Just looking for some semblance of rationality for the last guy on Earth to recognize that it's the money that matters. At this point, I'm at a loss for any other explanation.
Really? At what point did anyone say that money doesn't matter? Your hyperbole and redirection just highlights that you have lost your own argument. Our disagreement was never about if money mattered, it was where that money goes, how is it allocated, etc. You are the one advocating teams should not be paid, not me.
I think what you are a loss for is the fact that someone has not only disagreed with you, but was able to do so in a calm, logical, methodical, and fact-based way... something I don't think you are used to. Or maybe it was simply that someone gave you the time of day... that might be a novelty as well.
As an interloper, you could also show a little gratitude for a guy with my reputation to have kept his "LPT" comments to himself for 15-20 posts on the topic. Remember I could have simply attacked at the outset.
Ha, you really are quite full of yourself. I'm no interloper, sure I have not been on the boards as long as you, but I have been here long enough to establish I am no homer. I am well aware of your reputation, it goes well beyond your obsession of UK (note, I did not bring SEC or UK into this conversation, you did). Your ego, condescension, and arrogance proceed you... and that has nothing to do with a fan base. And you should not be commended for holding off attacks for 15-20 posts, we were having an adult conversation until you got desperate. The mere fact of being decent is not praise worthy. Your loss of logic was as predictable as it was pathetic.
You and I agree on many points, even points within this thread, but you are blinded by your own sense of self worth.
It is interesting how that identifier is shared by posters who mysteriously have trouble here. The type of thing that causes one to just say "hmmm." If nothing else, you get credit for at least admitting it.
I can't speak for Ghost, but I have no trouble here. Based on his post and likes count, he doesn't either. As far as "admitting" it, if you don't recognize blatant sarcasm you might want to just unplug your computer.