A university is not, or should not be, an athletic enterprise with an educational institution attached...
That's the other extreme, and I never said that. If it's $100+ million in revenue, it ain't "insignificant" (your word).
...As stated above, I would prefer that the president stay out of athletics to the extent possible and focus on her real job...
Well you're getting your wish on that one. Miss Towson State is basically a mystery figure while her inexperienced AD is still trying to learn how to manage a crisis with no money to work with. So how's the last couple of years been going?
...You cite revenue when you want to declare athletics critical to the university mission, but hang your hat in “net position” when you wish to complain about the university leadership...
Again, YOU said athletics was insignificant. And I presented you with how much money it brings to the University. YOU don't know how much of that revenue--if any--would be coming to U of L without athletics. Tens of millions in payroll, student aid, sponsorships and media, etc.
...Since that net position is negative, isn’t athletics less important than the other revenue you cite?
A public university is a nonprofit. Revenue streams individually or in aggregate have offsetting expenses. If expenses exceed revenues as with athletics, your net position goes down. The same is true if it costs more to educate students than U of L receives as tuition and aid. If you wanna attempt to show mini income statements for all of these revenue sources, be my guest.
You do NOT properly fix a few million operating deficit in athletics by shutting it down and killing a $130 million revenue stream. That's suicide. You raise a few million more or cut that much in expenses...