Hailey Van Lith makes Olympic 3x3 team

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Serious question! When and why is there 3x3 in the Olympics 😂? What is next round the world, 21, knockout?.
If so I won a 3x3 jamboree back in day where’s my medal 😂
There's break dancing in this Olympics, too, which wouldn't seem odd, if this were 1984. What's next, I wonder. Competitive air guitar?
Serious question! When and why is there 3x3 in the Olympics 😂? What is next round the world, 21, knockout?.
If so I won a 3x3 jamboree back in day where’s my medal 😂
the olympics tries to be a reflection of what's going on around the world. 3x3 has been around a long time and with Ice Cube's league it hit the big time. 3x3 can basically be played in any country by any group of kids on jsut about any hard surface. whereas baseball was eliminated, but now coming back though, because majority of the world can't play baseball easily. break dancing is world wide and competitions are everywhere. just because your too old to do it doesn't make it something kids everywhere don't do. there are tons of break dancing competition videos on fb and tik tok. watch what the asian kids are doing, it's crazy. if you're going to question why these sports are there, then why not question also why is bobsledding a sport? probably less than 0.00000000000000000000001% of the people in the world have ever been in a bobsled and it provides nothing to the human race. it's an engineering competition and yet an olympic sport? when were the ancient greeks bobsledding on the greek aisles? why is there synchronized swimming? i've never heard of a single kid in history playing synchronized swimming in their back yard or at the pool? when have you ever heard of kids getting together for a good game of bobsledding or syschronized swimming? but kids play 3x3 everyday around the world. kids breakdance everyday around the world. so obviosuly the folks questioning why these are sports are the get of my lawn type of guys who don't understand the world is different from 40 years ago. and i'll bet the 3x3 competition turns out to be all of your's favorite, hilariously enough
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the olympics tries to be a reflection of what's going on around the world. 3x3 has been around a long time and with Ice Cube's league it hit the big time. 3x3 can basically be played in any country by any group of kids on jsut about any hard surface. whereas baseball was eliminated, but now coming back though, because majority of the world can't play baseball easily. break dancing is world wide and competitions are everywhere. just because your too old to do it doesn't make it something kids everywhere don't do. there are tons of break dancing competition videos on fb and tik tok. watch what the asian kids are doing, it's crazy. if you're going to question why these sports are there, then why not question also why is bobsledding a sport? probably less than 0.00000000000000000000001% of the people in the world have ever been in a bobsled and it provides nothing to the human race. it's an engineering competition and yet an olympic sport? when were the ancient greeks bobsledding on the greek aisles? why is there synchronized swimming? i've never heard of a single kid in history playing synchronized swimming in their back yard or at the pool? when have you ever heard of kids getting together for a good game of bobsledding or syschronized swimming? but kids play 3x3 everyday around the world. kids breakdance everyday around the world. so obviosuly the folks questioning why these are sports are the get of my lawn type of guys who don't understand the world is different from 40 years ago. and i'll bet the 3x3 competition turns out to be all of your's favorite, hilariously
Your points would come across so much easier if it didn’t appear to be a ridiculed filled rant.
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Good for HVL she is going to need the exposure since she is going to be playing at TCU next season. I have never seen the TCU men’s basketball team on TV much less their women’s team.
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the olympics tries to be a reflection of what's going on around the world. 3x3 has been around a long time and with Ice Cube's league it hit the big time. 3x3 can basically be played in any country by any group of kids on jsut about any hard surface. whereas baseball was eliminated, but now coming back though, because majority of the world can't play baseball easily. break dancing is world wide and competitions are everywhere. just because your too old to do it doesn't make it something kids everywhere don't do. there are tons of break dancing competition videos on fb and tik tok. watch what the asian kids are doing, it's crazy. if you're going to question why these sports are there, then why not question also why is bobsledding a sport? probably less than 0.00000000000000000000001% of the people in the world have ever been in a bobsled and it provides nothing to the human race. it's an engineering competition and yet an olympic sport? when were the ancient greeks bobsledding on the greek aisles? why is there synchronized swimming? i've never heard of a single kid in history playing synchronized swimming in their back yard or at the pool? when have you ever heard of kids getting together for a good game of bobsledding or syschronized swimming? but kids play 3x3 everyday around the world. kids breakdance everyday around the world. so obviosuly the folks questioning why these are sports are the get of my lawn type of guys who don't understand the world is different from 40 years ago. and i'll bet the 3x3 competition turns out to be all of your's favorite, hilariously enough
Bobsledding rocks!

Harken back to the days of my youth during the Cold War. East vs. West, along with the neutral Swiss seeing who could out-engineer and out-maneuver the other the other. All of them flying down an icy chute at incredible speeds. It has to be an incredible rush. All we had was beer and gravel roads.

All of that aside, 3 on 3 is a great game where the floor is more open to passing, pick and roll and ball movement. My best HVL in her efforts.