David Teel: 9-game conference football schedule possible for ACC

So July 1st is the deadline on if ACC and ESPN can come to an agreement for an ACC Network? I'm thinking ESPN would rather start an ACC Network instead of paying the conference that much money, it'll be pretty interesting 3 weeks leading up to July 1st.
So July 1st is the deadline on if ACC and ESPN can come to an agreement for an ACC Network? I'm thinking ESPN would rather start an ACC Network instead of paying the conference that much money, it'll be pretty interesting 3 weeks leading up to July 1st.

I don't think you could use the "ACC" name without paying the ACC and it's members a boatload of money for the use of that moniker.

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And what exactly is uahkay's contribution to this $ecN money? I'll tell you what . . . NOTHING, NADA, ZIP and ZERO. It must be nice being a welfare recipient in their conference. I'd think that uahkay (and Vandy) would be just a little bit nervous that their "conference brothers" just might get damned sick and tired of handing all of that money to either of them. If I were uahkay and Vandy I'd push for a GOR just to protect my money grubbing ass before I found myself knocking on the door of another conference for membership.

GO CARDS - BEAT EVERYBODY!!! God Bless America!!!

UK brings a guaranteed win to their SEC conference brethren. There's a lot to be said for having a school on your schedule that you know you will beat 90 percent of the time you play them (100% for Florida).