About once a month I listen to his show. I made it a point to listen to it today with the Code news breaking last night. He barely referenced it within the first ten minutes and then at the 12:30 break. Stating both times he would be discussing during today’s show.
But, surprise, surprise, he never got around to talking about it. Simply unbelievable. If Code would have been dumping on Louisville last night? Eaves would have had Bozo, Sully and Beard on for a verbal orgy bashing the Cards today. But, instead it was Kentucky. So, crickets.
But, surprise, surprise, he never got around to talking about it. Simply unbelievable. If Code would have been dumping on Louisville last night? Eaves would have had Bozo, Sully and Beard on for a verbal orgy bashing the Cards today. But, instead it was Kentucky. So, crickets.