Gritty effort by UL WCB team

Go online to buy your VB FF TKTS at Yum on resale mkt: My Gosh! Can't afford that!

But there's a legitimate possibility the Cards will be here playing in the FF.
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The crowd size was pretty darn good at 7:00. By the time UofL played it was somewhere around 9:30+. Other fans stayed only so long and kids eventually had to leave with school the next day. Again, UofL should have been plugged into the time slot that accommodated UofL fans.
I will take a crack at actual butt attendance. I was there from one hour before the doubleheader started until 10 minutes after the Cards-Badgers game ended.

The max butts were approx 8000. And that's being slightly generous.

Lots of kids and lots of Husker fans.

The upper level was entirely closed.

The suite level had about 100 fans combined in all the suites

The mistake in planning this was in not running the Cards-Badgers game first.
Agree with everything - except - the upper section on the West side was open and had people in it. Seems like tickets sere purchased but people didn’t show up. Why have that area open when the lower level isn’t sold out? Sort of odd.
Agree with everything - except - the upper section on the West side was open and had people in it. Seems like tickets sere purchased but people didn’t show up. Why have that area open when the lower level isn’t sold out? Sort of odd.
Interesting. I couldn't see the west side upper. Since I was in west side lower.
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I wish we had more in attendance being on a week night definitely effected the attendance. I am out of town and did not know the game was on. I went to YouTube and watched the highlights and will watch the whole match when it is posted. We definitely looked good in the highlights.

To me Charitie Luper is the best athlete on the team with her vertical leap and physical attributes. The best VB player on the team is Anna DeBeer. Elena Scott has always been great at digging the ball but she had some really good sets for us to score on. This was a really impressive win against a marquee program. It will be interesting to compare the attendance on a weekend game as opposed to a week day game.
I wish we had more in attendance being on a week night definitely effected the attendance. I am out of town and did not know the game was on. I went to YouTube and watched the highlights and will watch the whole match when it is posted. We definitely looked good in the highlights.

To me Charitie Luper is the best athlete on the team with her vertical leap and physical attributes. The best VB player on the team is Anna DeBeer. Elena Scott has always been great at digging the ball but she had some really good sets for us to score on. This was a really impressive win against a marquee program. It will be interesting to compare the attendance on a weekend game as opposed to a week day game.
Luper, DeBeer and Scott played great. They all played well when it was crucial. There were many many service errors by both teams in the match. Honestly more than I've seen. Probably due to its being basically first game of season.

The 3 you mentioned played with fire.

I am guessing attendance would have been better if the Cards-Badgers match had been at 7pm.
The official attendance was 9,280 but the crowd was smaller towards the end. The reason being is the match didn’t end until after midnight. I am sure that had to do with ESPN scheduling but if you are going to have games that late do it on a Friday or Saturday night.

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