Unfortunately, I've been in various situations over the years where I have had to deal with a number of lawyers. And I have NEVER had a lawyer call the type of evidence that's being thrown around in this matter anything but hearsay. Namely because it can't be independently proven or disproven. Were all of the lawyers I have interacted with incompetent, at least on what constitutes hearsay evidence? I doubt it. Are lawyers a little careless referring to hearsay evidence? Perhaps.
But is it a rose by any other name? Sure it is. And that's the point... Because Lyle said it happened doesn't make it so. And his word is no better than Luke Hancock's saying, in effect, I know what went on in Minardi, and that didn't go on. So which guy's right, your honor?
Now, can the NCAA choose to believe whichever guy it wants to? Absolutely. But if the situation is like I described, it has nothing to do with the quality of the evidence. Except for text messages still waiting to be verified, all of this stuff is what I've always heard referred to as "hearsay". You call it what you want if you don't like the word...it doesn't change the quality of the evidence.
And I completely understand why an LPT fan would want to call it something better than hearsay--to try to make it better evidence. That's why your opinion on the subject means next-to-nothing.
Hearsay is not "rumor" or "innuendo" BTW.
And for the record, Pitino mentioned the word "hearsay" at the tip-off dinner today.
"Elite program", my a$$...