happen whatsoever. They are practically pretty much less than 1% getting in now.
Houston losing is not, I repeat, is not a big deal. Cards just need to keep putting up points, laying waste to opponents. All good. Plenty of football between now and that game. A lot can happen.


Task is for Louisville under Petrino to go "Old School" it Up....
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We don't want Houston to go in the tank. But as long as they're a respectable opponent, it will help beating them. (And if don't beat them, we're just wasting bandwidth...)
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I've been saying the same thing all week. BEat everybody by 50+ points. Keep Lamar atop the Heisman race, make Louisville "must see tv" for the rest of the nation.

If we handle our business the "Worst Possible" outcome is the Orange Bowl against Tennessee-(i.e. the Marquis Maybin Bowl)...Finish the Regular Season at 11-1 and see what happens.
What makes you think Louisville can make the playoffs with Houston losing
Easy. If the Cards take care of business against the teams that lead up to the game against Houston, they would be a top 5 team. Would they not? Now that Houston has lost to Navy, this somehow means the Cards are going to drop in the polls? Making the playoff was always going to depend on the other P5 teams results, not the Cards beating Houston. Even if Houston was undefeated when the Cards played them and we beat them by 20, we still may not get in the playoff if Washington and Baylor go undefeated.

If the Cards continue to dominate the schedule they will be right up there at the top. If the Pac 12 and Big 12 winners have 2 losses we're in. It won't matter at all if Houston winds up 9-3. Louisville already has the respect of the voters and the public. They didn't need Houston to be undefeated to garner that attention. Just win out and hope other P5 teams lose.
Easy. If the Cards take care of business against the teams that lead up to the game against Houston, they would be a top 5 team. Would they not? Now that Houston has lost to Navy, this somehow means the Cards are going to drop in the polls? Making the playoff was always going to depend on the other P5 teams results, not the Cards beating Houston. Even if Houston was undefeated when the Cards played them and we beat them by 20, we still may not get in the playoff if Washington and Baylor go undefeated.

If the Cards continue to dominate the schedule they will be right up there at the top. If the Pac 12 and Big 12 winners have 2 losses we're in. It won't matter at all if Houston winds up 9-3. Louisville already has the respect of the voters and the public. They didn't need Houston to be undefeated to garner that attention. Just win out and hope other P5 teams lose.
Houston losing is not, I repeat, is not a big deal. Cards just need to keep putting up points, laying waste to opponents. All good. Plenty of football between now and that game. A lot can happen.
Houston's Thursday night home game against Louisville on Nov. 17 has already been sold out but, with the loss to Navy, the buzz surrounding that game has been diminished. It doesn't help Louisville's chances of sneaking into the top four if it doesn't win a conference championship because the rest of the Cardinals' schedule doesn't currently include any other ranked opponents.

A win at Houston is still certainly respectable for Louisville, which is looking up at Clemson in the ACC's Atlantic Division standings, but it just won't carry the same weight as it would have had the Cougars been fighting for a playoff spot. On the flip side, a loss at Houston would certainly end Louisville's semifinal hopes ESPN
Your question was "what makes you think Louisville can make the playoffs with Houston losing?"

The ESPN article said nothing about U of L not making the playoffs. It stands to reason that our SOS needs to be as strong as possible, meaning the teams on our schedule need to win as many as possible. There's no minimum standard for that.

We also need to win convincingly. And the one-loss teams competing against us just the opposite of everything we want to do. There is no one game deal-breaker halfway thru the season...