Here’s everything I know about yesterday


May 16, 2020
Mount Washington, Ky
Okay so, as many of you know, I was the first person to publicly catch wind of Satterfield’s status after the meetings yesterday.

And after having caught up on as much conversation as I could (both on this board, 247, and Twitter), I decided I wanted to drop in here and lay out everything I had.

There’s a ton of misinformation, shit-slinging, and everything else going right now. And I wanted to share the few pieces of this puzzle I know to be true.

Before I do though, a few notes:

First, I want to make note that I do not work for Rivals or

I did consult with them for a short period (hence my profile still having a staff badge) but I am simply friend of the site. I do enjoy contributing when I have time, mostly just film breakdowns and opinion-based feedback.

But I’m in no way an official representative.

Second, I’m not a member of the media in any way.

To give some very quick background: My first “grownup” job actually started in the sports performance industry (I actually worked under Charlie Strong as a Strength & Conditioning coach) and now i work as a behind-the-scenes Strategist for a few multi-million dollar companies.

And I only say that to make it clear neither my income nor reputation is in ANY way affected by local sports drama or narratives.

I couldn’t care less that I was the “first” (to hear how the meeting went) or any of that shit.

But, since I was, while I don’t know it all, here’s what I can tell you all.

Do with it what you want.


First, let’s get the Brohm side of the equation out of the way.

While I want to be careful sharing too much about my “source” (who is actually just a friend, calling him a source feels silly lol), I can tell you that he is closer to the Brohm’s than he is Louisville. Although he has deep, personal, and direct connections with both.

And I say that to say this:

Anyone telling you that Brohm’s interest is just a rumor is outright incorrect.

He was never *officially* approached, this is true, but the interest was known and understood. Outwardly everyone was under the understanding that there was no HC vacancy at Louisville. But inwardly the whole “the Brohm stuff is all rumor” is false.

If a vacancy did appear, conversations would have been had and happily engaged in by all parties (UofL and Brohm).

Anyone who says otherwise is incorrect. A lot of people are using the lack of *official* approach to disregard the Brohm side altogether. But, as I’ve said, while I don’t know everything, I know that to be fact.

Second, let’s touch on Tyra and Neeli.

This is the part where I don’t know the whole story regarding who is “at fault” or made the decision or any of that.

The point of this post is to not hypothesize or share opinion, so instead I’m going to share the two things I do know related to that situation.

Which is:

1) Neeli is under the impression that Brohm is too “old louisville” and doesn’t like it.

2) She does not love Tyra and (as I’ve been told) has referred to him as a redneck.

You can extrapolate those however you wish. But please know I don’t actually know who called the shots yesterday or made the final call.

And, while I won’t speculate, I will say what I’ve heard lines up precisely with what Ty has been reporting.

I can also confirm, that Satterfield’s status (despite being secure pre-UK game) was very much in the air yesterday. This is also not a rumor.

Third, here is what I’ve been told about staff additions:

There will almost assuredly be an OC and co-DC hired this off-season.

This is to address the clear and obvious issues seen this season with slow adjustments (both offensively and defensively).

I don’t know if this would mean someone is let go, but it does seem that Bryan Brown will be retained and there would be someone brought in to work in tandem with him as a true co-DC. And if not that, it’ll be a position coach whom has heavy influence.

There wasn’t much said about the OC situation, so I won’t speculate there. Once again, I want to leave all speculation out here.

Fourth, I totally realize this flies in the face of the narrative being pushed by a handful of insiders over at 247 and on Twitter.

This part I almost didn’t want to comment on, but felt it was important to mention so this stuff quit being so “he said, she said” or “this side vs that” and more about fitting the pieces together.

I have no doubt those insiders who are doubting the reports here are great people with great intel.

But I can confirm they simply weren’t looped in.

And, in fact, if you go back and look at what many of those insiders wrote this past week (like Timbo from 247), it was a lot of “I don’t know, everyone I’ve talked to doesn’t know.”

They all admitted to not being keyed in. So I don’t fault them for that still being the case. Let’s try to avoid attacking people (who openly admitted to not knowing) for still being out of the loop.

Finally, I’ll end with this.

Yesterday I was asked what I thought would happen next in this whole debacle. And I thought it would be a good way to finish this post.

“I have no idea what happens next, but everything I’ve said is what has happened so far.”

Anyway, that’s all I got y’all.

Go Cards.
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