Now on CBS explaining the current situation makes it abundantly clear that we screwed up by being proactive and honest about our transgressions. He's basically saying that the NCAA is not an investigatory entity and it is put upon the Universities themselves to be that body. In this present case it is the FBI supplying the goods. But the bottom line, you screw up, which we acknowledge we did, and are honest and even proactive yourself, you have basically given NCAA all the goods and they could care less about your honesty. Thanks for the info BUT........ We all knew this, but by his explanation it verifies the situation.As I type, a question is posed to him about Miller and Arizona and AGAIN he states it's up to the school to investigate, police and possibly offer a proactive solution. LOL.Zip it is the word with these clowns. I'm a proponent of being an honest person and admitting my sins and thought AT THE TIME it was good judgement on our part to be proactive. But with how this stuff is layed out, I'm not so sure. OHHHHHHHH NOW our situation is brought up and get this. It was US, not them or anybody else who make the judgements as to whether we lose all that we lost. So basically WE, The University of Louisville made the judgement to vacate the NC, Final 4 etc. You believe that BS?