Congrats to Coach Walz…400 wins!!

Feb 3, 2014
Coach picked up his 400th win today with the victory by the Lady Cards over Boston College. I always wonder how he would do as a men’s BB coach. I know all the skills don’t translate but when I watch him draw up (and his team executes) out of bounds plays and when I watch the intensity these girls apply defense it does pose this question: If Coach Walz and Coach Mack divided up the men’s players in draft form and you gave them three weeks to prepare for a five game series, who would win? I think I’d put my money on CJW.
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I think CCM would win now if you divided the women’s team up and gave half to CCM and half to CJW then I would pick CJW to win that one.
Thank God for Walz, Dan McDonnell, Busboom Kelly, and a handful of others left in athletics from the past...