Saturday’s was 47,067.
Prior to Austin Peay, we were averaging 50,806 for the thirteen season openers dating back to the expansion of the stadium to 55,000 in 2010. That omits the Covid season (2020).
Of course, there have been some good teams in the openers. If we just look at the Murray State (twice), Ohio, Houston, Charlotte, Indiana State, and EKU games, the average dropped to 47,729.
Further limiting the data to pre/post 2017 for those seven games, the averages were respectively 51,159 and 43,155. Including all opponents pre/post 2017, the averages were 53,296 and 46,822.
Football attendance took a big hit after 2017, and hasn’t fully recovered esp. considering the new amenities. But the Austin Peay opener was better than we had been averaging recently for a team of that caliber. There were 1,800 more fans Saturday than Brohm’s opener against Murray State last year.
Prior to Austin Peay, we were averaging 50,806 for the thirteen season openers dating back to the expansion of the stadium to 55,000 in 2010. That omits the Covid season (2020).
Of course, there have been some good teams in the openers. If we just look at the Murray State (twice), Ohio, Houston, Charlotte, Indiana State, and EKU games, the average dropped to 47,729.
Further limiting the data to pre/post 2017 for those seven games, the averages were respectively 51,159 and 43,155. Including all opponents pre/post 2017, the averages were 53,296 and 46,822.
Football attendance took a big hit after 2017, and hasn’t fully recovered esp. considering the new amenities. But the Austin Peay opener was better than we had been averaging recently for a team of that caliber. There were 1,800 more fans Saturday than Brohm’s opener against Murray State last year.

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